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Welkwood Forest

The Welkwood is distinguished from the Gnarley forest to the north and the Suss to the south by the majesty of its trees. Ipt trees grow to well over 100 feet here, while the great roanwoods grow taller still. Other trees grow to their normal maximums and beyond; there may well be powerful druidic or other nature magic at work within the Welkwood. The eastern fringes of the Welkwood are close to the remnants of the Wild Coast and the northern limit of the Pomarj, and many folk have taken refuge here from both those chaotic and troubled lands for many years. The western glades border Celene, and are home to wood and high elves, faerie folk, unicorns, and a few treants. Celene lays claim to the entire Welkwood, but this is only a nominal claim for the most part. The woodsmen of the Welkwood are especially strong and hardy folk, renowned throughout the land as huntsmen, trackers, and adventurers. The total human population of the Welkwood is around 12,000; the elven population is perhaps one-third that.   It is said that there is a way into the Fading Lands from the Welkwood. The Fading Lands is a demiplane where magical realities hold sway, created long ago by fae spellcasters. It is a mysterious place where the Seelie and Unseelie Court send avatars to do their bidding and mystical happenings are commonplace.   Oakvein: This vast oak stands 240 feet tall and has a breathtaking appearance All around its thick bark, great knotted veins can be seen endlessly pulsing in a slow, perisaltic motion. High in the branches, among silvered green leaves, trailing vine ropes and ladders lead to the lofty treehouses of the elves. There are only 25 of them, but they have powerful defenses; unicorns and talking owls supplement the brownie and pixie spies around, three great treants of largest size ring the oak, and a veritable storm of owls and hawks would assault anyone trying to assail the oak.   Oakvein is home to the six Loremasters of Clan Enlanefel. The Loremasters have their own spacious treehouse homes, each replete with a great archive of elven culture and history. These archives take extraordinary forms; none of the human taste for libraries stuffed with paper and vellum lurks here. Rather, beautiful crystal vases can be handled by elves to reveal history and lore by direct mental revelation. Sculpted wooden birds fly in complex patterns revealing secret symbols andsymmetries of the world. Those who rest here dream of the historic past in vivid color and sound. The Loremasters have their own unique staves (they store lore revealed to those touchingthem), planting them into the ground and communing with nature, summoning ageless spirits who speak of earth's secrets, and using them to draw forth secrets in myriad other ways. Magic runs through every cell of every being here.   Oakvein is very difficult to find; impenetrable hallucinatory terrains, veils, and other illusions enshroud it. Nonelves will virtually never locate it, unless acting in the direct service of an elven Power or accompanied by an elf. Wood elves of other clans do not come here unless their need is great, or unless they come to seek The Leaving. The Loremasters and clan elves here are mystics, long in their contemplations and slow to action. Their concerns are mostly transcendent ones, and only a major threat to a great swath of the woodlands or the elven race would rouse them forth to battle.   Faerie Folk: Whimsical and sometimes sadistic creatures from the Feywild make their home in portions of the Welkwood. These creatures include pixies, brownies, unicorns, redcaps, satyrs, and other like creatures.   Orc Raiders: Orcish raiders from the Wild Coasts vie for control of portions of the wood from humans and elves alike. Many of these reaids originate from Castle Sulafrait. Previously home to a robber baron, the castle was looted and pillaged by orcs during 584 CY, but its stone walls and keep remained mostly intact. Since that time, humanoids have usually been in control of it, with some 300-400 orcs, 50 gnolls, and 40-70 goblin underlings billeted there. These orcs are worshippers of Gruumsh and owe allegiance to Turrosh Mak, Despot of the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj.   Knights of Luna: Though the Faerie Kingdom of Celene by directive of Queen Yolande has closed its borders to outsiders and withdrawn from the world, the Knights of Luna still ride to protect the elves that live within Welkwood Forest and remind the world not to give up on Celene.

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