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Tval Vorten

Tval Vorten is a land to the north in Orzadama that, while technically falls under Palushian rule, none would ever be foolish enough to challenge for claiming rights. The tribes of Tval Vorten would fight until the last to protect their homes, and the frozen northland is not one easily traversed by outsiders. Beyond the hard to navigate frozen pass lie the majority of the Twelve Tribes, each playing a role in a culture far larger in it's sum than the parts that make it.     The Tval culture disregards the gods almost entirely, disinterested in their existence and instead worship the "Great Elemental Spirits"; Krzzt - The Lightning Wolf, Jarfros - The Frozen Bear, Attilan - Tortoise of Calm Waves, Vyrfindr - The Storm Crow, Sifur - The Soul of the Forest, and Hafran & Sinebard - The Traveling Flames. The exceptions to this concept are the Isskro and the Glyrsarn tribes. Neither dispute the existence of these Great Spirits, but they have their own beliefs that they have refused to abandon and disregard the spirits that the rest of the Tval hold dear.     The Isskro (Ish-crow) are a tribe rich in sorcery, the blood of a dragon flowing through their veins. Their stories speak of a time long ago when a white dragon known as Talonfrost called their lands home and they worshipped him as their god. A powerful and demanding god-dragon who blessed his most loyal with arcane gifts that even now persist through their bloodlines. They prepare, confident that one day their god will return to grace them with the right to worship him once more. "In our blood runs secrets both powerful and ancient, in our hearts a cold flame burns."     The other exception to this rule are the Glyrsarn (Gleer-sarn). The Glyrsarn devote themselves to a pantheon of forgotten Gods, a pantheon of deities whose names have been lost over the ages, though their traditions and concepts have been passed down through the generations. They find the Great Spirits to be fickle and manipulative, refusing to take part in the rituals, celebrations, and traditions of the rest of the Tval. “You may have forgotten the Gods, but they will never forget us.”     The rest of the tribes exist perhaps not in harmony, but in peace through their reliance on each other, be it for trade, tradition, or protection.     Hafkrüng (hahf-kroong) - (The Sea Beasts)  These are the northernmost tribe, and are renowned as Kraken hunters and slayers. Since claiming their land they have expanded northwards, spearing and securing glaciers as expansion isles. A very stern and serious lot, they are master boatspeople and sea hunters, with most of their export being kraken ink, bone, meat, and fat. “Many believe our name refers to the krakens we hunt, but that is a misconception. We are the beasts of the sea.”     Zvandrgring (Zvahn-dur-gring) - (The Hungry Wolves)  Avid hunters, trappers, and warriors, the Zvandrgring blanket themselves in the traditions on the past, modeling their culture and day to day life after Krzzt. Often aggressive and imposing, the Zvandrgring believe that strength should dictate power, and choose the successor to their leader in their legendary fighting pits, which are also often their justice system. They also host a yearly celebration where they have hunting contests. “We survive through our will and our blood. We are one pack.”     Trilpa (Trill-pah) - (Branch Runners) The Trilpa live in the snow covered forests of Twelvetribes and are well known trackers and masters of camouflage. Not particularly welcoming to outsiders, the Trilpa make their homes deep in the snowy forests of the north, only ever venturing outwards for Tribemeets, otherwise expecting all those (both other tribes and “farreachers”) to respect the boundaries of their forests and doing the same in return. Their homes are built with the ability to be broken down and moved with ease, allowing them to be near impossible to find without them wanting to be found. “From the earth we grow, in the forest we thrive.”     Olorey (Olo-ray) - (The Eternal Word) A tribe of clerics, druids, and scholars. They record history, keep safe all of the traditions and stories that compose Tval culture, and are considered neutral in all conflicts. They are involved in choosing and crowing the chief of most tribes (excluding the Glyrsarn, Isskro, and Zvandrgring) and protect sacred artifacts and texts. "The spirits grace us with history so that we may always have a foundation to build upon."     Kornaz (Kor-nahz) - (The Horned Ones) Legend goes that one harsh winter the tribe were starving until a young girl left in search of food, a unicorn appearing in her dreams leading her on a hunt, which took her to a grove where she found a unicorn's horn and used it to finish her prophetic hunt and bring them food. The two stags she hunted managed to somehow last them through the season and so she fashioned her attire based on their saviors pelt and horn. This became the traditional attire of the Kornaz over time, their tribal leader wielding a dagger crafted from that unicorn's horn and the tribe hosting a large feast each year in commemoration. "Believe as she did, and we will always find our way."     Sozdalet (Soz-dah-leht) - (They Who Build) During the fall of the Palushrok Empire a handful of Dwarves who had no interest in fighting to maintain that which they knew was already lost took refuge in the north, leaving behind the sweeping mountains and plains to live in the north. Master craftsmen and smiths, they learned to use the stone, ice, and snow from the Ursine who already called the north their home, incorporating it in their work now, weaving deep intricate designs into the simple but efficient work that was presented to them. "We bring our skills to the spirits, and work for the glory of all."     Fyrkal (Feer-kahl) - (The Mountain's Legacy) Though you may on occasion find a Goliath in Tval Vorten, the tribe once known as the Fyrkal have no existed in any real way for many years, as the Goliath have taken their leave to instead call Ximbal's Wake their home and spread, leaving most, if not all of the traditions that the Tval put their stock in, behind. Now the Mountainspawn look towards their Giant roots, and the Titans that came before them. Very few manage to break with the Goliath besides the Ursine tribes that share their lands. "The land itself is out legacy, the Titans our blood."     Vulsa (Vull-suh) - (The Guiding Winds) The Vulsa reside closest to the frozen pass, with encampments on both sides. No one understands the lands of Tval Vorten better than they. Breeders and caretakers of the sacred Hyrago (Hee-rahgo), a species native to Tval Vorten, these 5 to 6 foot tall creatures are the most reliable way to traverse the rocky, snowy lands, and the safest way across the pass for the uninitiated. Hyrago are large mammalian creatures covered in furs ranging from grey to white, white long rear pointing ears, wide spreading antlers and large, powerful hind legs. They can cover great distances in a single leap, move quickly, and maneuver gracefully. "Where we go, we know. Every step is familiar because every step is guided."     Atelyra (Aht-eh-lee-ruh) (The Cavern's Light) The Atelyra are a tribe steeped in controversy. Long ago a Chieftan of theirs pledged the tribe to a dark betrayer spirit in exchange for power, leading her people against other tribes, and the spirits they revered. This attempt was unsuccessful and resulted in the Atelyra being forcibly returns to their caves. Their Chieftan was executed and they were cut out of the peace the other tribes share. This was only their beginning. As time went on they learned how to use the fungi and the bioluminescent plants of the caves to concuct salves and potions. Guides by kinder spirits who took pity on a people who were the victims of a dark manipulator and a greedy mistress. In time they used these lessons to show the other Tval-folk that they had come quite far, and earned their way back into the society. Now they play two roles, that of the healers and of the assassin. A powerful force of knowledge too dangerous to leave out alone in the cold, but well aware of the benefits and risks that they carry when kept close. "In the dark we were shown the light. All things exist in duality, that which may bring life as easily drags it away."     The 12th Tribe of Tval Vorten has been lost to time, age, wrath, and history forgotten to all but the Olorey. Why they refuse to share these stories with all but the wisest of their own is a question with any whispered answers. Whether any of those whispers ring true not, very few know.
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