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The Festival of Prophets

Every year, at the start of winter, The court of the captain organises a large festival where the four main prophets of Rhye give their predictions and warnings of the future. The event is held in the Captial's festival square, starting with a breakfast feast set out in a large plaza. Following this, a market is held where fortune tellers, charm sellers, and mediums sell their services and wares. The day ends with the grand event - the four prophets take to the stage one at a time and give their prophecies as a graph display.   The guild attended the festival, meeting the four prophets: The Madman - the prophet of the court of Aurelia Na - the prophet of The Court of Hunter Starlla - the prophet of The Court of Jade Caellyn - the prophet of the court of the Captain.       They determined that only the madman truely saw the future, though they took the lens he used to do so from him. Caellyn's predictions instead involved using previous events and measurements to predict the future, making him quite effective, though he is not a true prophet. Na had observed that nature around her had begun to die as a result of irresponcible magic use, and guessed that it would get worse, using this guess as her prediction. Starlla however was a brilliant poet and writer, and used her imagination to come up with prophecies vague  

Prophecy of Aurelia, the True Prophecy

By the Madman     “Listen to the mad man, listen to the mad man,
Listen to the seer, for the prophecy says,
Fear the storm that gathers here
Listen to the wise man.
  You saw me on a moonlit stair,
Spreading my hands at the multitudes here,
Can’t you see that love’s gone stale,
And our indulgent ways makes charity bare?
  Can’t you see our shattered sky?
The sun rages not, burnt through its gold life,
I see no day, I know not the way,
So grey is the face of every mortal!
  Oh people of the earth,
Listen to my warning, for the prophecy says,
Soon the cold of night will come,
Summoned by our still hands!
  Oh, children of the land,
Quicken to a new life, take my hand,
Though we are doomed, Our king will save,
The future will return with salvation to give
  I see our death as a bone white haze
Taking the loved and the unloved all,
Late too late, no point to run,
At the bottom of the river we spend our remaining days
  Denier give you grace to purge this place
And peace all around may be your fortune
Ah, ah, children of the land
Hope is still the answer, take my hand
  My vision fades, a voice I hear
"Listen to the madman"  

The Prophecy of Hunter

By Na   Ladies and gentlemen,
  Today, I stand before you at this most import of festivals to address a matter of utmost importance. I am grateful that my position as True Prophet has once more been recognised, and given a position of focus. Hear me! In my sessions immersing myself in the Lens of Tomorrow I have seen the end of the world! And yet, I see the cause - the excessive use of magic and its detrimental impact on our beloved nature. Magic, a force that forms our very being, creates the ground beneath our feet, and flows through every part of our most fantastical of kingdoms.
  Nature, the very essence of our existence, is a delicate balance that is completely vulnerable to Rhye magic. It provides us with breathtaking landscapes, clean air, crisp water, and some of the most scrumptious delicacies our land hosts. Yet, in our pursuit of enjoyment and indulgence utilising the lifeblood of this place, we have inadvertently disrupted the vulnerable nature around us.
  The Court of Hunter have already begun to see the effects. This is just the start. I have looked to the lens and seen forests once teeming with faeries and critters have withered, their vibrant colors fading into a desolate gray. Rivers, once brimming with crystal-clear water, have turned murky and toxic. The air we breathe, once pure and invigorating, has become polluted and laden with darkness.
  The indulgent use of magic will disrupt the natural cycles that sustain our kingdom. Eventually, this disruption of the natural flow of energy, will lead to inevitable disruptions in weather patterns and natural disasters of unprecedented magnitude. I have foreseen the end of our world in fire, storm, ice, and quake.
  We must understand our world is not an immortal playbox, but a fragile web of interconnected beings. Every piece of magic we take, every spell we cast, steals the magic from another, causing ripples throughout the natural world. It is our responsibility to ensure that these ripples are positive and nurturing, rather than destructive and harmful.
  In conclusion, my friends, let us not be blinded by the allure of indulgent power and control that magic offers. Let us recognize the fragility of our environment and the irreversible damage that excessive magic usage can cause. Together, we must restore the balance, heal the wounds inflicted upon nature, and ensure a harmonious coexistence between magic and the natural world.
  Thank you.  

The Prophecy of Jade

By Starlla     In a time long forgotten, when I was still young,
The lens gave a prophecy a warning unsung.
It spoke of a darkness, a looming demise,
When the end of the world would be realized.
  The signs are subtle, at first hard to see,
But as time goes on, grow with intensity.
The skies turn crimson, the earth begins to quake,
Nature's fury unleashes, no respite to take.
  The oceans rise, swallowing lands whole,
As storms raged on, taking their toll.
Volcanoes erupt, spewing fire and ash,
Engulfing the world in a fiery clash.
  The animals grow restless, sensing the end,
Their cries fill the air, a mournful blend.
The plants withered away, unable to thrive,
As the world descends into chaos, no hope to revive.
  Yet amidst the chaos, a glimmer of light,
A group of brave souls, refusing to take flight.
They banded together, united in their quest,
To find a solution, to give the world a rest.
  And in their quest, they will find us a truth,
That the end of the world is not absolute.
For within each person, a truth did reside,
To change their fate, to turn the tide.
  With newfound hope, they rally the masses,
Spreading a message of love, enforcing beauty and artform.
They returned together, hand in hand,
To heal the world, to make a stand.
  Through acts of delight, extravagance, and care,
They rebuild what was broken, eroding our despair.
The darkness recedes, the world began to mend,
Change my prophecies story, to bring a new end.

The Prophecy of the Captain

By Caellyn   “Good evening, beautiful friends! I am here to share the secrets of the future, proven in previous decades to be the most accurate of all the prophecies of the four courts of Rhye.
This year, I share with you great tidings of pleasant weather, ample hunting stock, and glittering weather. However, we must prepare for drought conditions, as the heat and sun may make our vulnerable plant neighbours sick.”
He begins to talk through the first of his graph. It shows the temperatures of previous years, and a single highlighted line of his prediction for the weather throughout next year. There’s lots of maths involved.
“Our economy, will continue to grow, as the conversation charge on Rhye Dollars to our new foreign friends continues to improve. Companies involved in the food trade however may struggle as vegetable prices increase.” He talks through his second graph, plotting his predicted economy value over the year for different industries.
“Crime however, I have foreseen will increase. Particularly food based thievery as the price of food increases.” He describes the graph. By this point, quite a few elves have walked off.
“We are overdue a volcanic eruption, and urge those of you living near the Ogre mountains to prepare evacuation plans. Historically, volcanoes erupt on average every 20 years, it has currently been 30 since the last.”
  I hope you will also conclude from this, that we face a difficult year financially, but we with the fair weather, working our way through this hard time will be a pleasant experience. Thank you for your time.
The Madmad  


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