
Anahuetlan is a canton of the five sovereign cantons of the Volenaran League. Located in northwestern Volenar and northern most of the cantons, it has the highest percentage of ethnic Calmaxtec citizens. Most famous of these is the war hero and High Executor of the Volenaran League, Huexolotl Omecoatl.

The canton his governed by a elder council remeniscent of the 'great village' idealized in much of Northern Calmaxtec culture. The canton elders are chosen in turn by the the canton's communities, one from each. Which communities are allowed to send an elder to the high elder council is decided by the current high council.

It is rivaled only by Pranesh in its trading power. Its strongest ties are with Neztlalpan, but trades across all the friendly ports of Torvalen. Anahuetlan has little arable land compared to the cantons to the south, it is compensated for having the most discovered mineral wealth outside of the territories of the Ejdehan Nations. Aside from mining and processing ore and farming, other major industries are raising livestock, such as lanti imported from Heimval, and horses, ranec and sheep imported from Kalmasa.

The canton has been the target of protests by diplomats from the Kalmasan Samraj. They accuse elements within the canton of sending agents into Neraj to free prisoners and indentured slaves from mining camps in the province and stirring up support for rebellion and joining the Neztlalpan Confederation.

For their part, the elder council has flatly denied these accusations and say that any citizens of Anauetlan engaged in such activities are acting completely on their own accord.

Geopolitical, State
Neighboring Nations


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