Umbral Covenant


The Umbral Covenant is a secretive and hierarchical organization that thrives on a strict code of loyalty and fear. Their structure is designed to ensure that power is concentrated in the hands of the most capable and ruthless members, who are willing to embrace darkness as a path to power.
  • High Lord – The supreme leader of the Umbral Covenant, whose word is absolute. The High Lord is a figure of immense power, both in terms of Helix magic and political influence. They are responsible for setting the overall direction and strategy of the Covenant. This position has seen many changes over the millennia, with Vrel Eryut currently holding the title.
  • Council of Shadows – A group of elite members who serve as advisors and lieutenants to the High Lord. Each member of the Council is a master of a specific aspect of the Covenant's operations, such as assassination, dark magic, espionage, or strategy. They wield significant power and autonomy, but always answer to the High Lord.
  • Shadowmasters – Regional leaders who oversee the Covenant's activities in specific territories. They are responsible for implementing the High Lord's directives, recruiting new members, and managing resources. Shadowmasters are feared and respected figures, known for their ability to command both loyalty and fear.
  • Nightblades – Highly trained and skilled operatives who carry out the Covenant's most critical missions. They are experts in assassination, sabotage, and dark magic. Nightblades are the enforcers of the Covenant, often acting as the right hand of the Shadowmasters.
  • Umbra Initiates – New recruits who have shown potential and a willingness to embrace the Covenant's dark teachings. They undergo rigorous training and indoctrination, learning the ways of dark Helix magic and the Covenant's brutal code of conduct. Initiates must prove their loyalty through various trials and tasks.
  • Acolytes of Shadow – The general membership of the Covenant, consisting of those who have completed their initiation and are fully committed to the Covenant's cause. Acolytes serve in various roles, from soldiers to spies to scholars of dark magic. They are the backbone of the organization, carrying out the day-to-day operations and missions.
  • Shadowborn – A secretive inner circle within the Covenant, composed of the most loyal and powerful members. The existence of the Shadowborn is known only to the High Lord and the Council of Shadows. They act as the enforcers of the High Lord's will, rooting out traitors and ensuring the Covenant's continued dominance.


The culture of the Umbral Covenant is one of ruthless ambition, secrecy, and the relentless pursuit of power. Members are indoctrinated to believe that the only way to achieve true strength and enlightenment is through the embrace of darkness and the rejection of conventional morality. The Covenant values cunning, strength, and loyalty, but also encourages members to constantly test the limits of their power and ambition.   From the moment they join, members are taught that the Covenant is their only true family, and that loyalty to the High Lord and the Covenant must come before all else. Betrayal is met with swift and brutal punishment, often serving as a warning to others. The Covenant's rituals and ceremonies are steeped in dark symbolism, often involving blood rites, oaths of loyalty, and the invocation of forbidden Helix magic.   Despite the emphasis on loyalty and unity, the Covenant encourages internal competition. Members are often pitted against each other in trials and missions, with the understanding that only the strongest and most cunning will rise to the top. This culture of competition ensures that the Covenant remains strong and that only the most capable individuals hold positions of power.

Public Agenda

The Umbral Covenant operates largely in the shadows, and their true agenda is known only to a select few. Publicly, they often pose as a guild or organization dedicated to the study and mastery of Helix magic, offering their services to those in need. However, their true goal is to undermine and eventually overthrow the House of the Eternal Ring, which they see as corrupt and complacent.   The Covenant seeks to create a world where power is concentrated in the hands of those who are willing to embrace the darkness and use it to achieve their ends. They believe that only through the rejection of conventional morality and the embrace of their own code of strength and ambition can true order be achieved. The Covenant works behind the scenes to destabilize governments, manipulate political factions, and sow chaos, all while building their own power base.


The Umbral Covenant possesses a vast array of assets, accumulated through centuries of covert operations, assassinations, and dark rituals. Their primary assets include:
  • Helix Artifacts – Powerful and often forbidden artifacts that enhance the abilities of the Covenant's members and serve as symbols of their power.
  • Secret Strongholds – Hidden bases and fortresses located in remote and often inaccessible locations, where the Covenant trains its members and plans its operations.
  • Libraries of Forbidden Knowledge – Collections of ancient texts and grimoires detailing the secrets of dark Helix magic and forbidden rituals.
  • Network of Spies and Informants – An extensive network of agents embedded in governments, guilds, and other organizations across Tilith, providing the Covenant with valuable intelligence and influence.
  • Dark Armories – Stockpiles of weapons, armor, and other equipment enchanted with dark Helix magic, providing the Covenant with a formidable arsenal.
  • Financial Resources – The Covenant has amassed significant wealth through their various operations, allowing them to fund their activities and bribe officials when necessary.
  • Elite Operatives – Highly trained and skilled members who are capable of carrying out the Covenant's most dangerous and delicate missions.


The Umbral Covenant's roots lie in the ashes of the Golden Fist, an organization that sought power and dominance through the use of Helix magic and Titan weapons. After their crushing defeat during the Titan's Fall, the surviving members were scattered, leaderless, and hunted. Chen Grimsey, a cunning and ambitious survivor, saw an opportunity to rebuild from the ruins. Gathering a small group of like-minded individuals, he founded the Umbral Covenant, dedicated to mastering the dark aspects of Helix magic and seizing control of Tilith.   In its early years, the Covenant operated in secrecy, slowly amassing power and influence. Grimsey and his inner circle established a network of strongholds and began to recruit disillusioned members from other factions, promising them power and a place in a new world order. The Covenant's early operations focused on gathering forbidden Helix artifacts and knowledge, as well as assassinating key figures who stood in their way.   As the Covenant grew, they began to infiltrate various organizations, including the House of the Eternal Ring. Their agents sowed discord and gathered intelligence, laying the groundwork for future conflicts. Over the centuries, the Covenant orchestrated several wars and political upheavals, always staying in the shadows and pulling the strings from behind the scenes.   The Covenant's rise to power was not without challenges. Internal power struggles were common, with ambitious members constantly vying for control. Grimsey's eventual death led to a period of chaos within the Covenant, as various factions fought for dominance. It was during this time that the Covenant's current leader, Vrel Eryut, rose to power. Eryut, a master manipulator and dark Helix wielder, consolidated his power by eliminating rivals and tightening his grip on the organization.   Under Eryut's leadership, the Covenant has become more aggressive in its pursuit of power. They have expanded their influence across Tilith, using their network of spies and informants to manipulate events to their advantage. The Covenant's agents have successfully infiltrated several key governments and organizations, allowing them to exert control from within. However, this increased aggression has also drawn the attention of powerful enemies, including the House of the Eternal Ring, who are now actively seeking to root out and destroy the Covenant.   In the present day, the Umbral Covenant stands as one of the most feared and powerful organizations in Tilith. Their long-term goal remains the same: to overthrow the House of the Eternal Ring and establish a new world order based on their own dark principles. Despite their many successes, the Covenant is still haunted by the specter of internal strife and the ever-present threat of discovery. The organization walks a fine line between success and destruction, knowing that a single misstep could bring their entire house of cards crashing down.

"In Shadows, We Ascend"

Secret, Military
Alternative Names
The Dark Brotherhood
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title


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