

Adiscov is a melting pot of races and cultures. At the core, it is a city bustling with dreams and aspirations. This draws people from all corners of the globe that have an inventive spark. The demographic information below changes yearly as those without the spark of discovery return to their distant homes defeated.
  • Human 32%
  • Gnome 14%
  • Dragonborn 11%
  • Dwarf 9%
  • Tiefling 8%
  • Half-Orc 7%
  • Firbolg 5%
  • Aasimar 5%
  • Adiscovians 3%
  • Tabaxi 2%
  • Other ~4%

Guilds and Factions

  • Adventure Co. - Guild


The architecture in Adiscov varies wildly. This brings people from all over to see the constructions of the Drakken people. Some of the finest examples would be:
  • The sprawling spires of a twisting ivory manor. Built to be thin, but tall, this manor stands 4 floors tall and has 3 spires that twist above it forming a singular point at the top which a glass orb floats suspended between the three towers.
  • A beautiful garden that sits levitating on various levels to allow for those that enter to get lost in the sprawling beauties of the well-groomed flora.
  • Mobile houses that shift between various locations within the city to allow the owners to travel to different districts without the need to walk so far.

Natural Resources

The city of Adiscov is known mostly for its incredible magical innovations and their wild discoveries in science and technology. This is possible only due to the vast array of natural resources found below the city in a place known as "The First Lab."   Not much is known about The First Lab other than it was given as a gift to the people of Adiscov by Misbele Skrove, The Maiden of Discovery and that the The Adiscov People are the only that are allowed to enter the lab. From there, they retrieve food, water, minerals, gems, and have been known to return with magical artifacts.
Founding Date
Spring of 3452 AI
Large city
Related Ethnicities
Location under


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