Fortosian Empire


The emperor of the Fortosian Empire is known to its people as the Grand Curator. This is because they are seen as the one entrusted with the most powerful and sacred relics by Oculus Infinitus, the Infinite Eye. The Fortosian Council is directed by the Grand Curator while overseeing the smaller courts for the Curator. Those courts are known as:
  • Court of Laws
  • Court of Knowledge
  • Court of Wealth
  • Court of Deals
  • Court of War

Public Agenda

The Fortosian Empire has declared to its people and their neighbors that they seek to record all that can be known. They wish only to record history as it happens. However, if those that are unwilling to share their history do so with obstinance, the empire will take their history by force.


The Grand Curator of the Fortosian Empire has been tasked by Oculus Infinitus to maintain and protect the history of Rimea. For this reason, it is law in Fortosia to record all things as they happen. This has given the Fortosian Empire an impossibly rich history and records of all dealings in the empire. The official timeline of Rimea was also created by the Fortosians as their way of sharing the world's history with those that have not recorded history.

Demography and Population

The Fortosian Empire is a diverse collection of peoples. They are interested in recording all perspectives of history and to do this they have allowed for various settlements of non-traditionally civilized races to be marked as sanctuaries for those of that race or culture. However, those that are marked for sanctuary are not necessarily allowed into the grand library known as Mille Lentium.   The general population consists of many Humans, many Dwarves, Elves, Half-Elves, Halflings, some Gnomes, some Dragonborn, some Tieflings, some Half-Orcs, few Aasimar, few Goliaths, and few Hosipicans.

Foreign Relations

Fortosian government officials are known to send ambassadors to the nations of Vimeria and Jhorterra that are willing to share some of their histories. These ambassadors usually bring with them gifts of riches or materials that assist the officials of other governments.   As of 22 TE, the current nations allow for ambassadors from Fortosia: Drakkengurt, Stotfield, Meowya, Ziaria, Cha'Thron, Prelicia, Qivaq, Mafik, and Old Vezrenna.   New Vezrenna and Fortosia are currently at war, although no battles are being fought currently.   The United Kingdoms of Mesh rarely negotiate with outsiders and no attempts have been made to formally establish an embassy. However, spies regularly infiltrate kingdoms in Mesh to record their histories unbeknownst to the lords and ladies of these kingdoms.   Yozstan's tribal councils remain highly mobile and difficult to find, because of this and the incredible danger of traversing Yozstan, many Fortosian ambassadors have perished while attempting to establish some form of embassy with Yozstan.
Geopolitical, Empire
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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