Ironbound Confederacy

The Ironbound Confederacy is a formidable naval power characterized by its advanced technology, rigid societal structure, and deep-rooted cultural values. Originating from the harsh southern tundra, the Carnes developed a society built around massive, self-sustaining Dreadnaughts, which serve as both mobile cities and warships. These vessels—most notably Cassandra, Elisa, and Alexandra—are the heart of Carnes civilization, housing their population, government, and military might.   The Confederacy is governed by the Iron Council, an oligarchic body composed of military officials, technocrats, and representatives from the major Dreadnaughts. The High Admiral, currently Sylas Ironfist, leads the Iron Council and holds significant influence over defense and foreign policy decisions. The Council oversees various divisions, including the Council of Admirals, which manages naval operations, and the Technocrat Committee, responsible for maintaining and advancing the Confederacy's technological edge.   Carnes culture is deeply influenced by their naval lifestyle and the challenges of survival in harsh environments. Family and inheritance are central, with traditions like passing down family firearms through generations symbolizing a commitment to heritage and defense. The Carnes society is also highly stratified, with a clear hierarchy that mirrors their military organization, where engineers, scientists, and military leaders hold significant influence.   Innovation is a core value for the Carnes, driven by their need to maintain and improve the advanced technology of their Dreadnaughts. However, their understanding of this technology is limited to maintenance and repair, as much of it is inherited from a past era. This has led to a culture of preservation and cautious use of their technological assets, knowing that much of it cannot be recreated.   The public agenda of the Ironbound Confederacy is focused on ensuring their sovereignty, advancing their technological capabilities, and maintaining economic stability. Defense remains a top priority, with efforts concentrated on preserving their naval superiority and protecting their territories from external threats. The Confederacy also emphasizes unity and social cohesion, understanding that their survival depends on the collective strength and cooperation of their people.   In terms of assets, the Confederacy's most significant resources are their Dreadnaughts, which enable their dominance at sea and provide a mobile base for their population. The loss of the legendary Sinclair Dreadnaught during the War of Ruin was a significant blow, but the remaining vessels, along with advanced technologies like the D.E.R.M.I.S. (Dynamic Exoskeletal Reinforced Mechanized Infantry Suits) and Whirlwings (rotary-wing aircraft), continue to uphold their military and technological edge. However, these assets are finite and irreplaceable, making their preservation crucial to the Confederacy's continued power.   The Carnes maintain a complex web of diplomatic relations, balancing their need for resources with their strategic interests. While they engage in trade and negotiations, their naval and technological superiority makes them both respected and feared by other nations. The Confederacy's laws are strict, with the Iron Council crafting and enforcing regulations that ensure order and discipline within their society. Law enforcement is carried out by the Naval Command, supported by a judicial system that interprets and adjudicates these laws with little room for leniency.   The Ironbound Confederacy's territory is unique, centered around their mobile Dreadnaughts and the decaying city of Cranesworth, once a symbol of their engineering prowess. Cranesworth now serves as a semi-permanent land base, controlled by various factions and gangs, and plays a significant role in the Confederacy's economic and logistical network. The Vainglory Sea, Ironbound Bay, and other strategic locations like the Sinclair Ruins and the Frostbite Tundra are integral parts of their domain, reflecting both their past glories and their current challenges. The Confederacy's military remains a formidable force, with a focus on naval dominance, advanced mechanized suits, and specialized infantry units that ensure their continued strength in a world where they are the sole possessors of such advanced technology.


The Carnes' organizational structure is deeply rooted in their history as a waterborne society that evolved from the harsh tundra into a powerful naval force. Their society is meticulously structured, with a rigid hierarchy that ensures both the efficient operation of their massive Dreadnaughts and the preservation of their cultural and military traditions.   At the pinnacle of Carnes society is the Iron Council, the central governing body that oversees the entire Confederacy. This oligarchic council is composed of the most influential figures within Carnes society, including high-ranking military officials, technocrats, and representatives from the major Dreadnaughts: Alexandra, Elisa, and Cassandra. The Iron Council operates as a collective decision-making body, but the High Admiral holds significant sway over the final judgments, particularly in matters of defense and foreign policy. The current High Admiral, Sylas Ironfist, is a seasoned leader whose strategic acumen and unyielding resolve have ensured the Confederacy's dominance at sea.   Beneath the Iron Council are several key divisions that manage different aspects of Carnes society. The Council of Admirals is responsible for overseeing naval operations and coordinating the defense strategies of the Confederacy. This council includes the Admirals who command the major Dreadnaughts, ensuring that the fleet operates as a cohesive unit. The Admirals are not only military leaders but also key political figures, wielding considerable influence within the Iron Council.   The Technocrat Committee is another critical component of the Carnes organizational structure. This body is composed of the leading engineers, scientists, and technologists within the Confederacy. Their primary responsibility is to advance the technological edge of the Carnes, overseeing research and development projects that ensure the continuous operation and innovation of their Dreadnaughts. The Technocrat Committee is also responsible for maintaining the advanced weaponry and mechanical systems that keep the Carnes fleet at the forefront of naval warfare.   Economic affairs within the Confederacy are managed by the Economic Directorate, a division that handles trade, resource allocation, and economic policies. Given the Carnes' reliance on external trade for many of their resources, the Directorate plays a crucial role in maintaining the Confederacy's economic stability. This division ensures that the flow of goods and resources remains uninterrupted, which is vital for the operation of the Dreadnaughts and the overall well-being of the population.   The Council of Elders represents the traditional and cultural aspects of Carnes society. This group consists of respected senior figures from various families and clans within the Confederacy. While they hold no formal military power, their role is to provide counsel on matters of law, tradition, and social order. The Council of Elders ensures that the rapid technological advancements and military focus of the Confederacy do not erode the cultural identity and long-standing traditions of the Carnes people.   On the ground level, the organizational structure extends to the individual Dreadnaughts, each of which operates as a semi-autonomous entity under the broader command of the Iron Council. Each Dreadnaught has its own chain of command, with a Dreadnaught Admiral at the top, supported by a hierarchy of officers who manage the day-to-day operations, military readiness, and civilian life aboard the ship. The Dreadnaughts also house various guilds and specialized units that contribute to the overall functioning of the Confederacy, from scientific research teams to elite special forces units trained for the most dangerous missions.


Carnes culture is a complex tapestry woven from their origins in the harsh southern tundra and their evolution into a formidable naval power aboard massive Dreadnaughts. It is a culture defined by resilience, tradition, and a deep-seated belief in the importance of unity and innovation. These values permeate every aspect of Carnes life, from their social customs and family structures to their military practices and technological advancements.   Family and Inheritance Family is the cornerstone of Carnes society, with a strong emphasis on lineage and heritage. One of the most distinctive aspects of Carnes culture is the tradition of family firearms, which are passed down through generations. These weapons are not merely tools of defense but symbols of a family's legacy and status. It is considered a grave dishonor for a family to have more children than they possess firearms, as each child is expected to inherit a weapon that signifies their place within the family and their readiness to defend their people.   The Carnes also place a significant emphasis on ensuring that family lines continue, which leads to a pragmatic approach to relationships. While homosexuality is accepted within Carnes society, there is a strong societal expectation for individuals to produce heirs. This often results in arranged relationships or marriages for the purpose of procreation, after which individuals are free to pursue personal relationships as they see fit. This practice underscores the Carnes' focus on continuity and the preservation of family lines.   Social Hierarchy and Roles Carnes society is highly structured, with a clear social hierarchy that mirrors their military organization. At the top of the social ladder are the ruling families and military leaders, who command great respect and wield significant power. These leaders are responsible for guiding the Confederacy, making decisions that impact both the military and civilian aspects of Carnes life.   The Carnes are also a deeply technocratic society, valuing innovation and technological prowess. Engineers, scientists, and technologists hold a special place in Carnes culture, as their work is seen as vital to the survival and advancement of the Confederacy. This respect for technological expertise is reflected in the prominence of the Technocrat Committee within the Iron Council, as well as the esteem held by those who contribute to the maintenance and development of the Dreadnaughts.   Traditions and Superstitions Carnes culture is rich with traditions and superstitions, many of which are tied to their seafaring lifestyle and their history of survival in harsh environments. One of the most enduring superstitions is the belief that albatrosses are symbols of good fortune and safe passage at sea. This belief is so ingrained in Carnes culture that the sighting of an albatross is often seen as a blessing, especially before a long voyage or a major military operation.   Conversely, redheads and bananas are considered omens of bad luck, a belief that influences everything from daily interactions to the decisions made during naval expeditions. For instance, it is considered unwise to allow a redheaded person to be the first to board a ship or to bring bananas on board before setting sail.   Another cultural practice involves the phrase "son of a gun," which is a term of endearment used among close comrades, often signifying someone who was born aboard a ship. This phrase highlights the deep bond and camaraderie that exists among the Carnes, especially those who have spent their lives at sea.   Martial Culture and Honor The Carnes are a martial people, with a culture that places great importance on military service and the defense of their society. From a young age, individuals are trained in the use of firearms and other weapons, with an emphasis on discipline, strategy, and the protection of the Confederacy. This martial culture is not only a necessity, given the constant threats they face from rival nations and origins, but also a source of pride.   Honor plays a crucial role in Carnes culture, especially within the military. Acts of bravery and loyalty are highly valued, and those who distinguish themselves in battle are often celebrated as heroes. However, the Carnes' sense of honor is not rigid; it is tempered by a pragmatic understanding of the need for survival and the greater good of the Confederacy. This balance between honor and practicality is a defining feature of their military ethos.   Innovation and Adaptation Innovation is a core value in Carnes culture, driven by their need to constantly adapt to the challenges of their environment and the demands of naval warfare. This emphasis on innovation is evident in the way they have continuously upgraded their Dreadnaughts and weaponry, ensuring that they remain at the cutting edge of technology.   The Carnes' approach to innovation is collaborative, with guilds and research teams working together to solve problems and develop new technologies. This culture of collaboration extends beyond the scientific and technological realms, influencing how the Carnes approach governance, military strategy, and even their social interactions.   Cultural Resilience and Unity Above all, Carnes culture is characterized by resilience and unity. These qualities have allowed them to survive and thrive in some of the most inhospitable environments and to maintain their society despite the many challenges they face. The Carnes' sense of unity is reinforced by their communal living aboard the Dreadnaughts, where cooperation and mutual support are essential for survival.   This unity is also reflected in the way the Carnes view themselves as a people. They see their society as a collective force, bound together by shared traditions, values, and goals. This collective identity is what drives the Carnes to defend their way of life with such tenacity and to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible, both technologically and culturally.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Carnes is driven by a combination of their strategic priorities, cultural values, and long-term goals. This agenda is focused on maintaining their sovereignty, advancing their technological prowess, ensuring economic stability, and fostering a strong sense of unity among their people. The Carnes' leaders communicate these priorities clearly to their population, emphasizing the collective effort required to achieve them.   1. Defense and Sovereignty The foremost priority of the Carnes is to ensure the defense and sovereignty of the Ironbound Confederacy. With ongoing threats from rival nations such as the Tōbu and the existential dangers posed by the Abyssalith and Kalevala, the Carnes are committed to maintaining a robust military presence. This includes:
  • Naval Superiority: Ensuring their fleet of Dreadnaughts remains the most advanced and formidable on the seas.
  • Border Security: Protecting their territorial waters from incursions and potential threats.
  • Military Readiness: Keeping their armed forces well-trained, well-equipped, and ready to respond to any challenge.
  2. Technological Advancement Innovation and technological advancement are core to the Carnes' identity and essential for their survival. Their public agenda emphasizes the continuous development and integration of new technologies to maintain their competitive edge. Key aspects include:
  • Research and Development: Investing heavily in R&D to discover new technologies and improve existing ones.
  • Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between guilds, technocrats, and scientists to foster innovation.
  • Education: Promoting STEM education to cultivate the next generation of engineers and technologists.
  3. Economic Stability Economic stability is vital for the sustained growth and prosperity of the Carnes. Their agenda focuses on ensuring a stable and diversified economy that can support their technological and military ambitions. This involves:
  • Trade Relations: Maintaining and expanding trade relationships to secure essential resources and markets for their goods.
  • Resource Management: Efficiently managing and utilizing their resources, both natural and manufactured.
  • Economic Policies: Implementing policies that encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, and fair economic practices.
  4. Unity and Social Cohesion Unity and social cohesion are central to the Carnes' ability to function as a cohesive society, especially given their unique living conditions aboard the Dreadnaughts. Their public agenda promotes:
  • Cultural Preservation: Celebrating and preserving Carnes traditions, superstitions, and family customs.
  • Community Engagement: Encouraging active participation in community affairs and decision-making processes.
  • Social Welfare: Ensuring the well-being of all citizens through access to healthcare, education, and social services.
  5. Environmental Stewardship As a society deeply connected to the sea, the Carnes recognize the importance of environmental stewardship. Their public agenda includes efforts to:
  • Sustainable Practices: Implement sustainable practices in resource extraction and waste management.
  • Marine Conservation: Protect marine ecosystems and biodiversity within their territorial waters.
  • Climate Resilience: Develop technologies and strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on their society.
  6. Diplomatic Relations Diplomatic relations are crucial for maintaining peace and securing alliances that can bolster the Carnes' strategic interests. Their agenda in this area focuses on:
  • Alliances and Partnerships: Building and maintaining alliances with other nations and factions that share common interests.
  • Conflict Resolution: Engaging in diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts peacefully when possible.
  • International Presence: Strengthening their presence and influence in international forums and organizations.
  7. Education and Workforce Development The Carnes understand that a well-educated and skilled workforce is essential for their continued prosperity. Their public agenda includes:
  • Comprehensive Education: Providing access to quality education for all citizens, with a focus on both technical and liberal arts.
  • Vocational Training: Offering vocational training programs to equip citizens with the skills needed for various industries.
  • Lifelong Learning: Promoting lifelong learning opportunities to ensure the continuous development of skills and knowledge.
  8. Public Health and Safety Public health and safety are paramount to maintaining a productive and resilient society. The Carnes' agenda includes:
  • Healthcare Access: Ensuring all citizens have access to comprehensive healthcare services.
  • Public Safety: Maintaining a strong and efficient public safety infrastructure to protect citizens from crime and emergencies.
  • Health Education: Promoting health education and preventative care to improve overall public health.


The Carnes, known for their technological prowess and resilience, possess a range of assets that set them apart from other nations in their world. These assets, a combination of advanced technology, powerful war machines, and relics from a more prosperous era, form the backbone of their society and military might.   At the heart of the Carnes' power are their Dreadnaughts, colossal, self-sustaining warships that serve as both mobile cities and military fortresses. The most prominent of these are Cassandra, Elisa, and Alexandra. Cassandra, the largest and most heavily armed, houses the ruling class, the bulk of the naval army, and the majority of the Carnes' advanced weaponry. It is the flagship of their fleet, symbolizing the strength and unity of the Carnes. Elisa functions as the technological hub, home to the guilds responsible for maintaining and advancing the fleet's machinery and weapons. Its role is crucial in ensuring the Dreadnaughts remain operational and at the cutting edge of technology. Alexandra serves as the primary transport vessel, moving goods, resources, and people within the Carnes' territories, ensuring the interconnectedness and logistical efficiency of their society.   One of the most significant and revered assets in Carnes history was the Sinclair Dreadnaught, a marvel of engineering that represented the pinnacle of their technological achievements. The Sinclair was not just a powerful warship but also had the extraordinary ability to fly without relying on magic, making it a symbol of Carnes' unmatched engineering capabilities. Its immense firepower made it four times more potent than any other Dreadnaught in the fleet. However, the Sinclair was tragically destroyed during the War of Ruin, marking the end of an era and leaving a void in the Carnes' offensive capabilities. Despite its loss, the technological advancements pioneered on the Sinclair continue to influence the design and operation of the current Dreadnaughts, and its legacy remains a point of cultural pride.   In addition to their naval power, the Carnes possess a unique advantage on land with their D.E.R.M.I.S (Dynamic Exoskeletal Reinforced Mechanized Infantry Suits). These power suits provide their infantry with enhanced strength, speed, and resilience, making them formidable in combat. The Juggernaut D.E.R.M.I.S suits are the most heavily armored and powerful, used by elite soldiers in critical battles. These suits are equipped with heavy weaponry and reinforced plating, allowing their wearers to dominate the battlefield. The Recon D.E.R.M.I.S suits, on the other hand, are designed for speed and agility, ideal for scouting and reconnaissance missions. These suits are equipped with advanced sensor systems, making them indispensable for gathering intelligence and carrying out precision strikes. The Engineer D.E.R.M.I.S suits are specialized for maintenance and repair, enabling their wearers to work on complex machinery in challenging environments, ensuring the continued operation of the Carnes' advanced technology.   The Carnes also maintain a fleet of Land Crawlers, massive, armored vehicles designed for transportation and logistical support across the harsh terrains of the southern Tundra. These vehicles, powered by diesel engines, are essential for moving troops, supplies, and equipment across the battlefield. The Armored Transports are heavily fortified to protect against ambushes, while the Mobile Workshops serve as repair stations, equipped with the necessary tools and parts to maintain the Carnes' advanced machinery even in remote locations.   In terms of aerial capabilities, the Carnes possess Whirlwings, rotary-wing aircraft used for reconnaissance, rapid deployment, and limited air support. However, the destruction of the Sinclair, which hosted the majority of the Carnes' air force, has left their aerial capabilities significantly diminished. Scout Whirlwings are primarily used for reconnaissance missions, equipped with basic armaments for self-defense. Gunship Whirlwings are heavily armed aircraft that provide close air support, but due to their scarcity, they are deployed sparingly and only in critical engagements. The Carnes also have a small fleet of Airships, used primarily for transport and strategic command. These airships are slower and less agile than Whirlwings but can carry larger payloads, including troops and supplies, making them essential for logistical operations.   The Carnes' technological assets also include Arcane-Technology Hybrids, where they have integrated limited arcane elements into their machinery. Helix Engines, which combine steam and diesel power with arcane elements, provide greater efficiency and power output, crucial for the operation of the Dreadnaughts and other large machines. Arcane Communication Relays allow for long-range communication across the Carnes fleet, ensuring they remain connected even in isolated locations. Additionally, the Carnes possess a limited number of Relic Weapons, ancient energy-based rifles and heavy ordnance that are remnants of the pre-Ruin era. These weapons are incredibly powerful but irreplaceable, so their use is heavily restricted and reserved for only the most critical situations.   The Carnes' assets, while formidable, are finite and difficult to replace. The loss of the Sinclair during the War of Ruin was a significant blow, forcing the Carnes to adopt a more cautious and strategic approach to warfare. Their reliance on relics of the past, coupled with their unmatched expertise in maintaining and operating these machines, ensures that they remain a formidable force, even as they face an uncertain future.


The history of the Carnes is a tale of resilience, innovation, and survival in the face of relentless challenges. Originating from the frozen southern Tundra of Tilith, the Carnes forged a unique civilization built on advanced technology, particularly their iconic Dreadnaughts—massive, mobile fortresses that served as both their homes and their primary means of defense. The harsh environment of the Tundra necessitated a culture of ingenuity, where the Carnes honed their engineering skills to create machines capable of withstanding the extreme conditions.   Early Beginnings and the Rise of the Dreadnaughts   The Carnes began as a collection of scattered tribes struggling to survive in the unforgiving southern Tundra. Over time, these tribes unified, pooling their knowledge and resources to build the first Dreadnaughts. These colossal machines, capable of traversing the icy wastelands, became the foundation of Carnes society. The Dreadnaughts were not just vehicles; they were entire cities on wheels, housing thousands of people, sophisticated machinery, and powerful weapons. The most prominent of these Dreadnaughts were Cassandra, Elisa, and Alexandra. Cassandra, the largest and most powerful, became the political and military heart of the Carnes, while Elisa focused on technological advancements and Alexandra served as the primary transport for the commonwealth.   The construction of the Dreadnaughts marked the beginning of the Carnes' rise to power. These machines allowed them to dominate the southern Tundra, securing their survival and enabling them to expand their influence. The Carnes became known for their mastery of technology, particularly in the fields of engineering and firearms. This expertise set them apart from other nations still grappling with the basics of steel production.   The Zenith of Carnes Power: The Sinclair Dreadnaught   The pinnacle of Carnes technological achievement came with the construction of the Sinclair Dreadnaught. This legendary vessel was four times more potent than any other Dreadnaught, capable of both land and air travel without the need for arcane magic—a feat unmatched by any other civilization. The Sinclair was equipped with the most advanced weaponry of its time, including powerful artillery and experimental energy weapons. It also housed the majority of the Carnes' D.E.R.M.I.S (Dynamic Exoskeletal Reinforced Mechanized Infantry Suits), giving their forces unparalleled strength in battle.   The Sinclair became a symbol of Carnes' engineering prowess and military dominance. With its unmatched mobility and firepower, the Carnes expanded their influence beyond the Tundra, establishing themselves as a major power on Tilith. However, this era of supremacy was not to last.   The War of Ruin   The peace and prosperity brought by the Sinclair and the Dreadnaughts were shattered by the onset of the War of Ruin. This century-long conflict was initiated by the forces of the plane of Ruin, which sought to subjugate Tilith and bend it to their will. The Carnes, with their advanced technology and formidable Dreadnaughts, became a prime target for the invaders.   The War of Ruin was a brutal and devastating conflict that pushed the Carnes to their limits. Despite their technological advantages, the Carnes were forced into a prolonged and grueling war of attrition. The Sinclair Dreadnaught, with its unmatched power, became the centerpiece of the Carnes' defense, leading countless battles against the forces of Ruin.   However, the Sinclair's unmatched capabilities also made it a prime target. In a climactic battle that would be remembered for generations, the Sinclair was destroyed, lost to the annals of history. Its fall marked a turning point in the war, leading to a significant decline in the Carnes' military power. The loss of the Sinclair was a blow from which the Carnes would never fully recover.   Post-War and the Legacy of the Sinclair   In the aftermath of the War of Ruin, the Carnes emerged scarred but not broken. The destruction of the Sinclair left a void in their military capabilities, forcing them to adapt and innovate in new ways. The remaining Dreadnaughts, while still formidable, could not match the Sinclair's lost power. The Carnes turned inward, focusing on maintaining their existing technology and preserving what remained of their advanced machinery.   The War of Ruin also marked the beginning of a new era for the Carnes. Without the Sinclair, they could no longer rely on overwhelming firepower and had to adopt more strategic and defensive approaches to protect their territories. The Carnes became more insular, guarding their technological secrets closely and becoming increasingly wary of external threats.   The legacy of the Sinclair, however, lived on. The knowledge and innovations developed during its construction continued to influence Carnes technology. The D.E.R.M.I.S suits, originally designed for use aboard the Sinclair, became a standard part of the Carnes' military, albeit in more limited numbers. The destruction of the Sinclair also became a powerful symbol within Carnes culture, a reminder of both their past greatness and the ever-present threat of external forces.   Modern Era: Survival and Adaptation   In the current age, the Carnes remain a powerful, though more cautious, civilization. Their naval dominance, centered around the remaining Dreadnaughts, continues to be a defining aspect of their society. They are the only nation on Tilith with steel warships and advanced technology, giving them a significant advantage over their rivals. However, their ability to create new machines has diminished, forcing them to focus on maintaining and repairing the relics of their past.   The loss of the Sinclair and the devastation of the War of Ruin have also led the Carnes to adopt a more isolationist stance. They are highly protective of their technology and wary of outsiders, particularly those who might seek to exploit their knowledge. The Carnes have also become more reliant on their Land Crawlers, Whirlwings, and Arcane-Technology Hybrids to maintain their strategic advantage, though these assets are finite and irreplaceable.

Demography and Population

The Ironbound Confederacy, known for its technologically advanced society aboard massive Dreadnaughts, has a unique population distribution. The bulk of the population resides on the Dreadnaughts, particularly on Alexandra, Elisa, and Cassandra. Alexandra, being the primary transport, houses the majority of the commonwealth, while Elisa is home to the guilds, scientists, and technologists, and Cassandra is where the ruling class, military, and weapons are concentrated. The population is divided across these floating cities, with each Dreadnaught serving specific societal roles.   The birth rate within the Confederacy is carefully managed, reflecting the Carnes' cultural emphasis on preparedness and balance. Families traditionally have no more children than they have family firearms to pass down, a practice rooted in their beliefs about heritage and defense. Death rates are relatively low, given the controlled environment aboard the Dreadnaughts and the advanced medical knowledge they possess. However, the harsh lifestyle, constant movement, and potential dangers of life at sea can contribute to occasional spikes in mortality, particularly among those involved in military and exploratory missions.


The Ironbound Confederacy, primarily based on massive Dreadnaughts, commands a unique and dynamic territorial configuration that sets it apart from traditional land-based nations. Their society is not anchored to a single landmass but is instead mobile, with their floating cities—Alexandra, Elisa, and Cassandra—acting as the primary hubs of their civilization. Each Dreadnaught has a distinct role, contributing to the overall survival and prosperity of the Confederacy.   Alexandra: This Dreadnaught is the main transport vessel, housing the majority of the commonwealth. Serving as a mobile city, Alexandra is constantly on the move, exploring new regions, trading, and establishing temporary settlements along coastal areas. Its mobility allows the Carnes to avoid prolonged exposure to threats while capitalizing on resources across different parts of the world. Alexandra's role is essential in maintaining the fluid nature of the Confederacy's territory.   Elisa: Serving as the heart of innovation and technological advancement, Elisa is home to the Confederacy's guilds, scientists, and technologists. This Dreadnaught is equipped with extensive laboratories, workshops, and research facilities, where the brightest minds of the Carnes focus on maintaining and improving their advanced technology. Elisa also acts as a critical repair and refit center for the fleet, ensuring the operational integrity of the other Dreadnaughts and smaller vessels.   Cassandra: The largest and most influential Dreadnaught, Cassandra is the seat of the ruling class and the bulk of the Confederacy's naval military. Heavily fortified and armed, Cassandra functions both as a command center and a formidable warship. Its presence in any region signifies the full might of the Confederacy, making it a key player in asserting territorial dominance and influence.   Cranesworth: Once a jewel of Carnes engineering, Cranesworth is now a decaying, corrupt, and overpopulated city, located at the edge of the Vainglory Sea. Originally a marvel of layered architecture resembling a dome, Cranesworth was the site where many of the Carnes' greatest technological achievements were born. However, over the centuries, particularly after the War of Ruin and the loss of the legendary Sinclair Dreadnaught, Cranesworth has fallen into disrepair.   Despite its decline, Cranesworth remains a significant part of the Confederacy's territory, acting as a semi-permanent land base for those not living aboard the Dreadnaughts. It is divided into layers, with the wealthy and powerful residing near the center and the poor relegated to the outskirts. The city is controlled by various factions, including corrupt officials, local gangs, and other power players who vie for dominance in the absence of strong central governance. While the Dreadnaughts themselves rarely dock here, Cranesworth is a vital part of the Confederacy's economic and logistical network, providing resources, trade opportunities, and a point of connection to the land.   Sinclair's Legacy: The destroyed Sinclair Dreadnaught, once the most potent symbol of Carnes' engineering prowess, left a lasting mark on the Confederacy's territory. The wreckage of Sinclair, located in a strategically important area, has been turned into a heavily guarded site. This location is revered by the Carnes, both as a symbol of their past glory and as a potential source of salvaged technology. Access to the site is restricted, and it is heavily monitored to ensure its preservation and security. The legacy of Sinclair continues to influence the Confederacy's territorial claims, particularly in the surrounding waters, which are patrolled to prevent unauthorized access.   Maritime Domain: The true territory of the Ironbound Confederacy extends far beyond any single location. The seas are their domain, with their advanced steam and diesel-powered technology giving them unparalleled naval superiority. Their steel vessels, including the formidable Dreadnaughts and smaller support ships, allow them to project power across vast oceanic expanses. While their aerial capabilities are limited due to the loss of Sinclair and its accompanying airforce, they maintain a small fleet of whirly birds (helicopter-like aircraft) for reconnaissance and rapid response missions.


The Ironbound Confederacy's military is a formidable force, combining advanced technology with a disciplined and highly trained personnel. The heart of their military strength lies in their powerful fleet, including the iconic Dreadnaughts, specialized infantry units, and advanced mechanized suits. This military force is essential for maintaining their dominance on the seas and defending their territories from external threats.   Dreadnaught Fleet: The Carnes' military is anchored by their massive Dreadnaughts, colossal moving metal cities that serve as both civilian hubs and warships. Each Dreadnaught is equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry, including long-range cannons, anti-aircraft defenses, and steam-powered engines that enable them to traverse the world's oceans. The Dreadnaught Cassandra is the flagship of the fleet, housing the Confederacy's ruling class, central command, and a significant portion of their naval army.   Naval Command: The military operations of the Ironbound Confederacy are overseen by the Naval Command, led by the High Admiral. This centralized body is responsible for coordinating all military activities, from strategic defense and territorial control to power projection across the seas. The Naval Command also manages the various support vessels and specialized military units that operate alongside the Dreadnaughts.   Support Vessels: Alongside the Dreadnaughts, the Ironbound Confederacy operates a fleet of smaller support vessels, including destroyers, frigates, and patrol boats. These vessels play a crucial role in escorting the Dreadnaughts, securing maritime routes, and conducting reconnaissance missions. Their presence ensures that the Confederacy can respond swiftly to threats and maintain control over their maritime territories.   D.E.R.M.I.S. Units: The Dynamic Exoskeletal Reinforced Mechanized Infantry Suits (D.E.R.M.I.S.) represent the pinnacle of Carnes military technology. These suits enhance the wearer's strength, agility, and combat capabilities, making them a formidable force in both close-quarters combat and larger battlefield engagements. D.E.R.M.I.S. units are typically deployed in high-risk missions, such as boarding actions, urban warfare, and key defensive operations. The loss of the Sinclair Dreadnaught has limited the production of these suits, but they remain a critical asset in the Confederacy's military arsenal.   Infantry and Marines: The Carnes military includes a highly trained infantry force known as the Marines. These soldiers are responsible for defending the Dreadnaughts, conducting amphibious assaults, and engaging in ground combat when necessary. The Marines are equipped with a mix of traditional firearms and advanced weaponry developed by the Confederacy's engineers. Their training emphasizes loyalty, discipline, and mastery of firearms, making them a key component of the Confederacy's military might.   Naval Intelligence Division (NID): The Naval Intelligence Division plays a crucial role in the Confederacy's military strategy, focusing on espionage, intelligence gathering, and counterintelligence operations. This division monitors potential threats, both internal and external, and provides the Naval Command with the information needed to make informed strategic decisions. The NID also oversees covert operations, sabotage missions, and the infiltration of enemy organizations.   Aerial Capabilities: Although the Confederacy's aerial superiority was significantly reduced with the destruction of the Sinclair Dreadnaught, they still maintain a small fleet of Whirlwings (helicopter-like aircraft). These aircraft are used primarily for reconnaissance, rapid troop deployment, and limited air support. However, their numbers and operational range are restricted, limiting their impact on long-term conflicts. The loss of the Sinclair's aerial fleet is a significant challenge, and efforts to rebuild and expand these capabilities are ongoing, albeit at a slow pace.   Special Forces: The Confederacy's Special Forces units are elite operatives trained for the most dangerous and sensitive missions. These units often operate behind enemy lines, conducting sabotage, assassination, and high-risk reconnaissance. Special Forces soldiers are typically equipped with D.E.R.M.I.S. suits and other advanced technologies, making them some of the most capable and feared warriors in the Confederacy.   Engineering Corps: The Engineering Corps is responsible for maintaining and upgrading the Confederacy's military hardware, including the Dreadnaughts, support vessels, and D.E.R.M.I.S. units. This division also plays a crucial role in developing new technologies and weaponry, ensuring that the Confederacy remains at the forefront of military innovation. The engineers are highly respected within the military hierarchy, and their expertise is considered vital to the Confederacy's long-term survival and success.

Technological Level

The Carnes, known as the Ironbound Confederacy, possess a unique technological and scientific edge in the fantasy world of Tilith, distinguishing them from other civilizations. Their access to advanced technology is a legacy from a bygone era, remnants of knowledge passed down through generations without fully understanding its origins. The Dreadnaughts, colossal moving metal constructs that serve as their cities, are the pinnacle of this inherited technology. These massive vessels are powered by a combination of steam and diesel engines, allowing them to traverse vast oceanic distances and withstand the harsh climates of the southern Tundra. Despite their advanced capabilities, the exact mechanisms and inner workings of the Dreadnaughts are not fully comprehended by the Carnes. They rely heavily on maintaining and repairing existing systems rather than developing new ones from scratch. This limitation means that while the Carnes are capable of impressive feats, they are acutely aware of their technological fragility and the irreplaceability of their assets.   The Carnes' scientific understanding is similarly restricted by the partial knowledge they possess. While they are adept at reverse-engineering and repurposing ancient technologies, their grasp of fundamental scientific principles remains incomplete. Their technological advancements, such as the Dynamic Exoskeletal Reinforced Mechanized Infantry Suits (D.E.R.M.I.S.) and limited aerial capabilities with their Whirlwings, are products of this piecemeal knowledge. The D.E.R.M.I.S. units, in particular, showcase their ability to enhance human capabilities through technology, but the Carnes' scientists lack the full understanding needed to innovate beyond the designs they have inherited. This reliance on maintaining existing technologies has led to a culture of preservation and careful use of resources, as they are aware that once something is lost, it may be impossible to recreate. The Carnes continue to search for ways to expand their understanding, but their progress is slow and often met with frustration as they struggle to unlock the deeper secrets of the ancient technologies they hold.

Foreign Relations

The Ironbound Confederacy maintains a complex web of diplomatic relations, primarily driven by their strategic interests and need for resources that cannot be produced within their floating cities. The Carnes are cautious in their dealings, often engaging in trade and negotiations with other nations to secure the raw materials and goods necessary to maintain their advanced technology. However, their superiority in naval and technological prowess has made them both respected and feared, leading to a mix of alliances, rivalries, and hostilities.   Relations with the Tōbu Nation, for instance, are marked by ongoing conflict, with the Tōbu's expansionist ambitions clashing with the Carnes' need to protect their maritime dominance. The Abyssalith and Kalevala are viewed as significant threats due to their formidable power and frequent territorial disputes over the seas. Diplomacy with these entities is tense and often combative, with the Carnes leveraging their advanced technology and naval power to maintain a delicate balance of power.


The laws of the Ironbound Confederacy are crafted and codified by the Iron Council, with a strong emphasis on maintaining order, discipline, and the security of their society. These laws cover all aspects of life aboard the Dreadnaughts, including crime, property rights, employment, commerce, and taxation. The rules are stored and documented within the administrative centers of each Dreadnaught, with key legal texts kept under strict protection on Cassandra, where the ruling class resides.   Law enforcement is the responsibility of the Naval Command, with a structured hierarchy ensuring that regulations are upheld across the fleet. The executive body, led by the High Admiral, deploys special units and military personnel to enforce these laws, ensuring compliance and addressing any transgressions swiftly. Punishments within the Confederacy are severe, reflecting the high stakes of maintaining order in such a confined and technologically dependent society. Wrongdoers can face penalties ranging from fines and temporary detention to exile or even execution for the most severe offenses. The law in the Ironbound Confederacy is rigid and inflexible, with little room for leniency, as the survival of their society hinges on strict adherence to its rules and regulations.

Forged in Unity, Strength in Steel

Political, International
Alternative Names
The Steelbound
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
The Cassandra is the largest and most influential Dreadnaught in the Carnes' fleet, serving as the de facto capital of the Ironbound Confederacy. It houses the ruling class, the bulk of the naval army, and the central command of the Carnes' military forces. Known for its formidable weaponry and advanced technological systems, Cassandra represents the political and military heart of the Carnes, embodying their strength and leadership.   The Elisa Dreadnaught is the hub of the Carnes' scientific and technological advancements. It is where the guilds and the Technocrat Committee conduct their research and development, focusing on maintaining the Dreadnaughts and innovating new technologies. Elisa plays a crucial role in the continued operation and advancement of the Carnes' fleet, making it a center of intellectual progress and innovation within their society.   Alexandra is the Dreadnaught responsible for transporting the majority of the Carnes' commonwealth population. This massive, self-sustaining vessel supports the daily lives of the Carnes people, providing for their agricultural, manufacturing, and residential needs. Alexandra is considered the lifeblood of the Carnes society, ensuring that the population remains mobile and sustainable in the harsh environments they navigate.   Cranesworth, once a gem of Carnes engineering, is now a decaying, overpopulated city located on the edge of the Vainglory Sea. It serves as a major port and trade hub but has fallen into corruption and disrepair. The city is controlled by various gangs and factions, making it a hotspot for underworld activities and illicit trade. Despite its decline, Cranesworth remains a significant location for the Carnes, particularly for those involved in less savory dealings.   The Vainglory Sea is a significant body of water that the Carnes navigate with their Dreadnaughts. Known for its treacherous waters and strategic importance, the Vainglory Sea borders Cranesworth and serves as the primary theater for the Carnes' maritime dominance. The control of this sea is crucial to the Carnes' continued power and influence over the region.   The Sinclair Ruins are the remnants of the legendary Sinclair Dreadnaught, which was destroyed during the War of Ruin. Once four times more potent than all other Dreadnaughts combined, the Sinclair was a testament to Carnes engineering prowess. Its destruction marked a significant loss for the Carnes, diminishing their firepower and leaving a void in their offensive capabilities. The ruins of the Sinclair are now a symbol of the height of Carnes' power and the sacrifices they made during the war.   The Frostbite Tundra is the original homeland of the Carnes, a harsh, frozen landscape in the southernmost regions of Tilith. This desolate area with extreme conditions was the birthplace of the Carnes' society, where they developed the resilience and ingenuity that would later define them. Although they have since moved their cities onto the Dreadnaughts, the Frostbite Tundra remains a significant part of their history and identity.   Ironbound Bay is a fortified harbor used by the Carnes' Dreadnaughts for resupply and maintenance. Heavily guarded, it serves as a key strategic location for the defense of their maritime territory. Ironbound Bay represents the logistical backbone of the Carnes' naval operations, ensuring that their fleet remains operational and ready for any challenges.   The Golarion Plains are a vast expanse of flatlands that the Carnes once used for agricultural purposes before their full transition to a seafaring society. Though now largely abandoned, the Golarion Plains remain part of their territorial claims and are occasionally used for resource extraction. This area reflects the Carnes' history of adaptation and survival, having once been a vital part of their sustenance.   Lastly, the Whispering Depths is a mysterious and dangerous underwater trench in the Vainglory Sea, rumored to be the home of ancient sea creatures and potentially valuable resources. The Carnes have yet to fully explore this area, but it remains a point of interest for future expeditions. The Whispering Depths symbolize the unknown and the potential for further expansion and discovery within the Carnes' dominion.
Legislative Body
The legislative body of the Carnes, known as the Iron Council, is responsible for writing the laws and rules that govern the Ironbound Confederacy. This council is composed of high-ranking military officials, influential technocrats, and key representatives from the major Dreadnaughts—Alexandra, Elisa, and Cassandra. Decisions within the Iron Council are made collectively, with each member bringing their expertise and interests to the table. The High Admiral, as the head of this council, holds significant influence over final judgments, especially in matters of defense and foreign policy.
Judicial Body
The Court of Admiralty serves as the judicial body within the Ironbound Confederacy. This court is responsible for interpreting and adjudicating the laws passed by the Iron Council. Composed of senior judges who are well-versed in both maritime law and the specific legal traditions of the Carnes, the Court of Admiralty ensures that justice is administered fairly and consistently. The court handles disputes, criminal cases, and issues related to the governance of the Dreadnaughts, providing a system of checks and balances within the Confederacy.
Executive Body
The Naval Command, led by the High Admiral, is the executive body responsible for enforcing the laws of the Ironbound Confederacy. The Naval Command oversees the implementation of policies and regulations, ensuring compliance across the Dreadnaughts. The High Admiral, supported by a hierarchy of officers and administrators, coordinates the efforts of various divisions, including the Naval Fleet, Marines, Engineering Corps, and the Naval Intelligence Division. This body ensures that the decrees of the Iron Council and the rulings of the Court of Admiralty are executed effectively, maintaining order and discipline within the Confederacy.
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