
The Human Legacy: A Descriptive Journey Through Time Before the Bunkers: Humanity's Pinnacle and the Fall Five billion years into the future, humanity reached a zenith that seemed as boundless as the universe itself. Science and technology had advanced to the point where interstellar travel was as commonplace as the simplest tasks of everyday life. The cosmos was no longer a distant dream but a reality for those fortunate enough to explore it. However, this golden age of technological marvels was shadowed by the impending death of their sun, an event that would forever alter the course of humanity.   As the sun began its slow, inevitable expansion, threatening to engulf the solar system, a mass exodus ensued. The wealthiest and most privileged of Earth's population fled to the stars, seeking new homes on distant planets. They left behind a world brimming with technological wonders, now facing the wrath of a dying star. But not everyone could escape. The remaining 20% of the human population, deemed less fortunate, were forced into fortified bunkers—monolithic structures designed to withstand the solar onslaught for thousands of generations. These bunkers, however, were not sanctuaries of hope but prisons of despair. The people within them became slaves to time, their only solace the knowledge that they might endure where others had fled.   Yet, as the sun's expansion reached its climax, something miraculous occurred. An unknown force, emanating from Earth itself, shielded the planet from total annihilation. The once-vibrant world, though transformed, remained intact, protected by this mysterious power. However, the Earth was not the same. The very fabric of life on the planet was altered—wildlife became sentient, ecosystems adapted, and even the remnants of humanity left on the surface mutated into new forms.   The Time of the Bunkers: Isolation and Ignorance For those entombed within the bunkers, time passed slowly, marked by generations of ignorance and decay. They were cut off from the world above, unaware of the profound changes taking place. The bunkers, once a symbol of human ingenuity, became their entire universe, a place where technological marvels slowly deteriorated into relics of a forgotten past. Over thousands of years, the knowledge of the outside world faded into myth, and the human inhabitants of the bunkers lost touch with their origins, clinging only to the hope that one day they might emerge to reclaim the world they had once known.   Inside these bunkers, the human population lived in a controlled environment, governed by strict protocols and hierarchies designed to maintain order and survival. The passage of time, however, brought about inevitable changes. The intermingling of genetic lines over millennia led to a homogenization of the human population within the bunkers. The vast technological knowledge that once defined humanity's pinnacle was lost, replaced by a simpler existence focused on survival. These humans became a people disconnected from the stars, their ancestors' dreams of cosmic exploration reduced to stories told in the dim light of artificial suns.   The Emergence: The Human Return to a Changed World When the first bunkers finally opened in the year 1999, the humans who emerged found themselves in an alien world. The Earth they had once known was gone, replaced by a landscape teeming with sentient Beastkin—creatures that had evolved from the very animals that humans once hunted, domesticated, or revered. These newly emerged humans were no longer the dominant species but an oddity, a relic of a bygone era.   The initial encounters between humans and Beastkin were marked by fear, confusion, and violence. The humans, weak from generations of isolation and unaware of the new world order, were easily overpowered by the more evolved and powerful Beastkin. They became prey in a world where they had once been the apex predators. The Beastkin, unable to communicate with the humans, saw them as nothing more than "Furless Pigs"—a new source of food in a world where resources were scarce. The humans, with their strange languages and unfamiliar ways, were hunted, captured, and consumed by the Beastkin, who found their taste addictive.   Not all humans were fated to become prey. Some, like the Tobū, were able to defend themselves, using their military training and advanced weapons to repel the Beastkin and establish a foothold in this new world. Others, like the Jarakian and Valmyre, found refuge in other planes, escaping the horrors of Earth but forever altering their destinies. The majority, however, were not so fortunate, and the first few decades after the emergence were marked by a brutal culling as the Beastkin hunted down the newly surfaced humans.   The New Human Origins: Adaptation and Survival As humanity slowly began to adapt to this changed world, distinct groups emerged, each shaped by their experiences and the environments they found themselves in. These new human origins reflected the diversity of their past and the challenges of their present:  
  • Arkinite: Descendants of those who clung to faith and craftsmanship, the Arkinite people became deeply connected to the Nine Talons, the main Pantheon of deities in the world. Blessed with unique birthmarks symbolizing their divine connections, Arkinites developed into a society of artisans, warriors, and spiritual leaders. They became a formidable force, capable of rivaling even the largest Beastkin nations, their resilience and unity bolstered by their divine blessings.
  • Carnes: In the icy southern tundras, the Carnes people harnessed the power of technology and firearms, their society thriving on naval expertise and the use of massive metal Dreadnoughts. Their steampunk-inspired culture reflected a deep connection to post-tech and a reliance on their ingenuity to survive in the harshest climates. The Carnes, with their resistance to the cold and mastery of firearms, became a force to be reckoned with on both land and sea.
  • Gamaeel: Masters of the fiefs and horse lords of the Pridelands, the Gamaeel are known for their exceptional skills in horsemanship, trade, and diplomacy. Their vibrant market cities and strong sense of honor set them apart as one of the few human-led peoples to maintain significant power in the Pridelands. Their connection to the land and their horses has made them resilient and resourceful, capable of navigating the complex politics and dangers of their world.
  • Hikaru: Marginalized and often in hiding, the Hikaru possess powerful ocular abilities known as doujutsu, granting them unique powers based on their connection to deities. Despite their persecution, the Hikaru's resilience and adaptability have allowed them to survive, their abilities making them both feared and coveted by those who seek to harness their power.
  • Ithrians: Known as the Viscounts of Sand, the Ithrians developed a deep connection to the earth, allowing them to control soil and sand with ease. Their society, rooted in the Pinnacle Straight, became known for its strategic influence over trade routes, its strong communal bonds, and its respect for tradition and nature. The Ithrians' mastery of earth-based magic and their vibrant cultural heritage made them a respected and feared presence in their world.
  • Jarakian: In the dark plane of Neft, the Jarakian people honed their magical abilities under a strict dictatorship. Known for their proficiency in both weaponry and spellcasting, the Jarakian society values practicality and efficiency above all. Their ruthless selection process ensures that only the strongest and most skilled survive, making them one of the most formidable human origins in existence.
  • Kalevala: In the frozen steppes of the north, the Kalevala people developed a fearsome reputation as raiders and warriors. Their longboats struck terror into coastal cities, and their belief in the Frozen Pillars—deities believed to be aligned with Ruin—fueled their ruthless and deadly lifestyle. The Kalevala, second only to the Carnes in naval power, became known for their brutal efficiency and unyielding strength.
  • Larciaen: The Larciaen people, living in harmony with the water, developed unique abilities to manipulate water and transform into aquatic forms. Their peaceful demeanor and deep connection to the ocean made them skilled warriors and protectors of their underwater cities. Despite the challenges posed by the Leviathans and Abyssalith, the Larciaen thrived, their mastery of the Aquarian Arts ensuring their survival in a world of constant change.
  • Mtawala: Emerging from the bunkers with a profound respect for the Beastkin, the Mtawala people formed alliances that granted them powers similar to those of the Beastkin tribes they lived alongside. Though often criticized for "losing" their humanity, the Mtawala's deep connection to nature and their ability to communicate with animals made them a respected and influential human origin.
  • Sarin: A warrior society of all women, the Sarin hold a stranglehold on the Forgotten Lands, their connection to snakes and rumored origins as creations of the Sermata adding to their fearsome reputation. The Sarin's brutal birth rituals and matriarchal structure ensured that only the strongest survived, making them both revered and feared across the lands they protect.
  • Tōbu: The largest human origin, the Tōbu, are fiercely loyal to their Everking and have never known enslavement thanks to his leadership. Their military prowess and spiritual devotion have allowed them to maintain their independence and expand their influence, even in the face of the Beastkin-dominated world. The Tōbu's unwavering loyalty to the Everking and their disciplined military structure made them a powerful force in the new world order.
  • Valmyre: In the shadowy plane of Vale, the Valmyre people developed exceptional survival skills, navigating the dangers of their world with a deep connection to the night. Their society, marked by a strong hierarchical structure and a relentless pursuit of knowledge, became experts in understanding and combating the many threats that lurk in their world. The Valmyre's adaptation to the night and their constant vigilance ensured their survival in a world dominated by the celestial Day Beasts.
  The Human Story: From Dominance to Survival Humanity's journey from the heights of technological advancement to the depths of survival in a changed world is a tale of resilience, adaptation, and determination. From their time in the bunkers, where they lost touch with their past, to their emergence into a world dominated by Beastkin and other powerful beings, humans have faced unimaginable challenges. Yet, each new origin that arose from the ashes of their past represents a unique aspect of humanity's will to survive and thrive, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

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Uses, Products & Exploitation

Uses: Humans, due to their relatively weaker physical constitution compared to many other Origins, were often seen as easy targets for exploitation. Their flesh, in particular, became a commodity among predatory Beastkin, who found human meat to be highly desirable. This gruesome practice, while less common today, still exists in certain darker corners of the world, where old traditions die hard. Humans were also valued for their utility as laborers. Their versatility and adaptability made them ideal for performing a wide range of tasks, from manual labor in fields and mines to more delicate work in crafting and production.   Their adaptability was also exploited in more insidious ways. Some Origins, particularly those with a strong affinity for magic, sought to harness human potential for their own ends. Humans with latent magical abilities were often captured and forced into servitude, their powers used to fuel rituals, craft enchanted items, or serve as living conduits for dark magic. The Hikaru, with their powerful ocular abilities, were particularly targeted, with their eyes being harvested for use in rituals or as trophies by those who could afford such rare and powerful artifacts.   Byproducts: The byproducts of humans, particularly their bones, have found a place in the macabre art and decoration practices of various Origins. Human bones, while not as strong or durable as those of Beastkin or demonic creatures, were often used in the past to create ornamental items, jewelry, and even small weapons. The practice of using human bones in this way has largely fallen out of favor in more civilized parts of the world, but it still persists in areas where old traditions and darker practices hold sway. The bones of particularly powerful or famous humans are sometimes sought after as relics or trophies, serving as grim reminders of past conflicts or as symbols of power.   In addition to bones, human skin has also been utilized, albeit in more clandestine and abhorrent ways. Some Beastkin and other Origins with a penchant for dark magic have been known to use human skin in the creation of cursed objects, grimoires, or as part of rituals designed to tap into forbidden knowledge. These practices are universally reviled, but they persist in the shadows, driven by the belief that human skin, when properly prepared, can act as a potent conduit for certain types of magic.   Exploitation: Exploitation of humans has taken many forms throughout history, from outright slavery to more subtle forms of manipulation and control. In the past, humans were captured and bred for their labor, their bodies used as little more than tools by their captors. This was particularly common in regions where Beastkin or other Origins held power, with humans being seen as expendable resources. Even as humans began to establish their own powerful nations, the scars of this exploitation remained, shaping their interactions with other Origins.   In the modern age, while direct exploitation is less common due to the rise of human power, it has not disappeared entirely. Humans with rare or powerful abilities, such as those with strong magical talents or unique traits, are still at risk of being hunted, captured, or coerced into servitude. The Hikaru, as mentioned earlier, are particularly vulnerable due to the value placed on their ocular powers. Similarly, humans who possess knowledge or skills coveted by other Origins may find themselves targets of manipulation or forced allegiance.

Civilization and Culture

Common Taboos

Human taboos in this setting are deeply rooted in both the remnants of their old world values and the harsh realities of their new existence. Certain behaviors universally condemned in the past continue to be abhorred by the human origins, including necrophilia, desecration of the dead, and other violations of the sanctity of life and death. Necrophilia, in particular, is seen as a grotesque perversion, a fundamental breach of respect for the deceased that transcends cultural differences. Similarly, the desecration of graves or corpses is a severe offense, viewed as a sacrilege against the memory and dignity of the departed. These taboos are upheld with fervor, reflecting the deep respect for death and the afterlife that persists among humans.   Another significant taboo revolves around interspecies relationships, particularly with the Beastkin. For humans, who often perceive Beastkin as literal animals due to their anthropomorphic features, the idea of forming romantic or intimate bonds with them is deeply unsettling. This perception is compounded by the historical context of human enslavement by the Beastkin, further entrenching the notion that such relationships are unnatural and even degrading. Despite the Beastkin's sentience and complex societies, the physical and cultural differences are often seen as insurmountable barriers, leading to widespread societal rejection of any form of romantic involvement between humans and Beastkin.   The taboo against interspecies relationships is not just a matter of cultural prejudice but also a reflection of the trauma and power dynamics rooted in the human experience under Beastkin dominance. The memory of being treated as lesser beings or livestock has left a lasting scar, making it difficult for humans to view Beastkin as equals, let alone potential partners. This discomfort is pervasive, reinforcing the division between the species and ensuring that such relationships remain stigmatized and rare. Despite the evolving world around them, these deep-seated taboos continue to shape human society, guiding their interactions and reinforcing the boundaries between them and the other inhabitants of this new world.


The history of humanity in this setting is marked by their rise, fall, and eventual rebirth in a drastically transformed world. Once a species that reached the pinnacle of technological achievement, humanity faced the cataclysmic threat of their dying sun, leading to a mass exodus to the stars and the isolation of those left behind in fortified bunkers. Over countless generations, these bunkers became the cradle of a new chapter in human history, with the survivors evolving in isolation, losing much of their advanced knowledge, and adapting to a simpler, more primal existence.   When the bunkers finally opened, humanity emerged into a world that had changed beyond recognition, dominated by the Beastkin—sentient, humanoid animals that had risen to power in the absence of humanity's dominance. The humans who stepped out of the bunkers found themselves as strangers in a land once their own, struggling to survive in a hostile environment. Over time, they evolved into distinct origins, each shaped by their environment and experiences, developing unique cultures, abilities, and identities in response to the challenges they faced.   Throughout their history, humans have shown a remarkable capacity for adaptation, resilience, and the ability to carve out a place for themselves, even in the most difficult circumstances. Their journey is one of transformation—both physical and cultural—as they navigate a world that no longer belongs to them, but where they continue to strive for survival, relevance, and a future.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Beastkin: The relationship between humans and Beastkin is complex and often fraught with tension. The history of humans being enslaved and treated as livestock by the Beastkin has left deep scars. Humans generally view the Beastkin with distrust and wariness, often seeing them as potential threats rather than allies. This perception is compounded by the fact that Beastkin often resemble animals, which makes it difficult for humans to fully accept them as equals, despite their intelligence and societal structures. However, there are instances where humans and Beastkin work together, particularly in situations where survival or mutual benefit is at stake. Despite this, most humans keep a cautious distance from the Beastkin, never fully comfortable with their presence.   Demons and Devils: Humans view Demons and Devils with a mix of fear and revulsion. These beings are associated with chaos, destruction, and dark magic, all of which are seen as antithetical to human values and survival. Any interaction with such entities is approached with extreme caution, if not outright hostility. Humans who encounter Demons or Devils are likely to see them as enemies to be defeated or banished, rather than beings to be reasoned with. There is a strong cultural taboo against engaging with these entities, as they are seen as corrupting influences that can lead to moral and spiritual decay. This makes relations between humans and these infernal beings almost universally adversarial.   Dragonkin: Relations between humans and Dragonkin are characterized by a mix of respect and caution. Dragonkin, with their ancient lineage and formidable power, are often seen as both potential allies and dangerous rivals. Humans respect the Dragonkin for their wisdom and strength, and there are instances of cooperation, particularly in areas such as trade, defense, and knowledge exchange. However, the immense power and sometimes aloof nature of the Dragonkin ensure that humans approach them carefully, aware that any alliance or partnership must be handled delicately. The mutual respect between humans and Dragonkin can lead to strong alliances, but these are often tempered by underlying tensions and the ever-present awareness of the Dragonkin’s overwhelming capabilities.   Gors: The relationship between humans and Gors is heavily influenced by their shared history of conflict. The ancient wars between the Gors and the Lumar have left a legacy of mistrust and animosity that continues to shape interactions between humans and Gors. Humans often view the Gors as brutal and barbaric, a perception reinforced by the Gors' formidable physical presence and their reputation for violence. However, there are also moments of begrudging respect, particularly in situations where humans recognize the Gors' strength and resilience. While outright hostility is not always the norm, relations between humans and Gors are often marked by a cautious wariness, with both sides mindful of the potential for conflict.   Lumars: Humans and Lumars share a complex relationship, characterized by both competition and cooperation. The Lumar, with their deep connection to magic and their elegant, ethereal appearance, are often seen by humans as both fascinating and intimidating. While there is mutual respect between the two groups, particularly in areas such as governance, trade, and culture, there is also a sense of rivalry. Humans sometimes feel overshadowed by the Lumar’s magical prowess and long lifespans, leading to a subtle tension in their interactions. Despite this, there are many instances of successful collaboration, particularly in regions where humans and Lumars have learned to coexist and benefit from each other’s strengths.   Starborns and Other Planar Beings: Relations between humans and beings from other planes, such as Starborns and other planar entities, are often characterized by a mix of awe, curiosity, and caution. These beings, with their connections to the cosmos and other dimensions, are seen as both mysterious and potentially dangerous. Humans are often fascinated by the knowledge and power that these beings possess, but they are also wary of the potential risks involved in interacting with them. Relations are generally polite and respectful, but humans are careful to maintain their distance, aware that these beings operate on a level of understanding that is far beyond their own.   Undead and Monstrosities: The relationship between humans and undead or monstrous beings is almost universally hostile. These creatures are seen as abominations, perversions of life that must be eradicated. Humans view the undead with particular revulsion, given their association with death and decay. Encounters with such beings are typically met with violence, as humans seek to protect themselves and their communities from the threat these creatures pose. There is little room for negotiation or understanding in these interactions; the priority is survival and the preservation of life.


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