
Rrokresch are large, aggressive herbivores Ornithischian related to the lanti and magunir and native to Volenar. They are adapted to the cold alpine meadows and hills of the vast Volenaran Plateau. Rrokresch are large and powerful and stand nearly two meters at the shoulders with a layer of insulating short, downy plumage covered by a protective outer layer of long, hair-like plumage that is brown with black bands in the summer and snow white in the winter.


Their broad heads have two sets of black horns. Two that jut staight out sideways from their jaws and two growing from their temples that curve up and forward. They use these, in addition to their short, sharp beaks to defend themselves from predators, such as the oghra. Their tails are thick, broad and short, with protective bony scutes beneath the hide.


The highland ejdehan tribes depend on the rrokresch for meat, horn, bone, hides and plumage and hold the animals as sacred. Though they do not pen or breed rrokresch, parties of unmated highland hunters travel for months on the peripheries of herds, directing them to good pastures that they've scouted and defending the herds from other predators.


Experiments in domestication by human pastoralists from the Volenaran League have thus far been unsuccessful and occasionally fatal.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
1.8 meters at the shoulder.
Average Weight
1.2 metric tons
Average Length
4 meters from beak to tail.
Geographic Distribution


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