
The Bountiful, The Merciful

Lady Shalyam is a Deva of the land and all who depend upon it. She is second only to Lord Evran in prominence and temples devoted to her within the devanic faith. She is looked to for comfort, healing and blessings of abundance.

Images and statuary can be found in most cities of the Kalmasan Samraj, she is commonly depicted with with dark green skin and golden eyes. In the center of her forehead is painted the threefold lotus. She holds in one hand a reaping knife and in the other a pot of apana, the magical balm she is said to brew that can heal all wounds, physical or spiritual.

Pregnant women, healers and farmers are her most devoted followers. Her festival, Punarjivatu, is held in the fall when the three moons, Lum, Han and Tol, three of her previous avatars, are closest together in the sky.

Her priests and priestesses chief colors are copper and green. Their hands are dyed dark green and their foreheads are adorned with the symbol of the threefold lotus.

Divine Classification

Cover image: Threefold Lotus by David Wood (Uruschk)


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