
The family of languages known as Srrik'k are spoken by the Krri'ura varhani peoples. All the varhani tongues are notable for their rapidity, but the Srrik'k languages are considered fast even to the Chir'kualu and Ger'voak. Srrik'k languages are heavy with trills and clicks.


Srrik'k is more complex and formal than the other varhani language families, with eleven different tones, compared to the relatively simple seven tones of Hrriku and six of Erghi. It also has different means of address for a range of ages, ranks, relationships and different, non-varhani entities, such as tree spirits, animal spirits, water spirits and wind spirits. There is no formal means of address for humans, but the ones most commonly chosen is that used when speaking with enemies or unstable spirits.


This complexity and other linguistic clues, such as it possessing the largest number of languages within its grouping, support the theory that the Chir'kualu and Ger'voak people originated from groups who left seperated from the forest tribes in a forgotten past.

Root Languages
Spoken by


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