Captain Cherylenne Character in Rispalta | World Anvil
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Captain Cherylenne

Captain Cherylenne Dumu Niddi

Cherylenne is the proud leader of the Undine, fighting against the Emsteclan government for her people. Kicked out of the caves that the Undine dwelled in for over 400 years and being betrayed by the Senator Conroy, she utilizes her forces and influence to fight back against the human overlords ruling. Cherylenne utilizes the Trident to pillage Emsteclan trade ships and the occasional battalion of warships.   Cherylenne utilizes a fighting style more akin to fencing, which is the dominant style for human land and elven officers. She will rarely give the chance for an enemy to strike with her Cutlass, that she has lovingly named Lady o' the Lake. With her stature and her love for taking risks in the battle, especially when it is her life that is in danger, she intimidates nearly any foe that dares to face off against the Captain or any that stand by her.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cherylenne has a somewhat slick build and looks beautiful in a strange, elegant fashion. On the left side of her cheek, going down from the left side of her lip to the middle of her cheek is a large wound, which shows the inside of her mouth.

Body Features

She has light blue skin with very long blue hair that is kept unbrushed and unkempt.

Identifying Characteristics

Cherylenne possesses a hideous large scar on her face from the left side of her lip to the middle of her cheek.

Special abilities

Though she does not seem to be the type of person that could endure much punishment, she has been known to live through extremely punishing events with no physical trauma.

Apparel & Accessories

She always dons the usual clothes depending on the situation at hand. Whenever she is out at sea, she will alternate between wearing a bright red frilly shirt that is burned from the waist down with a under a dark blue coat over it, but not buttoned, along with a large stocking on her left leg, and long pants, or a red blouse and a simple pair of raggedy pair of black pants with a black sash going around her waist. With both outfits, she will wear raggedy old boots and a red bandana.
She will also wear a swimming suit underneath her clothing at all times, which is a very modest 2 piece swim suit along with a tight fitting belt that carries Lady o' the Lake's scabbard for whenever it comes to underwater combat.

Specialized Equipment

Cherylenne wields the cutlass Lady o' the Lake, a cutlass that, as she puts it, "Strikes as clean and as quick as the river's stream".

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cherylenne had begun her life as a princess of the Undine people that resided in the caves along the human land shores. The Undine were largely uninvolved with the War of Definitives, so they lived along in the caves fairly happy with their lives. Senator Conroy met the Undine Princess with military support, stating that if they would reside in the same land, the Undine would have to prove that they are also part of the war, giving their contribution. The Undine Princess volunteered herself, as she did not want her people to fight, seeing that she would be a great sacrifice and role model to the Undine people.   She spent seven years in the Emsteclan navy, which broke any and all pleasantries from her nature and making her into a more crude, independent, and cynical individual, though she kept a love for her people. During that time, Senator Conroy forced the Undine to evacuate the caves immediately. It was after this that she wanted to try to take her own life, and tried her best to risk her life for a few months in order to break the bonds that the Undine were forced in by her presence in the military and not dishonor her people. Though it is due to this, she gained the love of the adrenaline that came from risking her life so many times. She was drugged by a fellow naval officer and found herself in a stange room while chained by her feet and hands.She had been traded to the Titrilar officials and used as a means of magical experimentation. The drugs wore off while she was in the holding room, and she had not been experimented on prior. She was soon rescued by an insider elf, who indirectly supported her escape. She was chased and barely escaping, having endured a large amount of acid on her face, permanently scarring her. She defected back to her Undine people and rallied them behind her to fight against the Emsteclan government since.


She has a fairly high education as she recieved education as the princess of the Undine, but one would not be able to tell that from her at first glance.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She has been able to keep the Nowhere Children among the most notorious and feared pirates around, showing incredible preservation in her battle. She has been able to face double her fleet size and take minimal damage during one of the most infamous pirate battles in history, The Battle of Redlock Cove.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is fairly average among all other facets, though she excels greatly in the Art of Naval Tactics, Naval procedures, and literature,

Morality & Philosophy

Cherylenne has a wish for equality among her people with the humans, as she worked along them in the navy and realized that not all of them are inheritly evil and are just trying to live their lives as best as they can. But at the same time, she wants to help try to fight against the systems in play in Emstecla. She is also very confused in her feelings toward Titrilar, as they took her in as an experiment, but it was an elven man who helped her escape.

Personality Characteristics


Cherylenne wishes to bring the Undine back to the home that her people have resided in for over 400 years. The humans have treated the Undine so bad, especially Senator Conroy, that she wishes that the Republic of Emstecla to be destroyed and replaced by a more fair government.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Cherylenne has a facination with literature, though she will never openly admit it, as she sees the entire act as too "feminine". She is extremely horrible when it comes to formal speeches to people of status.

Likes & Dislikes

LikesShe likes the adventure and freedom of being a pirate, compared to being a princess that is bound by rules and order. She also likes freedom fighters, as she can definitely relate to wishing to go against the politics that shackle people to misery and injustice. She is also a huge fan of partying wiht her crew, as she feels as though she can really connect with them after a drink and a good talk at the bar, if not a friendly game at the bar.
She has a bit of a bane against humans due to the treatment of Emstecla toward the Undine. She dislikes being judged or ruled as feminine, as she would much rather be on the same stage as any other man. Lastly, being called by the title of Princess or the name of royalty is her greatest pet peeve.

Vices & Personality flaws

Though she is very concerned about other people's safety, she is extremely reckless in her nature to where she finds pleasure in risking her life in once thought impossible odds.

Personality Quirks

Whenever things look bleak for her along with her crew, she will usually click her tongue.


Hobbies & Pets

She will spend an hour minimum during nights when the ship is anchored reading the latest literary pieces, though this secret is unknown even to most of her crew mates.


She speaks with a somewhat thick Scottish accent, as she probably developed this during her time in the military to seem more manly rather than a dainty lass and distract the men. She will swear heavily whenever she is having fun or calm, but will mainly refrain from it whenever there is a very present danger.


Captain Cherylenne

Ally (Important)

Towards Aygen Ryer Fey Shurman Ultress



Aygen Ryer Fey Shurman Ultress

Ally (Important)

Towards Captain Cherylenne



Captain Cherylenne

Ally (Important)

Towards Shimigata Yamashi



Shimigata Yamashi

Ally (Important)

Towards Captain Cherylenne



Long, somewhat unkempt Dark Blue Hair

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  • 1419 A.G.E.

    2 /6 14:00
    1419 A.G.E.

    7 /6 02:00

    The Battle of Redlock Cove
    Military action

    The battle between the Nowhere Children and the Emsteclan navy that secured the Undines as the most fearsome pirate crew in the seas.

    More reading
    Captain Cherylenne
    Additional timelines


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