
Guryar, in northeastern Kemesh, is the oldest Kalmasan colony. Kemesh was discovered by explorers looking for safe routes through the Adaku islands of the Kemesh Strait between Kalmasa and Kemesh. In doing so they discovered a deep water channel that separated the northern coast of Kemesh from the shelf of the Adaku Islands. Adventurers and fortune seekers soon followed, along with farmers and fisherman seeking to carve prosperity out of the new land. Guryar is now a rough but civilized land. Much of the coast lands have been turned into farmland and large iron and silver deposits have been discovered in the foothills of the northeastern spur of the Raksaya Mountains.

Half of the population of the colony resides in the large Port Ayenkar, which is also the seat of the governor of Guryar. The population of Guryar is largely Eshtem, Calmaxtec and tlanelolli, with a very significant varhani population who mainly reside in Ayenkar. The narrow coastal plains of the colony are largely given to agriculture and the jungle beyond has also been cut down for farmland as well in places. Farming and fishing communities are spread over the coasts and plain while some mining trade depots a few miles into the jungle have grown into established communities as well.

Geopolitical, Colony

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