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Session Report - Chapter 4: Curse Unleashed

General Summary

Working in the back room of Palentine Jewellery, an upmarket jewellers selling ornate jewellery and accessories to the rich and powerful of Saltbridge, and front for a lucrative criminal enterprise, Sorrow Richter waits for one of her contacts, Theodore Quinn to arrive with his latest haul of treasures. With the help of her Kobald servants, Tas Mukfoot, Raz and Kaz, Sorrow inspects the goods that Theodore gently lays out in front of her as he apologises for his tardiness, explaining that he got caught up in a brawl at the Golden Feather Inn that morning.
  Theodore is quick to point out a large golden rod, beset with several reasonably sized gemstones, the largest of which is a jet-black opal, the interior of which seems to behave like smoke in the candle light. Picking up his payment, a small bag filled with pieces of jewellery that Sorrow has previously repurposed, Theodore bows graciously and goes to make his leave, reminding Sorrow to send a message to the Golden Feather Inn if she requires his services again.
  Beginning her work, Sorrow attempts to prise the gems from the rod, handing each one she removes to a kobald, who gingerly take each gem to a safe, before setting each one down on a small velvet cushion. Having removed, the rest of the gems, Sorrow begins to prise the large black opal out of the rod. As Sorrow lifts the gemstone away from the rod, a gust of wind emanating from the rod slams the shops windows shut and a cloud of black smoke starts to spread from the stone, quickly enveloping Sorrow's hand, then her arm and then her whole body in whirling black smoke.
  The three kobalds watch as their mistress, bathed in darkness, is transformed. The silhouette of a pair of bat-like wings and a long, diamond tipped tail loom in the smoke and as it clears, the extent of her transformation is made clear. Sorrow's skin has taken on a slight red hue, her eyes are now the colour of flames, her ears now pointed like an elves and protruding from her forehead grow two curved ram horns. Sorrow's transformation has a profound affect on the kobalds, and a magnetic pull which has bound them in her service loosens its grip.
  At that moment, three bandits rush in, two brandishing clubs and another a sword and demand that Sorrow Richter gives herself up. Upon seeing the abomination before them, the bandits attack but are swiftly repelled and slaughtered by the kobalds. However, in the melee a lantern is knocked over, causing a fire to break out in the workshop. By the time the bandits are dead, it is raging out of control and Sorrow and the three kobalds are forced to escape the burning building.
  After defeating a couple more bandits waiting outside Sorrow's shop, the party make their way to the Golden Feather Inn, forcing their way through the crowds. They arrive to find Theodore Quinn hastily packing his wagon. Sorrow demands to be told where he got the golden rod from . Under sword point, Theodore quickly recounts that he bought the rod from a party that had arrived from Stonsfruit Abbey last evening. Having been spotted by more bandits, Sorrow and Taz then attempt to steal Theodore's wagon and in the commotion, Raz is dashed against a wall and Kaz is trampled under the hooves of the horses pulling the wagon.
  Assuming their companions are dead, Sorrow and Taz use the wagon to narrowly escape the city and the bandits. Hiding in a small grove of trees near the west gates, they witness the Ballista Mounted Carriage hurtle past them, shortly followed by six bandits on horseback. Recognising one of the people on the wagon as one of the party that Theodore mentioned, Sorrow and Taz decided to follow the trail of destruction left behind by the wagon in search of answers.
  After finding the bodies of the bandits chasing the adventurers lying in the road but no sign of the wagon, Sorrow and Taz make camp in a small grove of trees off the main path, trying to ignore the red glow on the horizon as Saltbridge burns...
Report Date
30 Aug 2022
Primary Location
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