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Ruiadhri the Red (Rory the Red)

High King McRory, Ruiadhri the Strategist

The Founder of Naumachia.   The planner and thinker of the Flight of the Fang. Ruiadhri was the most "normal" of the founding kings; instead of battle prowess, elaborate magic, or divine blood, Ruiadhri bore a keen mind that he developed over a youth spent adventuring. Ruiadhri prided himself on knowing his opponent as well as the intricacies of warfare. Despite Leontii and Bahamut actually creating them, the orbs of dragonkind were his idea. He had no family, so when he died in the final showdown Naumachia was left without an heir. He was replaced by a council of necromancers known as "The Triumvirate." This trio was later killed by Balor, the Beast of War, 50 years before The Final Bastion.

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