Grru'hrem M'hur

The dhun shamanistic tradition is very strong and is represented almost entirely by the society called the Grru'hrem M'hur, 'Servants of M'hur'. The Grru'hrem are the spiritual leaders of the dhun sanctuaries. All members of dhun elder councils belong to the society.


Often, dhun who are members of the Dholm in their youth move seamlessly into Grru'hrem M'hur as they age. It is the Grru'hrem who call the dhun together for the Noohr. They oversee the ritual tests newly uprooted Dhun undergo during the rites of adulthood. They also perform healing and ease dhun in their dying hours.


The members of Grru'hrem M'hur are one with the forests of Barendar which they conceptualize as the physical manifestation of M'hur. The great spirit grants them the ability to commune with the creatures and plants of the forest and imparts magnificent powers of healing and rejuvenation. Of all the societies of @Torvalen, they are acknowledged as the greatest of healers.


As Grru'hrem M'hur members age, they eventually reach a point where they make the decision to root themselves permanently. The tendrils of their walking limbs grow and intertwine with the roots of the trees, physically connecting them with the great mesh of life that is the physical manifestation of M'hur. What they give up in mobility, they gain in wisdom and power within the forests of Barendar.

Religious, Other


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