Ulan Communes

Ulan live in communities known as communes. These communes are found in the coastal waters of every continent of Torvalen. Communes are led by ulan matrons known as amas. Most communes consist of 30 to 200 individuals, however some of the larger communes, such as Pearl Fortress or Swaying are known to contain a thousands. Most of the denizens, due to the reproductive characteristics of ulan, are males. Females generally leave to start their own communes once they’ve reached maturity, along with some of their brothers.


Communes are governed by their ama, whose will is law within the commune. In practice however, the day to day organizational affairs of the commune are overseen by appointed administrators. As the name suggests, all property and production of the commune are held in common by its members. Ulan of a commune decide for themselves how they wish to contribute and are assisted in being effective on their chosen path. Ulan may leave their commune of birth for many reasons, but the most common is curiosity and a desire to see other places. Many such ulan become traders between communes, others may decide to join the Blue Warders and a few decide to leave the sea altogether and explore the lands.


Surface dwellers are permitted within communes as long as they do not bring violence or ill intent and if they have their own means of remaining underwater. Some are favored by the ama and are given the means to stay for a prolonged period of time. Scholars and artists of the land, being highly prized, are often gifted this favor. Trading is active between communes, usually consisting of foods from different regions that are not found in other communes, but also works of art, tools and other artifacts. Ulan travel long distances underwater by means of semi-trained swift-snakes, a four meter long serpentine keratoplexan believed to be related to the much larger Kalamaudha.


Communes also have dealings with surface nations and localities, trading goods and information through emissaries. Politically, are loathe to become embroiled in international conflicts and maintain strict neutrality unless they or other communes are threatened. However it is rare for a surface race to threaten the ulan. All the coastal peoples who have dwelled long in Torvalen, human and excultida alike, have rich folklore of the aid ulan have given to sailors as well as the retribution brought upon those who would offer an ulan harm.


The true enemies the communes have are ones they have contended with for millenia. Their oldest enemies are the abyssals, who periodically wage war on the ulan or spy on them. Then there are the nagathi who dwell on the surface of the Torvalen Sea and prey on the ulan when opportunity strikes. It is believed that they also act in the interests of the abyssals, who some clans worship. Then there are the achamatl, simple hunters who will prey on ulan within their colony territories.

Geopolitical, City-state
Leader Title
Economic System
Gift economy
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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