
The Searcher, The Insightful

Onalem is one of the seven High Ones of the devas, originally patron deva of the Eshtem city-state of Varakar. He is a deva of artisanry, skill and the pursuit of knowledge. He is considered the patron diety of the Dharmati and his most prominent temple is found on the grounds of their campus in Solkar. He is most prominently worshipped by artisans, architects, scholars and all who pursue deeper knowledge or its applications in the arts and sciences.


The temples of Onalem all contain libraries and meeting areas where scholars and artisans gather to discuss or to promote their discoveries. Though temples of Onalem accept monetary donations like all temples, the most well regarded donations are unique scholarly works, diagrams or even an new mathematical proof written on a scrap of paper. No matter the quality, all such donations are assiduously gathered by Onalem's priests and catalogued with proper attribution made to their creators and donators. Through this process, Onalem's temples are authorized to issue and enforce patents of inventions and copyrights of scholarly materials within the Samraj. Taking credit for another's inventions or discoveries is considered a serious transgression and there are stories from the Adej of his servitors visiting punishment unto such reprobates.


Onalem is normally depicted as a tall, crimson figure with four arms in which are held a stylus, compass, scroll and abacus. He is also represented by a the yantra of insight. Priests of Onalem are librarians, patent officers and scholars of various disciplines in their own right. On their foreheads is the the yantra of insight. Their vestments are long crimson tunics with black trim.

Divine Classification


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