Terra's Delightful Symphony

Time passed, and Voyager I continued slipping through interstellar space. The Zylithian guardians made a base on the little explorer. Called Harmony Station its main function was to ensure that Voyager I remained operable for as long as its physical components held out. Around this, a colony of Zylithians formed, and it became something of a tourist hotspot to experience the sights, sounds, and messages of the Golden Record.

Among the colony’s attractions was a renowned Zylithian chef named Vynara. Vynara opened a restaurant that quickly became famous for its unique fusion cuisine. Using information returned from Earth-bound scouts who had encountered television signals, Vynara created a new Earthling recipe compatible with Zylithian digestive and nutritional needs.

The dish, known as “Terra’s Delightful Symphony,” became an instant hit as Voyager I, now a vibrant hub of interstellar culture, continued its journey through the cosmos. With the Zylithians’ care, it became a symbol of unity and curiosity, carrying the shared heritage of Earth and Zylithia. The Golden Record’s message echoed through the stars, inspiring countless beings with its testament to the boundless spirit of exploration and the unexpected connections that weave the fabric of the universe.

Terra's Delightful Symphony

Manufacturing process

  1. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. On a lightly floured surface, unfold the puff pastry and roll it out slightly. Cut into 12 equal pieces. Set six pieces on the baking sheet, then use a sharp knife to score small decorative cuts in the remaining six pieces, leaving the edges intact (steam vents).
  3. In the bowl of a food processor, combine the walnuts, raisins, pistachios, brown sugar, butter, honey, cinnamon, cardamom, flour, and salt. Pulse until the mixture is very fine, then transfer to a small bowl and stir in the whiskey.
  4. To assemble, spread the filling over the uncut pieces of pastry on the baking sheet, leaving about 1/4 inch of empty dough around the edge of each piece. Place the scored pieces of pastry on top, then crimp the edges shut with the tines of a fork.
  5. Brush with a little heavy cream, and bake for about 25 minutes, until the pastry is puffed and golden brown.
This is the continuation of a story that began in my article on Voyagers I & II. Tl;dr: The recent Voyager I glitch was caused when the Zylithians docked with Voyager I, and now they care for it to make sure it keeps working.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Raw materials & Components
  • 1 pound frozen puff pastry, thawed
  • 1/2 cup walnuts
  • 1/2 cup golden raisins
  • 1/4 cup shelled pistachios
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp. butter, softened
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
  • 2 tbsp. flour, plus more for dusting
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon whiskey or brandy
  • Heavy cream for glazing


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