Coyoxauqui (Co-yo-shau-kwi)

The Severe, Right Hand of Acuecueyotl

Coyoxauqui is a teotl of the Calmaxtec. She is seen as the spirit of the blue-green moon known as Han by the Eshtem. Coyoxauqui is the eldest and most dutiful daughter of Acuecueyolotl, who carries out her mother’s wishes, punishing or blessing the people. It is told in the stories that she met out the punishment that drowned the Golden Lands of Teocuitlan and drove the ancestors of the Calmaxtec to flee west in their giant canoes.


She is worshipped and prayed to mainly by those who rely upon the sea, such as fisherman and sailors. They ask her to intercede for them with her mother. She is also seen as a friend and protector of travelers and hunters in the night. Her idol is almost always found with that of Acuecueyotl in shrines. She is represented as a tall woman painted blue-green with copper oxide paint holding a stone mace before her and standing below and in front of Acuecueyotl.

Divine Classification


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