
"A nation built upon its failure is a nation built to stand. Failure can only be remedied with action and reflection. As Fortosians, it is our duty to reflect and react when we allow time to steal from us! Time is our enemy! Our weapon is the quill! Record what you have my brethren to defy that which believes it may take our lives quietly." - Robertus Corellius, Grand Curator of Fortosia


Settled in a mostly open plains, Fortosia has many different landscapes and resources provided by the land it manages. To the north, the sprawling plains meet a range of mountains. To the west, Yozstan and Fortosia border a large lake that supplies many resources. The east borders against Prelicia and New Vezrenna. The land in these regions boasts a sparsely wooded region with open fields for farming with great humidity for crops. The easternlands produce lots of wild game and incredibly lush flora. The southern lands that border Mesh and Prelicia are mostly wooded, with eerie mists that roll in from time to time. These lands are sometimes called "The Dread". Many forts and battlements are scattered along the southern borders to keep the forces of Mesh at bay. For those looking for odd alchemical incredients or other wizardly ingredients, these are the perfect grounds to find them.

Natural Resources

Mostly known for their incredible wealth of knowledge, the Fortosians are also wealthy in gold. Deep within the earth in northwestern Fortosia lies a string of deep gold mines that have been producing gold for the last 352 years. As a grassy land, central Fortosia is usually farmed for various crops with the most popular being grapes for the purpose of making wines and jellies.


The lands of Fortosia are as rich in history as the people that stride atop it's back. The cities stand firm on ground pressed by the weight of armies training and drilling. The countryside sprawls out to lush grasslands that give those that grow the ability to sew their crops. The desert holds within its secrets of time passed along with the ruins that lay scattered all around the countryside. The Fortosian Empire has grown and shrunk over and over again. The land of Fortosia remembers every battle.


The great libraries of Fortosia claim to house the records of all known histories. Housed within massive structures dedicated to the great Oculus Infinitus, these libraries attract visitors from all across Vimeria and Jhorterra.

  Geographically Fortosia hosts some of the only deserts in the known world. The ruined remains of cities passed also bring many adventurers to the lands of Fortosia. Some glory seekers, others just looking for some coin to bring home.


Choose 2: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma
Add +2 to one of those chosen stats, and +1 to the other chosen stat.

Feature: Historical Guile
This feature grants you the following benefits:
  • You gain proficiency in the history skill. If you already have proficiency in this skill, gain expertise in it instead.
  • When interacting with a non-player creature that is not hostile toward you, choose charisma or intelligence. You may make any skill checks with that creature, involving the chosen stat, at advantage for the duration of the encounter. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.


  • Fortosia
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Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: Demotask 1 by Darek Zabrocki


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