BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Illish Sanctuary

The Illish Sanctuary was once a famous site of healing for spiritual and mental maladies. Elves from across Rhye would travel the continent to visit its halls and receives its mysterious treatments, returning to their lives with a feeling of content and tranquillity. The mansions magics were kept secret, and their effects were never able to be replicated though many tried. The owner, Professor Natanial Illish, would only speak of carefully crafted ritual machines that would allow spiritual surgery on peoples very thoughts. And, complementing these claims, clients would return claiming that their inner monologues were completely transformed for the better by their stay at the sanctuary.
  Several years ago, all communication from the sanctuary went cold. The caravans that visited vanished, and any who went to investigate never returned. Word of those passing by reported that the vegetation and gardens around the mansion was growing first wild and overgrown, and then a rotting black.    

Diaries of the Inhabitants


Professor Illish’s Older Diary

  I have tracked down three spirits with my requirements now. The first is a paragon of calm, it eats panic or fear, allowing a person to set in the moment. The second prefers self-loathing it seems, and can remove twisted misconceptions about all sorts of things, such as dislike of ones body, feelings of inadequacy, and endless guilt. The third I believe feeds off of hopelessness – a really key pillar in my plan. It will allow people to see joy in tiny tasks, removing the pangs of futility that plague many people.   The contraption is tested – only on minor spirits, but it works. I do need to work on scale however, even to trap these tiny whisps takes a voidflux over 4ft in height and width. To capture those that I need it would have to be over a hundred foot!   I have been reading portal theory, and believe I may be able to drastically reduce the Void-flux’ size. By warping the space inside to match the folds of the ethereal plane, I can essentially bundle up the spirits. At this rate, the greater voidflux need only be perhaps 20ft high.   I now come to the problem of actually trapping my soon to be wonder treatments. With a 20ft tank I am hardly able to follow a spirit and catch it like one would a spider with a cup. Instead, I need to work on luring them. I suppose thoughts must be the way to do this?   In testing thoughts and other ways to lure greater spirits, I have found perhaps what I never would have imagined possible. A spirit which feeds on delusion and lies. A presence that is able to filter out disreality from a mind, potentially curing all forms of psychosis and confusion!   This new spirit is truly terrifying. I have seen it in action – it doesn’t just consume these thoughts, it projects them. It’s aura is one of black tentacles, dead bodies, and endless screams. I will not pursue it just yet – it will be the hardest one to capture and contain.   I have successfully lured my first spirit to the mansion – the spirit of calm. I didn’t even have to use my own thoughts. The answer was electricity! I was able to mimic panicked thoughts in the movements of the currents, and this fooled the spirit into getting right into the void flux! The containment worked, I can see its plasma right now, as I write. Glowing and melding gentle with pleasing colours. It is eating my panic right now. I feel so at peace.  

Professor Illish’s Recent Diary

It has happened. That which I have always feared. What we captured got away. They will come for me. They will come.   We are still alive. Myself and the girls. My thoughts are a tempest of blurted fears and desperate pleas. They are coming.   We have not seen anyone else escape. I figure all the others must be consumed, or whatever the process is. Perhaps they are spirits themselves? No, that wouldn’t work. That isn’t how our life force works. They would have returned to the river. But dead, or soon to be. That is certain.   My daughters are smart. They quickly realised that sound attracts the spirits. We have retreated to two rooms now, and blocked the gaps in the doors with pillows and curtains. We walk with bare feet upon rugs. We talk in whispers. We cry with silence.   The girls won’t listen to me. I have begged them to make a break for it, to try and escape, but they won’t leave me. They insist that I come with, or they will remain. Oh how they respect and love! Undeserved, all of it. This is all my fault. But they won’t believe me. They think me mad.   I heard Sasha today, she was making her plans on how we would reopen, once this is resolved. She does not realise that there is no going back. The spirits have slipped away…. They are so full of thoughts, I do not believe that even I am strong enough to contain them once more.   I must die.   They are after me. Once I am gone they will leave. I am the cause of all of this, and my time has come for payment of my debts. The girls don’t listen. They believe be mad. Broken by this tragedy of my lifes work. They have removed any item that may be used to take my own life, and locked me in this room. Part of me wishes to scream and scream until the spirits hear, they will come for me. But I am terrified, what if they find one of the girls first?   Please. Let me die.  

Luna's Diary

Dear Diary, You are my twentieth book, and rather than continue mid-stream from your predecessor, I am going to neatly fit in your book and beginning, middle, and hopefully and end to my current goal. I am Luna Illish, youngest daughter of the Professor Illish, and I hope to be that one that can carry on developing his amazing world changing advances in medicine. This diary will hold my first step out of conventional study, and into my area of specialism – the Voidflux machines and how they treat people suffering with harmful thoughts.   Dear Diary, I have spent today inspecting the machines, using the excuse that I am learning how to tune them in case my father becomes ill. Each one is very similar in build, yet they have such different effects. The main difference is the texture and colour of the plasma contained in the inner chambers. We have several vials of extract that I can hopefully experiment on.   Dear Diary, My request to examine the vials of plasma extract was denied. It is frustrating, I understand that many elves are driven by feelings, but I can’t understand why dad wouldn’t want someone to understand these machines? If something happened to him the sanctuary would grind to a halt.   Dear Diary, I have been observing the plasma all day. Sneaking glances when I believe I can get away with it. I have been placing items near the machines to view their interactions. I found that live electricity – a form of energy harvested from lightning – provides the most stimulus in the plasma. This explains why many of dad’s tools for working the machines also use electricity. Curiously, I also noted that lesser animals – i.e. those without thought patterns do not seem to affect the plasma at all, while higher creatures, like monkeys and parrots do. I suppose this fits with the knowledge that the machines are of thought, and I find it encouraging evidence that the Voidflux are not simply placebos.   Dear Diary, Today, as I began my experiments, I noted that another was paying a lot of attention to the machines. Not an elf, a foreigner, perhaps some descendant of a fire elemental. Perhaps he knows something more about them. I know I should report it, he could be a spy for a rival company, but… if I can’t even work out how these work how am I going to give him anything he shouldn’t know?      

Mention of the Illish Sanctuary in Books and Articles


Report into the performance of the Illish sanctuary as a medical provider

The Illish Sanctuary currently holds the much deserved title of the best mental health treatment institution in our legendary kingdom. This report deives into the detail of it’s performance over time, reviewing it’s client outcomes to measure its success at treating the conditions it attempts to.
  The report found that from the offset, the Illish sanctuary’s methods were highly successful, and the only real change in self-reported client satisfaction was in the sanctuaries ability to provide hospitality on top of treatment. Since inception, the Illish sanctuary has boasted incredibly high levels of clients not needing additional treatment and very low incidence rates of mental health base grievances post-treatment. Indeed, this fact is itself very odd – it is hard to understand why an innovatory and inventor such as Professor Illish would not be working hard to improve his treatment, rather than simply stopping at the first version of his famous Voidflux machines.  

Luna’s notes on the phenomenon

When it is close, you hear singing
The phenomenon disturbs the dust hanging in the air
When it gets right next to you, your feel your mind go blank
Electric lamps can also be used to track them, as they flicker when it passes, but the lightning harvester hasn’t been working.
Sasha’s ‘happy pills’ seem to be able to protect her from loosing her thoughts sometimes. Perhaps because they block hopelessness? This is a thought pattern that our treatment targeted. Perhaps if we find ways to block the other thoughts that we treated for we may be able to make ourselves immune.
The phenomenon clearly is attracted by voices, but any sound is enough to get its attention.

Letter from a client to their family

  Dear Denni,   My stay at the Illish sanctuary continues to be comfortable, pleasant and I believe, helpful. I do miss you and the kids terribly, but I also know you are relishing the opportunity to raid the biscuit tin at will and are probably all walking around in your underpants. Just please don’t let the kids paint without putting a sheet down!
  I have actually begun the Voidflux exposure! It is *incredible*. With every thought I can either feel it enhancing myself, or reducing burdensome parts of my mind. I feel so in control of my mind! It is liberating!
  The first treatment was with the ‘Calm’ Voidflux. I was led to a room of comfort – cushions, rugs, thick carpets, and of course, puppies! Although I know in my heart that they are homunculi they are nonetheless so cute and soft! I can understand why the kids are desperate for one…. And I think perhaps I want one if it can be a Homunculus. Whenever panic slipped into my mind, the Voidflux engaged, and I just… felt it. It’s hard to explain. Before, so often when I fall to panic it is uncontrollable, but it’s like the machine holds me, stopping me falling, letting me climb back out.
  The second treatment was about self worth. This was room of mirrors. I was instructed to do certain activities, stretching, dancing, and just standing, looking at myself. Here, the voidflux would catch me whenever I felt embarrassed by what I saw in the mirrors, and block those thoughts. It felt so liberating. I didn’t know how good it felt to dance without wondering about how skilled I was or how ugly I looked!
  Tomorrow, I am being taken to the hopelessness room – it sounds daunting, but apparently it is about catching enjoyment and joy from the little things to find hope even in dark times. They get to do things like cooking and pottery in there!
  I am as always so grateful that you have encouraged me to undertake this treatment, and I hope that you aren’t missing my company too greatly. Please don’t burn the house down,

Biography on Professor Illish

Amidst the Court of the Captain, known for its transformation of organisation and planning into an artform, there emerged a figure whose life would weave a tapestry of revolutionary healing and enlightenment. This luminary was none other than Professor Natanial Illish, whose path meandered through the realms of the arcane, psychology, and compassionate care.
  Born under the silver moon, Natanial Illish was destined for greatness from the very inception of his existence. His childhood, spent within the opulent confines of the Court of the Captain, bore witness to his curious nature and his inclination towards the esoteric. While his peers frolicked in the palaces and halls of merriment, Natanial delved into the shadows of the occult, fascinated by the whispers of spirits that danced on the edge of perception.
Despite his families concerns that this obsession with spirits would take all of their child, Natanial's journey instead led him down the path of scholarly pursuit. In his youth, he immersed himself in the study of psychology and mental health, seeking to unravel the intricate webs that ensnared the human mind. His intellect soared as he delved deeper into the complexities of consciousness, empathy guiding his every step.
With the wisdom of age adorning his brow, Natanial Illish emerged into adulthood as a beacon of hope amidst the shadows of despair. In a testament to his compassion and unwavering dedication to healing, he founded the illustrious Illish Sanctuary, a bastion of solace for those burdened by the weight of mental afflictions.
At the heart of the Illish Sanctuary lay a marvel of Illish’s ingenuity—the mysterious Voidflux machines. Crafted from well-guarded secrets and the brilliance of Natanial’s innovation, these enigmatic devices wielded the power to traverse the veils of consciousness, offering respite to souls adrift in the tempest of their own minds.
Under the guidance of Professor Natanial Illish, the Illish Sanctuary flourished, its halls resounding with the echoes of whispered confessions and the gentle hum of arcane machinery. Within its embrace, the afflicted found sanctuary, their burdens lifted by the compassionate touch of hands and the soothing embrace of ethereal energies.
Thus, the tale of Professor Natanial Illish—a paragon of wisdom, compassion, and arcane mastery—stands as a testament to the enduring power of hope amidst the tumult of existence, a guiding star illuminating the darkest of nights with the promise of redemption and renewal.    

Intelligence Report

  Objective: To infiltrate and gather intelligence on the secret techniques employed at the Mental Health Treatment Center known as the Illish Sanctuary.
  Background: Professor Illish’s mental health sanctuary is reputed to be a mysterious facility specializing in advanced mental health treatment techniques. It is known that they possess unique methodologies that go beyond conventional practices, which external competitors have been unable to explain or replicate.
  Infiltration Strategy: Two agents posing as patients seeking treatment for anxiety and depression, using a fabricated identity to maintain cover.
  Observations and Findings: The Illish Sanctuary offers a holistic approach, integrating various therapeutic modalities including the secretive ‘Voidflux’ based treatment, mindfulness-based practices, and art therapy. A lot of resource is allocated to triage of a patient to understand their needs and how best to target their therapy.
Voidflux machines are incorporated in all treatment regimes. These tools are used to manipulate the patients internal monologues, however the mechanism here is unclear. Some form of plasma appears to be present inside the machines, which can affect the minds of those within a short range of them.
While the Voidflux’s are constant, each other treatment is unique, targeting a different negative thought type. Treatment plans use multiple Voidflux in combination to filter the patients thoughts for the better. These treatments include:
  • Physical martial arts for anger management Self image reflection using mirror therapy ‘Crafting therapy’, including group sessions of cooking classes, painting, clay work, and other handy skills and hobbies.

  The centre is certified for treatment of highly vulnerable and advanced mental health cases, however, due to the nature of our infiltration plan, this section has not been investigated. The facilities for these therapies are guarded – however we confirmed that this is to ensure the patients are kept in, rather than to keep people or secrets in.
  The centre maintains strict confidentiality protocols, ensuring patient privacy and security. Staff members are highly trained professionals dedicated to maintaining the integrity of the facility's operations.
  Next Steps:
  • Investigate the course of the Voidflux machines, including any material suppliers or engineers Further infiltration into the high security treatment room Design equipment to collect a sample of the energy effects that the Voidflux machines emit.

Note #1 found inside the Illish Sanctuary

I know that there are spirits close, powerful spirits, but I can never reveal them. I don’t understand. These readings are far stronger than any in the book, how can this happen yet I cannot see them? I could at least five, though it could be six – I have heard that some of the calmer spirits tend to be harder to detect. But there is still enough that I should be able to track their exact location. Could what we are doing here affect their ability to materialise?  

Note #2 found inside the Illish Sanctuary

Spirit characteristics: • Panic • Lies • Confidence • Anger • Confusion • ? Despair?    

Illish Sanctury Manuals

  Voidflux Operations Manual   1. Introduction   The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance on effectively treating individuals using the revolutionary Illish Voidfluxes. This treatment modality combines spiritual and psychological principles to promote well-being and accelerate mental healing.   Note that this Mannual only covers the five base Voidfluxes. For clients requiring the delusion Voidflux, please refer to the specific manual.   2. Overview of the Treatment Process   The treatment process involves the following steps: • Establishing rapport with the individual. • Introducing the concept of identifying undesired thoughts. • Facilitating the interaction between the individual and Illish Voidfluxes. • Guiding the individual through the process of releasing negative thoughts. • Providing support and reinforcement throughout the treatment.   3. Preparing for the Treatment Session   • Ensure a calm and comfortable environment for the session. • Review the individual's treatment goals and concerns. • Agree with the client which Voidfluxes should be undertaken • Set up any necessary Voidflux tools or objects, such as crystals or mirrors, depending on which Voidflux is being applied.   4. Introducing undesired thoughts   • This step begins on day 2 of treatment, and will last between 3 and 5 days. • Explain the concept of undesired thoughts. • Emphasize the symbiotic relationship between the individual and their thoughts, highlighting that usually thoughts are there to support and understand life experience, but thoughts can often get tainted with contagious negativity.   5. Facilitating the Interaction   • Once the client is confident in visualising the divided thoughts, this step is initiated. • This step will take place at the start of each day of exposure to the Voidflux. • Guide the individual in visualizing or sensing the possibility of absence of thought. • Encourage the individual to visualise splitting welcome and unwelcome thoughts – you may provide counselling as to what should be discarded, and what should be kept. • Assist the individual in identifying and verbalizing their negative thoughts or emotions.   6. Releasing Negative Thoughts   • This step may take anything from two to six weeks, and perhaps longer in some cases. • Encourage the individual to direct their negative thoughts towards Voidflux. • Assist the individual in visualizing splitting welcome and unwelcome thoughts • Support the individual in letting go of attachments to negative thoughts and releasing them with gratitude.     7. Follow-Up and Evaluation   • Schedule follow-up sessions to monitor progress and adjust treatment as needed. • Follow-up duration will vary per client, but at a minimum there must be 3 sessions over 6 months. • Evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment based on the individual's reported experiences and outcomes. • Modify the treatment plan as necessary to address emerging needs or challenges.    

Leaflet of offerings provided by the six spirits

  The Illish Sanctuary Embrace Serenity Despite The Storm Welcome to our Sacred Haven of Healing Are you struggling with overwhelming emotions governing your life? Does powerlessness prevent you from chasing your dreams? Discover the ancient art of spiritual healing at our clinic, where we provide a holistic service to understand what weights down your soul, and draws the pain out from your very spirit. The Illish technique focuses around six realms of healing, soothing and repairing your souls by: • Calming the typhoon of thoughts and pain that is panic. Perfect for those recently suffering from trauma, grief, and sever anxiety. • Raising those drowning in hopelessness by providing a nurturing, friendly environment to develop delight in the simple parts of life such as cooking and walking in nature. • Highlighting your most beautiful features, helping those who have been hurt to fall in love with themselves again. • Bringing uncontrolled rage and bitterness under a confident bridle helping those who suffer from anger driven bad choices. • Challenging your most stubborn inner beliefs to help you approach life in a constructive and healthy way, taking responsibility for your actions and putting the responsibility on yourself to succeed. • Clinically assured treatments for a range of psychological and personality disorders in a safe, secure, and loving space.   Our Services: • A one on one triage to understand your current struggles to help find the most appropriate treatment for you • An assigned guide to attend you throughout your stay • Group meditations and exercises to help build a feeling of connectivity and empathy • Targeted treatment following the above six options • Talking therapy • Spa treatments and complementary access to our pool • On site six star accommodation and regularly changing chef-designed menu Please contact our agent for pricings* *Pricings are estimates only, true cost will reflect client needs and packages taken


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