War of Silence

The War of Silence was one of the most devastating and consequential conflicts in the history of the world, lasting for a grueling decade and involving five powerful factions. Each faction was driven by its own distinct ideology, objectives, and methods, leading to a complex and multi-faceted war that shook the very foundations of the cosmos. The conflict was not only physical but also metaphysical, as it strained the Helix, the mystical energy that underpins reality, disrupting divine connections and rendering miracles nearly impossible. The war's name, "War of Silence," is a reference to this disruption, as it seemed as though the very gods had gone silent during this tumultuous period.   The war was sparked by the discovery of the Eclipse Nexus, an ancient Helix artifact of unimaginable power. This discovery set the stage for the conflict as each faction vied for control over the Nexus, believing it to be the key to achieving their goals. The Chain of Destiny, driven by a fanatical belief in the Titans as the true gods, sought to use the Nexus to enforce what they saw as divine will. The Arcane Coalition, or The Quill, viewed the Nexus as a source of knowledge that could unlock the full potential of Helix magic, allowing them to reshape the world through arcane mastery. The Order of Balance, known as The Tensei, sought to prevent any one faction from gaining control of the Nexus, fearing that it would destabilize the delicate balance of the cosmos. The Iron Dominion, led by the Golden Fist, saw the Nexus as a tool of domination, one that could cement their rule over the world through sheer force. Finally, the Peaceful Accord, representing the Agnya, sought to manipulate the conflict to their advantage, using their influence and resources to shape the outcome without engaging directly in the war.   The war unfolded across multiple fronts, with each faction employing its own unique strategies and tactics. The Chain of Destiny was known for its relentless, sacrificial assaults, often using its Wielders as living weapons to overwhelm its enemies. The Quill, with its vast knowledge of Helix magic, focused on precision strikes and intelligence gathering, exploiting weaknesses in its opponents and striking from the shadows. The Tensei, committed to their philosophy of balance, favored defensive strategies and counter-magic, seeking to protect their own while neutralizing the threats posed by the other factions. The Golden Fist, embodying brute strength, launched aggressive and overwhelming assaults, often seeking to crush their enemies in direct confrontations. The Agnya, true to their nature as master manipulators, avoided direct combat, instead using diplomacy, subterfuge, and economic pressure to achieve their goals.   The conditions on the battlefield were harsh and unforgiving, with the very fabric of reality strained by the constant use of Helix magic. The once vibrant and stable Helix Fields were ravaged, making it increasingly difficult for Wielders to harness their powers. The disruption of divine connections left many without the aid of miracles, adding to the chaos and desperation that defined the war. As the conflict dragged on, the toll on all sides became apparent. Casualties were high, with the Chain of Destiny losing the majority of its forces, and the Quill, Tensei, and Golden Fist suffering similarly devastating losses. The Agnya, while avoiding direct combat, also paid a price, as their manipulations led to the eventual unraveling of their carefully constructed web of influence.   The War of Silence ended not with a decisive victory but with the collapse of all factions. The Chain of Destiny was crippled by internal strife, the Quill's leadership was decimated, the Tensei were nearly wiped out, and the Golden Fist was left to simmer in its defeat, eventually evolving into a darker, more sinister force. The Agnya emerged as the only faction relatively unscathed, having manipulated events to their advantage while maintaining their façade of neutrality. The world that emerged from the war was one of ruin and desolation, with the surviving Titan Wielders forced to reevaluate their purpose and methods. The Eclipse Nexus, the artifact that had sparked the conflict, was lost to history, becoming a symbol of the power and peril of Helix magic.   In the aftermath, the war's legacy loomed large over the world. The War of Silence served as a cautionary tale for future generations, a reminder of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the devastating consequences of wielding power without wisdom. The remnants of the Tensei and the Golden Fist evolved into their modern forms, each grappling with the legacy of their past actions. The Agnya, having played all sides to their advantage, continued to exert quiet power from the shadows, influencing events long after the war had ended. The War of Silence was a defining moment in the world's history, one that reshaped the course of destiny and left scars that would endure for generations to come.

The Conflict


The War of Silence didn’t emerge overnight; its seeds were sown in the deep-seated tensions among the powerful factions that ruled the world of Tilith. The discovery of the Eclipse Nexus, an ancient and immensely powerful Helix artifact, was the spark that ignited the conflict. The Eclipse Nexus was believed to be capable of reshaping reality, and its control was seen as the key to ultimate power. This discovery brought to the forefront long-standing rivalries and differing ideologies among the factions, each of which viewed the Nexus as a means to achieve their divergent goals.   Before the war, the world was in a precarious balance, with each faction vying for influence but avoiding outright war. The Chain, with its fanatical devotion to the Titans, viewed the Nexus as a divine tool that must be wielded with reverence. The Quill, ever the seekers of knowledge, saw it as the ultimate piece of the Helix puzzle that could grant them unparalleled magical understanding. The Tensei, the most balanced and peace-seeking faction, feared that the Nexus could bring about catastrophic consequences if used irresponsibly. The Golden Fist sought to use its power to dominate and impose their will upon the world, while the Agnya, masters of manipulation, saw an opportunity to strengthen their influence by playing the other factions against each other.   As whispers of the Eclipse Nexus’s existence spread, tensions escalated. Espionage, secret alliances, and political maneuvering became rampant as each faction prepared for the possibility of war. The final straw came when the Quill, led by Alfwen Dyster, uncovered a lead on the Nexus’s location, setting off a frantic race to secure it. The fragile peace that had held the factions in check finally shattered, and the War of Silence began.


The deployment of forces during the War of Silence was as varied as the factions themselves. Each faction approached the conflict with its own unique strategies, shaped by its ideology and strengths.   The Chain deployed massive, disciplined forces across multiple fronts, using their fanatical devotion to the Titans as a driving force. Their forces were highly centralized, with tight control from their leadership, and they were often deployed in large, overwhelming numbers. The Chain’s tactics were focused on brute force and relentless assaults, willing to sacrifice vast numbers of Wielders to achieve their objectives. Their deployment often involved high-risk operations, including deep incursions into enemy territory and sacrificial frontal assaults designed to break the enemy’s will.   The Quill adopted a more decentralized approach, deploying smaller, highly specialized units with specific missions. These units were tasked with gathering intelligence, securing key locations, and executing precision strikes. The Quill’s forces were often deployed in secrecy, using their deep knowledge of Helix magic to conceal their movements and exploit the weaknesses of their enemies. Their deployment focused on hitting the enemy where it hurt the most, using a combination of magical prowess and strategic planning to achieve their goals with minimal losses.   The Tensei focused on defensive deployments, fortifying key locations and using their forces to protect vital assets rather than engaging in direct confrontations. Their deployments were often reactive, responding to threats as they arose and using their deep understanding of balance to counter the more aggressive tactics of the other factions. The Tensei were masters of strategic withdrawal, often giving ground to preserve their forces and waiting for the opportune moment to strike back. Their forces were spread across key strongholds, ready to defend against any attack while maintaining the flexibility to support allies when needed.   The Golden Fist deployed their forces in aggressive, shock-and-awe formations, designed to overwhelm their enemies with sheer power. Their deployment often involved rapid, decisive strikes aimed at key enemy positions, with the goal of breaking through defenses and seizing control. The Golden Fist favored large-scale, direct confrontations, using their superior strength and Helix-enhanced abilities to dominate the battlefield. Their deployment was highly mobile, with forces constantly on the move, seeking out and crushing resistance wherever it was found.   The Agnya rarely deployed forces directly, instead relying on their vast network of spies, diplomats, and manipulators to influence the course of the war from behind the scenes. When they did deploy forces, it was often in the form of mercenaries or allied factions, allowing them to maintain the appearance of neutrality while still exerting their influence. The Agnya’s deployments were calculated and strategic, designed to tip the balance of power in their favor without exposing their true intentions. Their forces were often deployed in support roles, providing logistical support, intelligence, or magical assistance to their allies, all while ensuring that they remained indispensable to the war effort.


The War of Silence was fought across a wide variety of battlefields, each presenting unique challenges and opportunities. The conflict ranged from desolate wastelands to densely populated cities, each battlefield bearing the scars of the titanic struggles that took place upon them.   One of the most notable battlefields was the Fractured Plains, a region devastated by the initial clash between the Chain and the Golden Fist. The Plains, once fertile and vibrant, were transformed into a shattered landscape of craters and broken earth, scarred by the immense energies unleashed during the battle. The fractured terrain made maneuvering difficult, with treacherous ground and unpredictable magical anomalies complicating efforts to secure the region. The Plains became a symbol of the war’s destructive power, a no-man’s land where no faction could claim a definitive victory.   Another significant battlefield was Astral Keep, a fortress of the Tensei that became the site of a prolonged siege by the Quill. Astral Keep was located atop a mountain range, its high walls and strategic position making it a nearly impregnable stronghold. The Keep’s defenses were bolstered by powerful Helix nodes that enhanced the Tensei’s magical capabilities, making any assault a daunting task. The siege of Astral Keep was marked by intense, close-quarters combat, with the Quill using their knowledge of Helix magic to launch precision strikes against the Keep’s defenses. The battle was a brutal slog, with both sides suffering heavy casualties, and the Keep itself was left heavily damaged by the end of the conflict.   The Helix Fields were another key battlefield, a region rich in Helix energy that became the focus of a massive assault by the Golden Fist. The Fields were a strange, otherworldly landscape, with streams of raw Helix energy flowing through the air and twisting the environment into bizarre shapes. The Golden Fist sought to drain the Fields of their energy, hoping to cripple the other factions’ ability to use Helix magic. The battle in the Helix Fields was chaotic and unpredictable, with the unstable energies of the region causing strange and dangerous phenomena. The Fields were eventually devastated by the Golden Fist’s actions, leaving them a barren wasteland devoid of Helix energy.   The Abyssal Depths were the final battlefield of the war, a dark and mysterious region rumored to be the location of the Eclipse Nexus. The Depths were a labyrinthine network of caverns and tunnels, filled with ancient ruins and dangerous creatures. The Tensei launched a desperate assault on the Depths, hoping to seize the Nexus and end the war. The battle in the Depths was fought in darkness, with the environment itself posing as much of a threat as the enemy. The treacherous terrain and the constant threat of ambushes made the battle a harrowing ordeal, and the Tensei’s forces were ultimately defeated after the betrayal of their leader, Hunwald Lush.


The conditions during the War of Silence were harsh and unforgiving, with the very nature of the conflict straining the fabric of reality. The use of Helix magic on such a massive scale had a profound impact on the world, causing environmental degradation and destabilizing the natural order.   The weather during the war was often extreme and unpredictable, with powerful storms, earthquakes, and other natural disasters becoming increasingly common as the war progressed. These conditions were exacerbated by the constant use of Helix magic, which disrupted the balance of the elements and caused the environment to spiral out of control. Entire regions were rendered uninhabitable by the war, their landscapes twisted and broken by the unleashed energies.   The psychological conditions for those involved in the war were equally dire. The constant strain of battle, combined with the fear and uncertainty surrounding the Eclipse Nexus, took a heavy toll on the combatants. Many Wielders, particularly those of the Chain, were driven to the brink of madness by the demands of their leaders and the pressures of the war. The war’s intensity also led to a growing sense of nihilism and despair, with many feeling that the conflict would never end and that there was no hope for victory.   Logistical conditions were a major challenge for all factions involved. The vast scale of the war, combined with the difficult and often hazardous terrain, made it difficult to supply and reinforce frontline units. Supply lines were constantly threatened by enemy raids and the unstable environment, leading to frequent shortages of food, water, and ammunition. The use of Helix magic also placed a strain on resources, as the materials needed to fuel and maintain the magic became increasingly scarce as the war dragged on.   Moral conditions varied greatly among the factions. The Chain’s fanatical devotion to the Titans drove them to fight with a fervor that bordered on insanity, while the Quill’s pursuit of knowledge often led them to make morally questionable decisions in the name of progress. The Tensei maintained a strict code of ethics, but even they were not immune to the war’s corrupting influence, as evidenced by the betrayal of their leader. The Golden Fist’s ruthless pursuit of power led to a culture of brutality and callousness, while the Agnya’s manipulation of events allowed them to maintain an outward appearance of neutrality, even as they profited from the chaos.

The Engagement

The engagements during the War of Silence were as varied as the factions involved, with each side employing its own unique strategies and tactics to achieve its objectives. The battles were often brutal and chaotic, with the use of Helix magic adding an unpredictable element to every engagement.   The Battle of the Fractured Plains was one of the first major engagements of the war, marking the beginning of open hostilities. The battle was a clash of titanic proportions, with the Chain and the Golden Fist throwing everything they had at each other in a bid to control the Plains. The battle was marked by massive, high-casualty engagements, with both sides employing heavy artillery and powerful Helix magic to devastating effect. The battle ended in a stalemate, with neither side able to secure a decisive victory, but the Plains were left shattered and uninhabitable by the sheer scale of the destruction.   The Siege of Astral Keep was another key engagement, pitting the Quill against the Tensei in a battle for control of the Keep’s vital Helix nodes. The siege was a prolonged and grueling affair, with the Quill using their knowledge of Helix magic to launch a series of surgical strikes against the Keep’s defenses. The Tensei, in turn, mounted a tenacious defense, using their deep understanding of balance to counter the Quill’s attacks. The siege culminated in the heroic sacrifice of Arnridr Thorne, who destroyed a critical Helix node to prevent the Quill from breaching the Keep. The Tensei held the Keep, but at great cost, with many of their best Wielders lost in the battle.   The Infiltration of the Chain’s Citadel was a different kind of engagement, relying on subterfuge and manipulation rather than direct combat. The Agnya, under the guise of peace talks, infiltrated the Chain’s leadership and sowed discord among its ranks. The resulting civil strife led to the assassination of a key Chain commander and significantly weakened the Chain’s ability to wage war. This engagement was a masterstroke of Agnya strategy, demonstrating their ability to achieve their goals without ever drawing a sword.   The Ravaging of the Helix Fields was a pivotal engagement that marked a turning point in the war. The Golden Fist launched a full-scale assault on the Fields, seeking to drain them of their Helix energy and cripple the other factions’ ability to use magic. The battle was chaotic, with the unstable energies of the Fields causing unpredictable and dangerous phenomena. The Golden Fist’s actions ultimately succeeded in devastating the Fields, but the price was high, with many of their own Wielders consumed by the very energies they sought to control.   The Fall of the Tensei was the final major engagement of the war, a desperate assault on the rumored location of the Eclipse Nexus in the Abyssal Depths. The Tensei, led by Hunwald Lush, launched an all-out attack, facing opposition from all sides. The battle was fought in darkness, with the treacherous terrain and constant ambushes taking a heavy toll on the Tensei’s forces. The engagement reached its tragic climax with the betrayal of Hunwald Lush by Dalla Basher, a Tensei Wielder who had secretly aligned with the Golden Fist. Hunwald’s death and the Tensei’s subsequent defeat marked the end of their involvement in the war and the loss of the Eclipse Nexus to history.


The War of Silence concluded with the decimation of 80% of the Titan Wielders, the collapse of all major factions involved, and the significant disruption of the Helix energies, which made Divine miracles nearly impossible to cast and left the world in a state of chaos and instability.


In the long term, the aftermath of the War of Silence saw the world of Tilith scarred by the conflict, with many regions left uninhabitable and the survivors grappling with the loss of their leaders and the collapse of their organizations. The surviving Titan Wielders were forced to reevaluate their purpose and methods, leading to the eventual evolution of the Tensei and Golden Fist into their modern forms. The Agnya, having manipulated events to their advantage, emerged as a subtle but powerful influence, quietly shaping the future from the shadows. The strain on Helix energies persisted, leading to a cautious approach to magic use in subsequent generations.

Historical Significance

The War of Silence is a central chapter in the history of Tilith, marking a period of unprecedented conflict and upheaval. It began with the discovery of the Eclipse Nexus and the ensuing clash of five powerful factions, each with its own ambitions and ideologies. Over the course of ten years, the war saw significant battles, betrayals, and sacrifices, ultimately leading to the near-extinction of the Titan Wielders and the collapse of the major factions. The war's history is studied and retold as a cautionary tale of the dangers of ambition, the importance of balance, and the enduring impact of Helix magic on the world.


The War of Silence left a profound legacy of caution and respect for the delicate balance of power. Future generations of Wielders were taught to recognize the dangers of unchecked ambition and the potential for catastrophic consequences when Helix magic is misused. The war also cemented the legendary status of the Eclipse Nexus as a symbol of ultimate power and peril, its true nature and location lost to time. The lessons learned from the war continue to influence the philosophies and practices of Titan Wielders, ensuring that the events of the War of Silence are remembered as both a warning and a pivotal moment in Tilith's history.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
The War of Silence resulted in the near-total annihilation of the Titan Wielders, the fragmentation and devastation of the involved factions, and the lasting scar of Helix magic's unchecked power on the world of Tilith.


  • Tilith


The Chain of Destiny

Led by


The Chain of Destiny was one of the largest factions in the War of Silence, boasting a force of around 15,000 Titan Wielders at its peak. Their strength lay not only in numbers but also in the fanatical devotion of their members. The Chain's Wielders believed they were bound to a higher purpose, making them relentless in battle. Their forces were organized into "Binding Sects," each led by a fervent commander who instilled a sense of divine duty among the ranks. These sects operated with a singular focus: to carry out the perceived will of the Titans, regardless of the cost. The Chain's strength was amplified by their willingness to sacrifice themselves in battle, turning their own lives into weapons to overwhelm their enemies. Their numbers allowed them to field large armies, often engaging in mass assaults that tested the resolve and resources of their opponents.


The Chain suffered some of the highest casualties in the War of Silence, with around 13,500 of their 15,000 Wielders perishing. This was due to their sacrificial tactics, which prioritized the mission over individual survival. Their strategy of relentless, frontal assaults and willingness to endure extreme losses often led to victories in the short term but at the cost of massive attrition. Entire Binding Sects were wiped out in single engagements, their bodies left as grim reminders of their devotion. The Chain’s leadership considered these losses as necessary sacrifices, believing that each fallen Wielder brought them closer to fulfilling their destiny. By the end of the war, the Chain was a shadow of its former self, with only a few hundred surviving members scattered across the world, many of whom were disillusioned or broken by the war's toll.


The Chain of Destiny’s primary objective was to enforce the will of the Titans as they interpreted it. They believed that the Titans were the true gods of the cosmos and that their followers were chosen to bring the world under their divine rule. To achieve this, they sought to seize control of powerful Helix artifacts, particularly the Eclipse Nexus, which they believed would allow them to channel the Titans’ power directly and reshape the world in their image. The Chain's leadership saw the war as a necessary purification, a divine trial that would weed out the unworthy and elevate the faithful to their rightful place as rulers of a new world order. Their objectives were driven by a fanatical zeal that left little room for negotiation or compromise, making them one of the most aggressive and uncompromising factions in the conflict.
The Arcane Coalition

Led by


The Arcane Coalition, known as The Quill, was a powerful faction composed of about 8,000 Titan Wielders, scholars, and Helix researchers. Their strength lay not just in numbers but in their vast knowledge of Helix magic and their ability to exploit it in battle. The Quill was a highly intellectual faction, with members who had devoted their lives to the study and mastery of Helix energies. Their forces were organized into specialized units, each with a specific focus, such as reconnaissance, magical research, or arcane combat. The Quill’s ability to deploy precision strikes, using their deep understanding of magic to disrupt enemy formations and exploit weaknesses, made them a formidable force on the battlefield. Their strength was also bolstered by a network of informants and spies who provided crucial intelligence, allowing them to stay one step ahead of their enemies.


The Quill lost approximately 4,800 Wielders during the War of Silence, about 60% of their total forces. These losses were the result of their high-risk strategies, which often involved experimental Helix magic that could backfire or lead to unintended consequences. Despite their precision in battle, the Quill’s focus on surgical strikes sometimes left them vulnerable to counterattacks, especially when their operations required them to engage in close-quarters combat where their knowledge advantage was less effective. Additionally, the Quill’s emphasis on secrecy and independent operation meant that their units were often isolated, leading to higher casualties when things went wrong. By the end of the war, the Quill’s once-vast network of scholars and Wielders was severely depleted, leaving the survivors to rebuild from the ashes of their former power.


The Quill’s primary objective was to control and monopolize the knowledge of Helix magic, believing that true power lay in understanding and mastering its mysteries. They sought to gather all significant Helix artifacts, with the Eclipse Nexus being their ultimate prize, as they believed it held the key to unlocking the full potential of Helix energy. The Quill viewed themselves as the rightful stewards of this knowledge and were willing to go to any lengths, including war, to ensure it did not fall into the hands of those they deemed unworthy. Their leadership, particularly Alfwen Dyster, was driven by the belief that they could shape the future of the world through their control of Helix magic, using it to create a new order where knowledge and intellect were the supreme values. The Quill’s objectives were as much about ideological dominance as they were about physical control, seeing the war as a means to elevate their vision of a world governed by wisdom and arcane mastery.
The Order of Balance

Led by


The Order of Balance, commonly known as The Tensei, fielded around 12,000 Titan Wielders, making them one of the more disciplined and organized factions in the War of Silence. Their strength came not just from their numbers but from their deep-rooted philosophy of balance and harmony, which guided their actions and strategies. The Tensei were highly trained in both martial and magical disciplines, with a strong emphasis on defensive techniques and counter-magic. Their forces were well-coordinated, with each unit trained to support the others in maintaining the balance on the battlefield. The Tensei also had a network of healers and diplomats who worked to mediate conflicts and provide aid, further strengthening their position as the moral compass in the war. Their strength was not just physical but also ideological, as they garnered respect from many neutral parties who saw them as the only faction fighting for the greater good.


The Tensei suffered significant losses during the war, with about 8,400 of their Wielders, roughly 70%, falling in battle. Their defensive strategies often placed them in the path of the most dangerous conflicts, as they sought to protect not just their own but also civilians and other non-combatants caught in the crossfire. Their commitment to their principles sometimes led to costly engagements, where they chose to stand their ground rather than retreat, resulting in high casualties. Additionally, the betrayal of key members, such as Dalla Basher, led to devastating losses in critical moments, particularly during the final assault on the Eclipse Nexus. Despite these losses, the Tensei’s resolve remained unshaken, and the survivors continued to uphold their values even as their numbers dwindled.


The Tensei’s primary objective was to maintain balance and peace in the world, using the Helix as a tool for protection rather than domination. They sought to prevent any one faction from gaining too much power, particularly in relation to the Eclipse Nexus, which they believed could destabilize the balance of the cosmos if misused. The Tensei were dedicated to ending the war with as little bloodshed as possible, and their leaders, particularly Hunwald Lush, focused on finding diplomatic solutions whenever possible. However, as the war dragged on and the stakes grew higher, the Tensei found themselves forced into increasingly difficult decisions, balancing their ideals with the harsh realities of war. Their objective was not just to win the war but to ensure that the world that emerged afterward would be one of harmony and justice, free from the tyranny of unchecked power.
The Iron Dominion

Led by


The Iron Dominion, led by the Golden Fist, was a formidable force composed of about 10,000 elite Titan Wielders. Their strength lay in their sheer physical and magical power, as well as their ruthless, disciplined approach to warfare. The Golden Fist prided themselves on their martial prowess, with each Wielder undergoing rigorous training to hone their skills to perfection. They were organized into highly effective combat units, known as "Fists," each specializing in different aspects of warfare, such as heavy infantry, siege warfare, or shock tactics. The Iron Dominion also had access to advanced Helix technology and weapons, giving them a significant advantage in direct confrontations. Their strength was further amplified by their unyielding determination to dominate the battlefield, often deploying overwhelming force to crush their enemies quickly and decisively.


The Golden Fist experienced heavy losses during the War of Silence, with around 7,500 of their 10,000 Wielders perishing in battle. Their aggressive tactics, while often effective, also led to high casualty rates, as they frequently threw their forces into the most dangerous and intense battles. The Golden Fist’s emphasis on strength and domination meant that they rarely retreated, preferring to fight to the last rather than concede defeat. This approach, while gaining them many victories, also led to significant losses, particularly in protracted sieges and frontal assaults against heavily fortified positions. By the end of the war, the Iron Dominion was greatly diminished, with the survivors retreating to regroup and reconsider their approach in the face of their near-total decimation.


The Golden Fist’s primary objective was to achieve total domination and reshape the world according to their vision of strength and order. They sought to seize control of the Eclipse Nexus, believing that its power would allow them to enforce their will upon the cosmos and cement their rule as the supreme power. The Iron Dominion viewed the war as an opportunity to crush their rivals and establish a new world order based on the principles of might and authority. Brictiva Fletcher, their leader, was driven by an insatiable ambition to rule and was willing to use any means necessary, including forbidden Helix techniques, to achieve her goals. The Golden Fist’s objectives were straightforward: to win the war through overwhelming force and to eliminate any who opposed their vision of a world governed by the strong.
The Peaceful Accord

Led by


The Peaceful Accord, representing the Agnya faction, was a small but highly influential network of around 5,000 agents, diplomats, and covert operatives. Unlike the other factions, the Agnya did not rely on direct military strength but rather on their ability to manipulate events and influence the outcome of the war from behind the scenes. Their strength lay in their vast network of contacts, their control over key resources, and their ability to negotiate and broker deals that favored their interests. The Agnya were masters of subterfuge, able to turn the tide of battles without ever setting foot on the battlefield. Their operatives were highly trained in espionage, diplomacy, and psychological warfare, allowing them to sow discord and weaken their enemies through non-violent means.


The Agnya suffered minimal direct casualties during the War of Silence, with less than 10% of their forces, or about 500 agents, lost. Their strategy of avoiding direct confrontation and instead focusing on manipulation and negotiation allowed them to minimize their losses while still achieving their objectives. The few casualties they did suffer were primarily the result of failed covert operations or betrayal by other factions. The Agnya’s careful planning and strategic use of resources meant that they were able to emerge from the war relatively unscathed, with their network and influence intact. Their ability to stay out of the spotlight and operate in the shadows was key to their survival and success during the conflict.


The Agnya’s primary objective was to maintain and expand their influence over the other factions while avoiding direct involvement in the war. They sought to manipulate the conflict to their advantage, ensuring that they remained indispensable to the warring parties through strategic alliances, negotiations, and the control of key resources. The Agnya viewed the war as an opportunity to strengthen their position without committing to any one side, playing the factions against each other to keep them weakened and dependent on Agnya support. Their ultimate goal was to emerge from the war as the dominant political and economic power, able to shape the post-war world according to their vision of peace through control. Rowena Carrin, the leader of the Agnya, was a master strategist who believed that true power lay not in brute force but in the ability to influence and manipulate others.


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