Harmony Station

Harmony Station is a marvel of Zylithian engineering, a testament to their ingenuity and respect for the human artifact they now call home. The outpost is delicately perched on Voyager I, utilizing the spacecraft’s existing structure to ensure it remains fully operational.


Location and Integration: Harmony Station is strategically located on the upper deck of Voyager I, near the high-gain antenna. This placement ensures that the station does not obstruct any of Voyager’s instruments or communication systems. The Zylithians have cleverly anchored their structures to the spacecraft’s framework, using advanced materials that are both lightweight and incredibly strong.


Architecture and Design: The architecture of Harmony Station is a blend of organic and technological aesthetics, reflecting the Zylithians’ harmonious relationship with their environment. The structures are small and intricate, designed to accommodate the Zylithians’ diminutive size.

  1. Central Hub: At the heart of Harmony Station is the Central Hub, a spherical structure that serves as the main gathering place for the Zylithians. The hub is adorned with intricate patterns that glow softly, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Inside, there are communal spaces for dining, socializing, and cultural exchange.
  2. Observation Decks: Surrounding the Central Hub are several observation decks, providing breathtaking views of the cosmos. These decks are equipped with transparent domes made from a material that enhances the clarity of the stars and planets, allowing the Zylithians to marvel at the universe.
  3. Residential Pods: The residential areas consist of small, pod-like structures that are clustered around the Central Hub. Each pod is designed for comfort and efficiency, with modular interiors that can be customized to suit individual preferences. The pods are connected by a network of walkways that are illuminated by bioluminescent plants, adding a touch of natural beauty to the station.
  4. Vynara’s Restaurant, Terra: One of the most popular spots on Harmony Station is Vynara’s restaurant, Terra. The restaurant is located on a prominent platform, offering stunning views of the stars. The architecture of Terra is inspired by Earthly designs, with elements that mimic the natural landscapes of Earth. The interior is cozy and welcoming, with tables arranged to encourage social interaction and cultural exchange.
  5. Research and Maintenance Facilities: To ensure Voyager I remains operational, Harmony Station includes state-of-the-art research and maintenance facilities. These areas are equipped with advanced tools and technology, allowing the Zylithians to monitor and repair the spacecraft as needed. The facilities are discreetly integrated into the station’s design, ensuring they do not detract from the overall aesthetic.


Harmony Station began as a temporary outpost, established by the Zylithians to ensure the continued operation of Voyager I. Initially, it was a small, functional base with the sole purpose of maintaining the spacecraft’s systems. However, as the Zylithians delved deeper into the contents of the Golden Record, they became increasingly fascinated by Earth’s culture and history. This curiosity sparked a transformation, turning the outpost into a permanent settlement. The success of Vynara’s restaurant, Terra, played a pivotal role in this evolution, attracting more Zylithians and fostering a vibrant community.

Over time, Harmony Station grew into a symbol of interstellar cooperation and cultural exchange. The Zylithians’ respect for Voyager I and their desire to preserve its legacy led to the development of advanced technologies that seamlessly integrated with the spacecraft. The station’s architecture evolved to reflect both Zylithian and Earthly influences, creating a unique blend that celebrated the spirit of exploration and discovery.


Harmony Station has become a popular tourist destination, drawing visitors from across the galaxy. Tourists are captivated by the opportunity to experience the sights and sounds of the Golden Record firsthand. The station offers guided tours that highlight the history of Voyager I, the significance of the Golden Record, and the Zylithians’ journey to discover its origins. Visitors can also explore the observation decks, which provide stunning views of the cosmos and a chance to witness the beauty of interstellar space.

One of the main attractions is Vynara’s restaurant, Terra, where guests can enjoy a fusion of Earth and Zylithian cuisine. The restaurant’s unique dishes, inspired by Earthly recipes and adapted to Zylithian tastes, have become a culinary sensation. (Terra's Delightful Symphony is not to be missed if you're visiting!)

Additionally, Harmony Station hosts cultural exchange events, where visitors can learn about Zylithian traditions, art, and music. These events foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the diverse cultures that coexist in the universe, making Harmony Station a beacon of unity and curiosity.

Alternative Names
The Golden Record


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