
The Provident, The Meticulous

Denalesh is one of the seven high ones among the Devas. He is a deva of trade and wealth who became very prominent among the merchant princes in the days of the Eshtem city-states and maintains importance in the cities of the Kalmasan Samraj as well as many in the Volenaran League. He is worshipped not only by traders, but also artisans and any who buy and sell.


Where the temples of Evran are also the legal courts within the Kalmasan Samraj, temples of Denalesh are also the official banks, money-changers and treasuries of the Samraj with the sole authority to produce Kalmasan currency. Offerings made to Denalesh are always a twenty-seventh of a worshippers profit from the time since the last offering was made, whose true value Denalesh is believed to know exactly. Any intentional skimping is seen as foolish, if not disasterous to one's fortunes. These offerings are made discretely, so that this value is kept a secret between the deva and the worshipper.


Denalesh is never depicted in a bodily form as other devas, but normally as three arms emerging from a central point, whose hands hold an abacus, scale and quill. In the center is the Eye of Denalesh. Priests of Denalesh are bankers, tax collectors, underwriters and accountants and whose presence evoke feelings of fear and respect second only to the judges and executors of Evran himself. On their foreheads is the Golden Trine of Denalesh and they dress in copper colored vestments trimmed in black.

Divine Classification


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