
The Radiant, The Just

Evran is the chief deva of the Eshtem orthodox devanic religion, embodied in the United Temples. He is a deva of justice, wisdom and benevolent order. He is symbolized by a yellow circle with a smaller red circle within it, symbolizing the alignment of the suns Kal and Bal, right and left eye of Evran. All priests of Evran have this symbol upon their foreheads. He is also symbolized by images of his holy spear, Usasyahartr (Dawn Bringer). Evran is associated with many heroic avatars as written in the Adej, the orthodox devanic text containing the stories of the devas as well as laws for the faithful.


His worship began as the patron deva of the city-state of Eshkar, but gained in prominence with that country's rise. His priests, like those of all the Eshtem city-states, were highly involved with the running of the city, including collecting taxes and diplomacy with the other city-states and administering justice. Eshkar gained a reputation for scrupulous fairness in the judgements of its priests. It was well known that priests of Evran could not be bribed.


Daily ceremonies dedicated to Evran are performed in public, under the suns. People make offerings at his temples on a regular basis and petition him to help them seek justice, reveal liars or protection from false accusations. All Eshtem homes have altars with an effigy of Evran in the center, which may be as simple as a wooden figure painted with the yellow and red suns in poor households, or elaborate effigies of gold and rubies in the homes of the great houses.

Divine Classification

Cover image: Evran's Gaze by David Wood


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