
The Far-sighted, The Revealer

Inosh is the Eshtem deva worshipped by those who follow the sea and depend on it for their lives and livelihoods. Since their beginnings, the Eshtem have been a people dependent on the sea for sustenence and trade and devotion to Inosh is widespread across the port cities of the Kalmasan Samraj . Temples to Inosh are found in every harbor and they are the first destination for faithful sailors and fisherman after they disembark, who make offerings such as carved hval bone, intricate prayer knots and money.


Inosh is seen as a grim, unknowable deva. He is depicted with blue or purple skin, his ears pierced with hooks from which dangle prayer knots. He holds a harpoon in one hand and in the other, a sextant. He is usually standing astride wind-tossed water.


Priests of Inosh are usually older men and women, retired from a life at sea. Most have tales to tell of surviving certain death after capsizing, saved only after praying to Inosh. They wear the garb of Eshtem sailors, loose pants and long, short sleeved tunics with hems heavily embroidered with border knots and scenes of stories of Inosh found in the Adej. On their foreheads they display the Twelve-Fold Knot of Inosh. Among their duties are overseeing the blessing of vessels and tools as well as insuring vessels and goods in conjunction with the temples of Denalesh.

Divine Classification


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