Rrokresch Hills

The lush sub-alpine meadows at the southeastern edge of the vast highlands of the Volenaran Plateau are the territory of the Rrokresch Hills nation. These rolling hills are the home to vast rrokresch herds that sustain that ejdehan nation. Rrokresch Hills are the southern-most highland nation and were the first highland nation to come into contact with Kalmasan colonists in the form of prospectors.

It was their Brood Chief, Kurroschk who first united the ejdehan tribes of Volenar to fight back against the colonial incursions in a coordinated, successful campaign. It was also he who later joined forces with the Volenaran rebels in their war for independence, leading the elite Brotherhood of the Wind guerilla fighters. Kurroschk continues to lead his nation and through his leadership has made them very influential in their dealings with the outside world.

The people of Rrokresch Hills still live in their traditional manner, through glide hunting. Waiting on ridges for herds, when one comes within range, they leap and glide down, attacking with spears or arrows. Their brood clans lead a semi-nomadic existence, cycling between summer and winter hunting grounds. When traveling, they reside in large rrokresch skin tents. At the summer and winter grounds they reside in great wooden communal lodges near the edges of alpine lakes which they fish.

Since good relations were established with the Kalmasan colonists, many ejdehan of the nation, like in other nations, have learned new skills, particularly the mining and working of metal. Smith has become a position of high status within the nation, as he makes spear and arrow heads as well as knives which are much more effective and durable than the chert and obsidian they relied on previously.

Rrokresch Hills recieves much wealth, like other highland nations, from allowing humans to prospect and establish mines for payment, but as their own people become more knowledgeable in these arts, they have begun to deny these requests and establish their own mines, realizing the wealth they were allowing to flow out of their lands. This has created friction between Rrokresch Hills and the Volenaran League mining concerns. Though there has been some violence, there has been no deaths, but many believe this is only a matter of time, since the ejdehan control the rugged interior of Volenar where the vast majority of the continent's mineral wealth resides.

National Territory


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