My Boardgame Universe Treasure Trove

With over 300 board games, we finally had to find a bigger place so that they and my yarn would stop fighting. Now, my yarn has its own room. Unfortunately, both board games and yarn skeins are known to breed when you're not looking. So every time I turn around -- poof! -- there's another one! More tend to spring up around gift-giving holidays such as Mother's Day, my anniversary and birthday, and even Yule. However, their most prolific breeding season seems to always be 4 days in early August when GenCon comes to town.
— Haly, the Moonlight Bard


My B.U.T.T. has always been a valuable part of family life, even when I was a child. In the 80s and 90s when I was growing up, my family shared one B.U.T.T. It was not a broad B.U.T.T., but it served our needs.

The family B.U.T.T. was responsible for many, many fun times. Sure, there were a few stinkers -- like that time that my mother slammed her cards down on the table and screamed at my nephew, "Sean, you little f'ck-head, I'm going to spit in your eye!" after he went out on his first turn in a new hand of Canasta -- but even now those moments live as precious memories full of laughter.

Now that I am grown and have a B.U.T.T. of my very own, it has expanded beyond the closet under the stairs in the townhome where I grew up. Here, in my house, my B.U.T.T. lives in every room, on every shelf, in stacks in the corner, in piles on the table, and even right now on the chair beside me and the table next to me.

My B.U.T.T. is LITERALLY everywhere.

My Butt


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Jul 27, 2024 03:11 by E. Christopher Clark

Hahahaha, I love it!

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Jul 27, 2024 03:17 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

My mom was vicious. Like...Queen of Hearts vicious. And we all inherited it. Like...when we all agree to play a cut-throat game like Phase 10 or Uno or Cover Your Assets we get nasty. Fun nasty, but it's definitely a case of if you can't hang, don't hang. It's how we knew that my son's fiance was going to last. She's the master of that 'Oh, if I do this and this and this, then I can completely demolish you and everything you've ever accomplished in your life.... Did I do that right?' innocence.

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Summer Camp in Avalon

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