The Order of Dominion


The Order of Dominion was structured as a strict military and hierarchical organization:
  • High Lord – The supreme leader, making all final decisions and leading the Order.
  • Council of Titans – A group of the most powerful and trusted Titan Wielders who advised the High Lord and oversaw major operations.
  • Warlords – Regional commanders responsible for maintaining control over specific territories, leading armies, and enforcing the Order's will.
  • Magi – Elite Helix mages who specialized in different aspects of Helix magic, responsible for research, development, and training.
  • Legionnaires – The primary military force, consisting of trained Titan Wielders and soldiers who executed the Order's campaigns.
  • Acolytes – Initiates in training to become full-fledged Titan Wielders, undergoing rigorous education and practical experience.


The culture of the Order of Dominion was one of absolute power, discipline, and authority. Members were indoctrinated with the belief that they were the chosen few destined to wield the Titans' power and bring order to the world. This belief fostered a sense of superiority and entitlement. The Order placed immense emphasis on strength, loyalty, and the mastery of Helix magic. Rituals, military drills, and magical studies were central to daily life, and failure was met with severe consequences. The pursuit of power and control was paramount, often leading to internal rivalries and power struggles.

Public Agenda

The Order of Dominion's public agenda was to establish a world order under their control, believing that their rule was the only way to achieve true peace and prosperity. They sought to expand their influence through conquest and domination, bringing all nations and peoples under their command. The Order presented itself as the protectors of humanity, justifying their aggressive actions as necessary for the greater good. They aimed to harness the power of the Titans to eliminate threats, enforce their laws, and maintain absolute control over Helix magic.


The Order of Dominion amassed considerable assets during its prime:
  • Titan Relics – Powerful artifacts and weapons imbued with Helix magic, each with unique capabilities.
  • Fortresses and Strongholds – Heavily fortified bases located in strategic regions, serving as military and training centers.
  • Libraries and Archives – Extensive collections of ancient texts, magical tomes, and scrolls documenting Helix magic and the Titans.
  • Armies – Well-trained and equipped military forces, including elite Titan Wielders and formidable legions of soldiers.
  • Alliances – Strategic alliances with other powerful factions and nations, often secured through coercion or diplomacy.


The Order of Dominion was founded in the early days of Tilith, during a period of chaos and uncertainty. Mazle Bosco, a visionary Titan Wielder, saw the potential of Helix magic and the Titans to reshape the world. He gathered like-minded individuals, forming a powerful coalition dedicated to harnessing this power for the betterment of humanity. The Order quickly grew in strength, establishing strongholds and expanding their influence through a series of aggressive campaigns.   Under Mazle's leadership, the Order embarked on a mission of conquest, subjugating weaker nations and bringing them under their control. Their mastery of Helix magic and Titan weaponry made them formidable opponents, and their reputation as invincible warriors spread. The Order's dominance reached its peak during the War of Silence, a cataclysmic conflict that nearly tore the fabric of reality apart. The war ended with a devastating toll, decimating the Order's forces and leaving the world scarred.


The aftermath of the War of Silence marked the beginning of the Order's decline. The immense loss of life and resources, coupled with the widespread fear and resentment generated by their aggressive tactics, eroded the Order's power. Internal strife and power struggles further weakened their cohesion. As their influence waned, the remaining leaders struggled to maintain control. Eventually, the Order of Dominion crumbled, its remnants scattered and absorbed by other factions. The collapse of the Order paved the way for the rise of the Cult of Unity, which sought to unify the surviving Titan Wielders under a new banner.

"Through Power, We Ascend."

Military Order
Alternative Names
The Iron Hand
Successor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title


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