
Solkar is the capital city of the Kalmasan Samraj, seat of the Samrajan. It is located in western Kalmasa in the province of Donava. It lies on the coast of Bay of Solkar near the end of the Narmada river. Solkar is the largest city in the Samraj, with trade from every nation of Torvalen passing through it. In addition to the Samraji seat of power, it also home to the the second campus of the ancient semiotic university, the Vidvanya jen Dharmu. It is also the location of the High Temple of the United Temples.


Though the Samrajan, Mahendran III, is its official city ruler, its day to day affairs are governed by a city council made up of representatives of the Vidvanya, the United Temples and the Solkaran Mercantile Consortium.


Although it is the economic powerhouse of the Samraj and Torvalen, it is not seen as the cultural center of the Samraj, that title still being held by the city of Alesh on the other side of the continent, the first Eshtem founded city in Kalmasa and home to the first Vidvanya as well as the oldest universities and the oldest Eshtem families.


Since the devastating loss of the colonies in Volenar after the disatrous War of Sovereignty, Samrajan Mahendran III has turned his energies inward in an attempt in his later years to create a legacy for himself through the building of great city works, desiring to be remembered for these instead of his disastrous losses against mere rebels and savages.


He has also invited scholars from as far away as Kahala and ulan scholars from the sea communes to study in his city. But despite his efforts to be seen as another "Scholar King" in the mode of the famed Gheran bas Arbiram, he is secretly mocked and the city of Solkar has begun losing revenue due to competition from the Volenaran League, the cities of the Neztlalpan Confederation, as well as the other prominent prominent cities of the Samraj.

Location under
Owning Organization


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