Oculus Infinitus

The All Seeing Eye

"Qui non vident, memento." (Those that see, remember.)
"Et scribe haec" (Write this down.)
  Oculus Infinitus, The All-Seeing Eye, is the master of records for his titanic brethren. It is Oculus's goal to record all possible knowledge in tomes that reside within the halls of its opus maximum, the living library. The living library serves as an education center for the Fortosian Empire and serves as their greatest resource. The living library contains spells, technologies, histories, and much more. As such, this library contains forbidden knowledge as well. These forbidden tomes are hidden deep within the living library close to where Oculus resides. Other than Oculus, only one other person is allowed inside. This would be the one appointed as Grand Curator.
  Oculus Infinitus represents himself as a tall slender man with thick glasses, although there are no eyes behind the glasses. Instead, two glowing blue wisping orbs dance behind the glasses. Tattoos of different types of eyes appear scrawled along his arms. As time passes, the eyes on his arms move and shift, some replaced with new eyes, others simply looking elsewhere.

Divine Domains

History, Knowledge, Longevity, and Education.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The divine goal of Oculus Infinitus is to record all of history, to catalog each moment, and to perceive all perspectives.
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations


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