
The Sublime, Joyous Rain, Destroyer of Despair

Vasila is one of the seven High Ones of the devas, originally patron deva of the Eshtem city-state of Srimakar. She is a deva of artistry, beauty and joy. She is most prominently worshipped by artists, performers and those whose businesses depend on making people happy and content, such as the proprietors of theaters and inns or organizers of parties and festivals. Her most prominent temple is found in the city of Alesh. Altars devoted to her are in places of prominence in any Eshtem run entertainment establishment.


The temples of Vasila are places where artists congregate to display their talents and where others can go to hire entertainment for private or public events. Priests of Vasila act as brokers in these arrangements, taking a percentage of the payment as donations to the temple. They also provide stipends to starving artists, providing them temple work and temporary lodging.


Vasila is normally depicted as a graceful woman with dark blue skin dressed in golden robes, usually in a dancing pose. Two of her six hands form mudras of blessing and inspiration. With the other four, she plays her signature stringed instrument, the Samuvaditra, which only she is capable of playing and that is capable of dispersing all care and despair in those who hear it. Priests of Vasila are all accomplished performers of various arts and trained to recognize and support talent. Their vestments are long yellow tunics with blue trim. On their forehead is painted the yantra of joy.

Divine Classification


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