
The Dholm are an order of dhun warriors and rangers. Over the millennia, they have roamed Barendar, protecting the forests and sanctuaries of their people against destruction and invasion. Usually composed of young dhun full of action and spirit, the Dholm normally range over the borderlands of their forests.


Despite their reputation as a warrior society, their first interactions with interlopers is usually peaceful. A group of woodcutters or huntsmen from northern Koryem operating unauthorized in their lands can expect clear signs left for them that they have intruded on dhun territory. If this is not heeded, they will lie awake at night hearing the booming and chanting of the Dholm from the darkness, speaking warnings. If these warnings are also ignored, the Dholm will attack, but will not kill unless absolutely necessary.


Many of the Dholm have learned some of the techniques of forest speaking, and can communicate with the web of plant-life in the forest and thus learn of things occurring miles away. When a serious threat is detected, the Dholm will often be accompanied by members of the Grru'hrem M'hur.

Military Order
Training Level
Parent Organization
Related Species


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