
Nixtal is canton in southeastern Volenar run by a meritocratic monarchy after the style of the confederate kingdoms that make up Neztlalpan including how tlatoani are chosen and the rights of its subjects including representation and taxation. Nixtal and Anahuetlan have special ties to Neztlalpan and are both non-voting honorary member states of that nation. Neztlalpan is also a close ally of the League itself.

Nixtal was formerly part of the Utaresh colony. The district was always strongly Calmaxtec in ethnic make-up, since its farmers and tradesmen were retired Kalmasan soldiers and sailors from the slums of the large Kalmasan cities Solkar, Anjar and Jhargra who took the land in Volenar as their pension.

The canton is ruled by Tlatoani Itzicatochtli, who was a prince of Neztlalpan who came to the aid of the rebels in the Utaresh colony, established trade between Neztlalpan and Volenar, and brought in volunteer Neztlalpan warriors to aid in the rebellion.

The tlatoani of Nixtal is chosen from and by citizens of Nixtal with grown children aged 40 or older, who judge the candidates on a meritocratic process similar to the one used in Neztlalpan. The chosen tlatoani then rules for 10 years and is oathbound to abdicate at the end of that time.

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