
The Kahala'i are the hakanu people of the nation of Kahala in northern Okaluan, a theocracy of the koroua Ila'Makau, the Fire Lord. Though the Kahala'i do identify as such, they more strongly identify with their caste, which were originally disparate northern Okaluan tribes, except for the To'ani caste, which was formed after the consolidation of the theocracy to control the unpredictable elements of those Hakanu adept at semiotic magic. The Kahala'i are a studious, religious people who value order, presenting a contrast to their unpredictable lands of earthquakes and eruptions. The castes of Kahala'i in order of prestige are the Tohuna, To'ani, Ka'ani, Pu'anu and Kua. Talani'i are considered below the Kua and non-Hakanu below them.


The Kahala'i are a skillful, intellectual and religious people. Their religion, in which they worship Ila’Makau exclusively, is very strict and this is reflected in many of their attitudes towards aspects of life. Kahala'i society is divided up into castes that determine one’s role in life. They prize learning and even the children of the lowest caste are taught to read and arithmetic in the religious schools all Kahala'i are required to attend from age 5 to 10. The Kahala’i are as technologically and magically advanced as the most advanced human societies in Torvalen and more advanced in some ways.


Kahala'i live in cities and villages expertly carved high on the slopes of Kahala's many mountains. The Kahala'i have constructed enchanted lava ducts that direct lava flows away from settlements as well as strategic bores into the volcanoes that keep pressure low and prevent explosive pressures to build. They have also combined engineering and the arcane in the creation of enchanted gliders, the lelemiki. Despite their technology, their culture is introverted, and aside from their holy wars to the south, they have until recent decades had little interest in colonization of other lands, as they consider Okaluan sacred and the only proper place for Hakanu to be born and die. However, the expansionist activities of the Kalmasan Empire have begun to change this thinking among some in the ruling class.

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