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Verbobonc City

Long before the coming of humanity, Verbobonc was an elven settlement set on a wooded hilltop overlooking a spot where a minor tributary, Gillendyl’s Run, enters the Velverdyva River’s wide expanse. The small river town featured an impressive elven tower fortress surrounded by yet more tall, thin towers, narrow walkways, lofty houses, and parkways filled with delicate wood and ceramic statuary. Considered a safe haven on the great river, a market place developed along the riverbank attracting goods from near and far. The local elves shared their lives and livelihood with the good gnomes of the Kron Hills to the south, banding together to battle off threats from the north and east. Verbobonc, then, was a military town, aligned with the gray elves of Enstad, though a political entity unto itself. Her elven patrols ranged into the deep Gnarley Forest to the east, the Kron Hills to the south, and through the Iron Wood to the west. The surrounding hillocks still hold relics of those ancient days, slowly crumbling towers of unsurpassed beauty, troves of buried arrowheads and still-useful armor. It is even said there remain elven Old Places, sacred refuges hidden in the magical folds of wood and hill.   As humans began to migrate to the area, Verbobonc became a bustling port town. With the growth of the city, many elves and the gnomes left the great city for the Kron Hills and the Gnarley Forest. In time Verbobonc became a state of its own and eventually was incorporated into Veluna in 119 CY. In that time it has dealt with aggression from some of Veluna's enemies such as Keoland.   In 592 CY, Viscount Wilfrick died and left the Viscounty to his son, Fenward the Lefthanded. The inexperienced leader immediately made public statements of claim to areas of the Kron Hills and Gnarley Forest and immediately suspended participation in joint patrols with the Free Assembly of the Kron Hills and the elves of Celene. His tenure as Viscount has been rife with controversy, after a few incidents with the Martels family and other nobles. Some whisper that the Viscount himself is compromised by outside powers, though to date no such evidence has come to light.  

Geography and Climate

The Viscounty of Verbobonc is bordered to the north by the Velverdyva River, and extends roughly 15 miles into the Kron Hills to the south. Verbobonc is bordered to the east by the Gnarley Forest and the lands of Dyvers.  


As of 591 CY, the population of Verbobonc totaled 177,800 persons, the vast majority being humans of chiefly Oeridian stock. Elves, halflings, dwarves, and gnomes make up less than 20% of the total population.  


The chief religions mirror those of Veluna (Rao and Heironeous). Saint Cuthbert has grown in popularity since the time of the Temple of Elemental Evil. The tradition of the Old Faith is still significant here as well, especially among those that trace heritage back to the days of elven influence in Verbobonc (Obad-hai, Ehlonna, Beory). Zilchus and Fharlanghn are popular with the merchant classes.  


The Viscounty of Verbobonc is a vassal state of Veluna, although in practice it operates with near autonomy. A council of lords is made up of various nobility representing the trade interests of the city. Though the council is advisory in nature, the ineptitude of Fenward has allowed the interests of the noble families to grow and at time supersede his own authority.


Rannos Davl Gremag Viscount Fenward (the Left-Handed) Vex - Pirate who converted to St. Cuthbert after being saved from the Earth Temple)

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