Eden's Door

Article written by Mina
  Eden's Door was, or maybe still is, a fringe religious group. Personally, I would call them a cult. They were really big on saying that anyone who dared call them a cult was just trying to lead members astray and all that. I left them when I was fifteen, so not everything I say will be current or whatever. Not that it matters much, seeing as how the odds of anyone else finding and reading these records are pretty low.  

Angel: You know you don't have to write about them if you don't want to, right?

Mina: No, I'm writing about them. What if someone come across all our shit after we're dead and wonders why I, specifically, was Like This. The people need to know.

Basically, the beliefs of Eden's Door boil down to the thought that there's some planet out there untouched by evil. The duty of Edenites is to find that place before the other people in the galaxy find it and protect it from being corrupted by the world. There were constant missions, launching ship after ship towards planets that hadn't been categorized yet. If they weren't able to find the place first, the fear was that it would be this whole end of the world thing. I'll make a different article about that.

Crystal: I'd heard of Eden's Door, but I had never learned what their goal truly was. This is quite interesting. I have to ask, did they believe in the old Earth Christian version of Eden?

Mina: Pretty sure that was one of the sources, yeah. Mostly it evolved into its own thing, though. Like, they were looking for the concept of Eden more than the biblical Eden, if that makes any sense.

There were ranks within Eden's Door, because of course there were. You had your footsoldiers, which was just literally anyone who didn't have a proper rank yet. Meaning new people, kids under twelve, and folks who just couldn't be fucked to move up in the ranks. Above them were the archsoldiers, which you automatically became if you turned twelve or if you decide to properly pledge yourself to finding Eden. Next were the principalities, then the authorities, then the strongholds, then the dominions, then the Thrones, then the Cherubim. At the top of it all was the leader, Seraphim. Probably he had an actual name, but fuck if I know it. We all literally just called him Seraphim.

Nico: What rank were you by the time you left?

Angel: Oh my god, Nico, you cannot just ask that!

Mina: I was an authority, believe it or not. There were actual adults who I outranked. They had to listen to this little fourteen-year-old like I knew anything at all. How wild is that?

  Edenites were always supposed to be searching, so there wasn't a lot of time spent living on planets. I basically grew up on various ships, honestly. Always searching for that mythical Eden. And how the fuck would we know it when we found it, I hear you asking? Supposedly, Seraphim would just Know somehow. Like, he'd have a vision once it was found. That and none of the animals on the planet would be killing each other. That would be a pretty strong indicator that it was Eden.   Personally, I don't think such a place exists. When I was a teenager I started asking too many questions, 'dangerous' questions, about how there could possibly be a world without death, wouldn't we corrupt it by finding it since we're already doomed to die, and so on. Got a bit obsessed with death, probably why I became a mortician once I was an adult. Eden's Door is a cult. Or was a cult. I like to hope that they no longer exist, but they probably do. If you leave, anyone who you know who's still on the inside cuts you off. You're dead to them. My only family since I left has been my aunt. The hierarchies within Eden's Door are also abused to hell and back, by the way. No one leaves that group without some baggage, trust me.  

Mina: Tada, a brief article on those fuckers.

Jude: Thank you, Mina <3

Angel: We love you, Mina!

Nico: Crystal and Jay are too grumpy to say so, but it's true!! Ember says she loves you also!

Mina: Aw, thanks, you guys <3

Articles under Eden's Door

Cover image: by Daniel Frank


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