The Adiscov People

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Nefrinia, Yatanya, Kilikita, Porvakina

Masculine names

Gomochka, Fyodor, Mischkael, Donovono, Vaughn

Family names

Kyorchek, Volmun, Gyanvrik, Polakik


Beauty Ideals

The darker your skin, the more beautiful you are. As the Adiscov people tend to be partially transparent, they find that people look the best if you can see them. Those that are more transparent tend to be sent off to research on their own, as their purpose is not to be bothered. Male Adiscov have elongated legs, and arms that can reach the ground from a standing position. Their torsos are approximately 2 feet in length and their legs are around 4 feet long. Their arms have special joints that allow them to fold in on themselves in a way that allows them to compress their bodies to fit through narrow spaces, but to unfurl to extend out 6 feet long each. Female Adiscov are also slender and tall but have more humanlike proportions aside from their sharp chins and large eyes.

Gender Ideals

Male and Female Adiscov are very similar in body shape but incredibly different in mentality. The male Adiscov seek knowledge and discoveries elsewhere, whereas the females tend to seek discovery within their own communities. Adiscov communities usually involve men pushing the borders of their underground laboratories, and the women improving their quarters and developing defenses for the labyrinthian laboratories. The roles of male and female are well defined, but not enforced as law. They have scientific rules, however, there is always room for experimentation.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship between Adiscov involves lots of experimentation. Some of which involve physical experimentation between two partners and other situations call for actual experimentation with magic and chemical compounds. The mating ritual is dependant on each Adiscov's specialty in science or arcana, and it is not uncommon for partners to choose each other after a few decades of thorough experimentation.

Relationship Ideals

A partnership between Adiscov involves an agreement in a unified goal. As they are a people of research at heart, a partnership is usually founded on one specific research goal. If this goal is met, and the partners are unable to establish a new goal
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