
The city of Alesh is located on the east coast of Kalmasa, on the Gulf of Haxcalco. It is the capital city of the imperial province of New Eshkar.   Alesh is the oldest Eshtem city in Torvalen and is known as a mecca for scholars in all fields of studies. The University of Alesh is the most renowned center for learning in Torvalen, rivaled only by Solkaran University in the imperial capital of Solkar and the Academy of Ulau in the Ulau prefecture of Kahala.


Alesh was formerly the capital of Eshtem civilization in Kalmasa before the founding of the Kalmasan Samraj after the end of the War of Brothers. Despite its demotion in status, it holds itself with tremendous pride. Its citizens regard the other great jewels of the Samraj, Solkar and Mianej, as but rough hewn things. Alesh for them will always be the seat of Eshtem learning and culture.


Though the city has an erudite reputation, it is still a city of commerce, trading with the other provinces of the Samraj as well as those from elsewhere in Torvalen. Its position on the Atyanta Ocean also give it an advantage as a deep water port, secluded from the rest of Torvalen. There the Dharmati of the Vidvanya jen Dharmu develop new techniques for protecting the Samraj's fleets and equipping its forces in the finest weapons crafted with the aid of their arcane knowledge.

Large city
Location under
Owning Organization


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