
The Eternal Storm

Yissera is known to be called the ceaseless tempest, the eternal storm, or the sky mother. Hanging eternally over Ziaria, this titan watches with a close eye over her followers. The seasons follow the will of Yissera in Ziaria, so the people must always be reading the storm. For this reason, many Ziarians are very frugal and ration out their resources. It is common to offer up gifts to Yissera that have been struck by her wrath, so many people scavenge for objects struck by lightning.

Divine Domains

  • Lightning
  • Tempest
  • Catastrophe
  • Cleansing

Tenets of Faith

  1. Prepare for the worst.
  2. When an opportunity arises, strike like lightning.
  3. Be calm before you unleash your storm.
  4. Enjoy each new day.
Divine Classification


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