Port Ayenkar

Port Ayenkar is the largest city in Kemesh, located in the northeast of Guryar province. Port Ayenkar grew from a small outpost established by Kalmasan explorers commissioned by the Rajan of Donava, becoming a prominent trading port, fueled by exports of tropical crops, hardwoods, gold and silver as well as animal products from the jungles of Kemesh.


Port Ayenkar's reputation as a rough and ready town has faded only somewhat from its early days and its inhabitants have a tough reputation. Its permanent population is a mix of Eshtem, Calmaxtec and varhani with the occasional Jolnir, hakanu or ejdehan visitor, mainly traders or sailors passing through.


Now that the immediate lands have been settled to some degree, the surrounding farmlands staked out by pioneering Kalmasan commoners are being eyed by the elite of Kalmasa as attractive investments to be converted into large plantations or villas. Enormous pressure is being placed on the local farmers to sell their property and some believe that the increase in brigands and troublemakers in the area is no coincidence.



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