The Age of Adaptation

Celestial / Cosmic


The Edict of Adaptation of was enacted.

The combined efforts of Lenos, Gorbia Rigmoorden, Shar'valla Moorderoth, Oculus Infinitus, Praetec Flecte Repa, Sabrael Isda, and Yissera and their creations began an era of learning, adaptation, evolution, and exploration for the mortal races. At this time, it is said that the titans watched over the young mortals and enjoyed discussing the happenings of the mortal world. Oculus records that Henosis, Misbelle Skrove, Zi'ogaxz, The Red King, Modair Fodair, and Ghoa'Raque Cha'Thron requested their appointed subjects at this time much to the dismay of the founding Titans.   Once the appointments were decided, Praetec issued his first edict known as the Edict of Adaptation.

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