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Sub Zero Clothing Shop

The business of Folden Ender, an Aurelian Elf with low tolerance for nonesence, and a modest respectful attitude to others. His shop primarily sells furs for use as extreme cold gear for travelling the ice sheets of Aurelia's Court.    

Item List

30 dollars: Drill Stave - A large wooden item sealed with fat topped with a drill shaped point at the end. When placed upright upon ice with the drill facing down, it will begin to rotate, tunneling into the ice sheet to create a hole suitable for fishing.   3 dollars: Lullaby necklace - A small amethyst charm on a slight metal chain which when held tightly in the hand will sing a pleasing and soothing lullaby. Note that this is not the sleep spell.   2 dollars: Line Hook - a could water hook and line used to fish down holes in the ice. 1 use per item.   300 dollars: Ring of Frosted Flesh - a platinum ring with an aquamarine gemstone. It may be used to cast the spell cure wounds at the 2nd level once per day (recharing at dawn). This spell will cure a medium creature of one limbs worth of frost bite.   1 dollar: Bear tooth necklace   400 dollars: Cold Climbing Equipment - a kit of ice picks, ropes, and safety equipment to assist with climbing sheer icy slopes. Each kit contains two persons worth of gear, and can be used to safely ascend at a speed of 20ft up icy cliffs.   2 dollars for 5: Screaming arrows/bolts - standard amunition for bows and crossbows which produce a high pitches scream as they decend. Can be used as flares or distractions, or just to be annoying.   2 dollars for 5: Glowing arrows/bolts - standard amunition for bows and crossbows which give off a brief but strong blue glow when they strike a surface.   2,300 dollars: Tusk Ox Tusk - a straight ivory tusk that ends in a hook. A sword-handle has been attached to none end, allowing it to be weileded as a +2 rapier. When striking at any enemy who is armed with a blade, the target must make a strenth saving throw DC 14 or have their weapon hooked by the tusk and ripped from their grasp. It is an action to retrieve their weapon.   400 dollars: Expandable fire cage - A metal lattice which can be unfolded into a wide, shallow cauldron. When a spark is added, a long-lasting flame resistant to medium gales will light in the bowl. Fire cages will burn for up to 40 hours before they need to be re-varnished. This flame is not suitable for cooking due to fumes.   20 dollars: Sauna potion - a large dose of spicey liquid which can be used to dry one person's skin and hair if they get wet. Cannot be used to dry clothes.   2 dollars per square foot: External Webbing - warming membranes similar to spider webs which give off a pleasing warmth.   890 dollars: Experdition tent - A huge skin lined tent held up with bone poles. It can comfortably fit up to eight medium creatures, and provide comfortable spaces to sleep and eat. This tent will be destroyed if erected in medium or stronger winds, or in hail conditions.   4 dollars: Frostbite Gel - A tube of green gell that is used to stop the spread of frostbite when applied to flesh neighbouring already frozen limbs. 5 uses per tube.   1 dollar: Warming Tampons - great for stopping bleeding orifices   60 dollars: One-man Storm Tent - a small tent that can hold one medium creature. It is designed for providing shelter during intense storms, and as such is not of great comfort.   90 dollars: Two-man Storm Tent - a medium tent that can hold two medium creatures. It is designed for providing shelter during intense storms, and as such is not of great comfort.   15 dollars: Bottom Cushion - a padded, thick cushion used to increase comfort and prevent bruising when travelling via sledge.   3 dollars: Chilli powder - dried and ground chilli peppers used to season food to provide a warming heat.   24 dollars: Cooking blow torch - A short but intensely hot flame torch which can be used to sear food.   5 dollars per kg: Salt - Salt can be used to melt ice when combined with patience.   70 dollars: Talisman of Messages - provides a telepathic link with up to five other creatures, lasting 24 hours. Two charges.   43 dollars: Talisman of Hounds - said to be a beacon to attrack wild dogs to your location if you are in need. This item comes with a warning that hungry dogs may not wish to help, and might in fact add to your problems.   70 dollars: Skin-Knife - A serated knife designed to cut through the thick blubber of tundra creatures. (+d6 slashing damage against beasts resistant to cold damage)   450 dollars: Tellow Horn - A curved horn taking from a great sea cow. It has been polished and decorated with silver. When blown, this horn produces a mighty drone, which alerts anyone within 2km of your location.   140 dollars: Vest of moisturising - cold weather often causes dry skin. This vest provides a nourishing environment under your clothes to keep your skin moist and healthy.   20 dollars: Sunfly lure - Jars of sweet treacle and a specific pheramone which attract glowing sunflies. These nocturnal creatures provide light, and so these lures enable you to set a form of flare or minor light source. The subtle light is less obvious than a standard torch or light spell, for those who do not wish to be noticed.   4 dollars: Extra strong deoderant - getting wet in the cold is a death sentence. Luckily, staying out of rivers is a fairly easy decision to make, however sweating is often something one may have less control over. This deoderant will seal up your sweat glands for 24 hours, keeping you dry inside and out. Each bottle contains 5 uses.   4 dollars: She-wee   10 dollars: Tinted glasses - to protect against the reflection of the sun on the white snow   130 dollars: Insulated water skin - prevents drinking water from freezing while travelling in sub-zero temperatures   60 dollars: Hiking spike sticks - walking sticks of a variety of designs with long metal spikes at the end, used for improving stability on ice.   50 dollars: Shoe spikes - can be wrapped around shoes to increase grip on icy surfaces.   2 dollars: Suncream - used to prevent tan and sunburn. Each purchase contains 24 hours worth.

40 dollars: Alchemists hot water bottle - a specialist hot water bottle that is used to hold a chemical solution that gives off of heat. The user must fill the bottle with water, then empty 1 charge of alchemical powder into the bottle for instant near boiling heat. Comes with 5 charges.
5 dollars: 2 alchemical powder recharges
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