The Cult of Unity


The Cult of Unity was organized around a central doctrine that emphasized collective strength and the subjugation of individual desires for the greater good. The structure was as follows:
  • High Sage – The supreme leader, embodying the will of the Cult and making all final decisions.
  • Council of Voices – A group of elite members who represented different regions and aspects of the Cult's mission, advising the High Sage and enforcing the Cult's will across Tilith.
  • Harmonizers – Leaders responsible for maintaining unity and enforcing the Cult’s doctrine in their assigned territories. They often acted as both spiritual leaders and military commanders.
  • Concords – Groups of Titan Wielders and scholars dedicated to specific missions, whether it be military conquest, magical research, or diplomatic endeavors.
  • Disciples – The general members of the Cult who were trained in both the Titan arts and the ideological teachings of the Cult. They were expected to carry out the Cult's will without question.
  • Novitiates – New recruits who underwent rigorous indoctrination and training to become full members of the Cult. Their loyalty was constantly tested to ensure their commitment to the collective.


The culture of the Cult of Unity was one of strict adherence to collective goals and the suppression of individualism. Members were taught to prioritize the Cult's mission above all else, and dissent was not tolerated. Rituals and ceremonies reinforced the ideals of unity, with frequent oaths of loyalty and acts of collective devotion. The Cult’s doctrine was enforced through both spiritual guidance and physical discipline, ensuring that all members remained aligned with the High Sage’s vision. There was a strong emphasis on the idea that only through unity could true power be achieved, and that those who strayed from this path were a threat to the entire order.

Public Agenda

The Cult of Unity publicly promoted a message of peace and stability, claiming that their goal was to unite all of Tilith under a single, harmonious order. They argued that the chaos and destruction of the War of Silence were the results of division and that only by coming together under the Cult’s guidance could true peace be achieved. However, this agenda often masked their true intent of consolidating power and control over all aspects of life in Tilith. The Cult sought to bring all Titan Wielders, and eventually all people, under their influence, using both persuasion and force to achieve their ends.


The Cult of Unity inherited many of the assets from the fallen Order of Dominion, including:
  • Titan Relics – Artifacts of immense power, many of which were seized from rivals or salvaged from the ruins of the War of Silence.
  • Sanctuaries – Heavily fortified bases and hidden sanctuaries where the Cult’s leaders and key members could gather, train, and plan their next moves.
  • Libraries of Unity – Collections of knowledge gathered from across Tilith, focusing on both Helix magic and the Cult's ideological teachings.
  • Unified Armies – The military force of the Cult, made up of Titan Wielders and loyal soldiers who were fanatically devoted to the Cult's cause.
  • Networks of Influence – The Cult established extensive networks across Tilith, infiltrating governments, guilds, and other organizations to extend their control.


The Cult of Unity was born from the ashes of the Order of Dominion, as surviving members sought to regroup and redefine their mission after the devastating War of Silence. Vres Eryut, a charismatic leader with a vision of a unified world, gathered the remnants of the Order and other disillusioned Titan Wielders to form a new organization. The Cult of Unity initially presented itself as a force for peace and reconstruction, but their methods quickly became coercive and authoritarian.   Under Vres’s leadership, the Cult expanded rapidly, absorbing or eliminating rival factions and consolidating power. The Cult’s doctrine of unity and collective strength resonated with many who had been scarred by the chaos of the previous war. However, as the Cult grew, so did its ambition. The leadership began to use increasingly manipulative tactics to bring others under their control, including the use of Helix magic to influence minds and bend wills.   The Cult’s rise to power was met with resistance, most notably from the Tensei, who opposed the Cult’s aggressive expansion and authoritarian methods. This opposition culminated in the Titan’s Fall, a conflict that saw the Cult’s emperor assassinated and their empire shattered by the Tensei and their allies. The war ended the Cult’s dominance, but not before they had left a lasting impact on the world.


The Cult of Unity’s downfall came swiftly after the Titan’s Fall. The assassination of their leader and the subsequent collapse of their empire led to widespread disillusionment and fragmentation within the Cult. Many of its leaders were killed or went into hiding, and the remaining members were either absorbed into other factions or hunted down by their enemies. The Cult's legacy lived on, however, as the remnants of their ideology continued to influence later generations, eventually contributing to the rise of the Umbral Covenant, a dark and twisted reflection of the Cult's original vision.

"One Voice, One Will, One World"

Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The Collective
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organizations
Leader Title


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