Deep Watchers

To surface dwellers who have met and interacted with them, the ulan appear to be a friendly, carefree people, though strange of appearance and ways. They believe that life beneath the waves is an idyllic existence of beauty and peace. Little do they know of the true dangers lurking in the depths and the lengths the valiant Deep Watchers go to keeping their communes safe.


The Deep Watchers are the guardians of the ulan peoples. Ulan who wish to join and are deemed worth by their commune’s ama undergo a ritual. Their ama bites each ulan, envenomating each one with a special morphic venom produced by their ama, Venom of the Deep. The venom changes them. They become larger and stronger. Their paralytic venom becomes much more potent. Bioluminescent chromatophores develop and the Deep Watchers are able to survive at depths intolerable to their kin. Finally, they develop a strong telepathic link with one another and gain the ability to pierce the blackness of the depths without sight.


Deep Watchers main duties involve protecting the communes from their ancient enemies, the abyssals. Ships plying the seas overhead are unaware of how many times the Deep Watchers have saved their lives, but the Deep Watchers do not ask for gratitude or payment. They simply perform the sacred duties as they have done since before the ancestors of the surface races left their trees.

Military Order
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