Itzicatochtli Tlanixtelotl

Itzicatochtli Tlanixtelotl is the tlatoani of Nixtal Canton in the Volenaran League. He is an Apoxtec noble, from one of many noble families exiled from their ancestral lands in the southern Apoxtec cities in northwestern Kalmasa and living in the lands of Neztlalpan farther to the north across the Cochicoatepetlan Mountains.


Well educated and wealthy, Itzicatochtli led a life of ease in Neztlalpan, but he sought something different. He wanted to build a life of his own and went to Volenar to forge his own path in life. He established himself as a merchant in the port city of Jamnal in the Utaresh district of southeastern Volenar. He grew wealthy smuggling goods to and from Neztlalpan.


During the time before the revolution, he was instrumental in organizing the defense of Utaresh against the Kalmasan army.



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