Agents of Henosis

Known by many as the greatest assassins of the known world, the Agents of Henosis are specters that plague the nightmares of children and adults alike. Their distinct calling card is the presence of an inscription depicting the only known mark of Henosis, a beast made of nine whip-like wurm heads. Many have tried to follow their tracks with magical detection, traditional sleuthing, and attempts have been made to bait and capture an agent. At the time of this writing, there have been no known apprehended agents.   Probably the most peculiar thing about the agents of Henosis are their targets. It appears as if they have no particular criteria for targets at this time. It has been found through careful investigation that they have targeted individuals of all shapes and sizes, all races, all ages, and all nationalities. Not even are the wildly powerful children of Mesh safe from the agents of Henosis. It was reported by a forward unit of the Fortosian 52nd infantry that they had been battling off the assault of a child of Mesh known as the "Candy King", and within one night the child's assault stopped. After clearing out the remains of the abandoned enemy outpost, they found the mark of Henosis and a few adult slaves that made mention of the child's sudden disappearance.   In my individual studies, I have found the legend and lore surrounding the titan Henosis equally elusive. Only known to the rest of the world as the "City of Unity", Henosis is mostly known for the terrifying creatures that plague the lands of Yozstan. To think that men and women of the world would venerate a being so alien stands to raise many questions regarding the training, intention, and plot of their order.   In summary, the Agents of Henosis are to be recognized as an elusive group of assassins that serve the most elusive of The Prime Titans.


There is very little known about the structure of the organization at this time.

Public Agenda

There is very little known about the agenda of the organization at this time.


Investigation resulted in records of agent activity dating back approximately a few thousand years.

Written in 136 TE, at the request of Rakesh Ghelritska of Dawnghrest   Article written by Gilbraxious Namfoodl of the famous city of Dawnghrest. Information gathered mostly from the archives of the Grand Library of Fortosia, with permission granted by a high priest of Oculus Infinitus.
Religious, Sect


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