Blue Warders

The Blue Warders is a society of ulan devoted to the protection of the life of the great reefs and mangrove forests and swamps that the ulan call home. They are in communion with Bright-Water. The Warders protect these aquatic and semi-aquatic wilds from abuse and exploitation. They are feared by divers harvesting the wealth of the reefs in pearls, sponges or coral as well as those who commercially hunt the crocodiles, alligators and other creatures of the swamps and mangroves for their hides. Intelligent hunters, divers and fishermen know better than to hunt in the range of a Blue Warder. However, they generally leave fisherman alone, and others who use the sea for their livelihood, as long as they do not fish to excess or cause significant damage to the ecology.

Warders are often seen in the company of sharks, dolphins or crocodiles who are the Warders' loyal companions. They share spirit links with these animals that allow them to take on their strengths and abilities and enhance the intelligence and perception of the animal companions. As they gain in wisdom and experience, their connection to the environment under their protection grows so strong that they can detect and locate great harm occurring within it. The greatest can become one with the waters, instantly transposing themselves within the confines of their realm, which has become an extension of their own spirit.

Their appearance is distinct from other Ulan in that their skin is mottled reddish-brown and green and takes on a darker cast as they age. It is believed that they use their powers to develop a symbiotic relationship with the algae of the ocean, just as the coral around them do.

Blue Warders respect the amas of the ulan communes, but they do not submit to their authority. However, the society very rarely comes into conflict with the amas, since the goals of the amas rarely interfere with the welfare of their charge and many times coincide such as during incursions of abyssal ulan or nagathi.

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